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I Clavdivs

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Everything posted by I Clavdivs

  1. Your right ,it is .5m minimum distance between hoarding boards and touchline ....at the end of the day wee Strapp moved them to suit so everybody happy .
  2. Next two games against the league's bottom two....what could possibly go wrong ?. Defence looked better yesterday, however, we need to me more clinical up front and improve our woeful and wasteful corners and deadball situations. .
  3. Hoarding was on limit on both sides .I think there was a gap in hoarding just before the halfway line on JHS side (possibly left by hoarding moved to Colin Weir side) that allowed Strapp relatively unhindered throw ins on that side ,however , if memory serves there were more thowins on Colin Weir side when, we let , Morton came more into the game in second half .
  4. Perfectly legal to have hoarding where it was as long as it's more than .5m from touchline,and in the same way Morton play on a barely legal narrow pitch to suit their style of play which involves long throw ins and a fair amount of hoofing .
  5. Ode to Doogee There was a chino'd wee gnaff called Doogee, Who thought himself quite the Thuggee, He came to Firhill, Had another embarrassing spill, What a sad delusional wee gnaff is Doogee
  6. A battle between a team that can't score versus a team that can't keep a clean sheet....logic dictates a win for Thistle,however,we are Thistle ! ,so all bets off .
  7. Definitely not a Hydrid pitch,only the Uglies,Hampden and perhaps Hibs and Hearts are Hybrid.
  8. Mitchell wanted to come up for corner, a La Sneddon, at end of the Raith Rovers game but was ushered back by Dools .....can't understand that when 1-0 down and time almost up .
  9. It's not a hybrid pitch.Issue is the planned complete relaying of pitch at end of last season got scuppered due to prolonged payoffs resulting in only time for a quick top level scarify and reseed before new season.The old substrate remained in place with compaction and drainage issues resulting in the tired state of pitch.The groundsman should be given a medal for keeping it playable given all the issues IMHO.
  10. Pretty much in "Dugmeat" territory now with injuries piling up,opposition easily nullifying our all too predictable attacking options and a defence scared of it's own shadow. Can't see Dools turning this around as he has limited options on the bench .Lose on Saturday and Airdrie win against Arbroath and its goodbye to playoffs IMHO.
  11. Despite our pressure at the end I could not see where our goal was going to come from.Raith always seemed to have a man extra man in the box and got the rub of the green /bounce in their favour .Not complaining ,just need to pick ourselves up and get fired into the Guffies on Saturday .
  12. I'm afraid my expectation peaks at Sylvia and nosedives at Thunderstruck these days ,however, will be on my usual perch squawking pish for 90 minutes tonight as per.
  13. Bottom half closest to ground is also know as "Dog Shite Alley"...mind yer plates when walking back to car .
  14. It's an exquisite and unique example of rhyming free verse,but you knew that... didn't you ?
  15. You have a very low opinion of yourselves if you think you are in the same ballpark as those honkin Roasters.
  16. Williams,O'Reilly,Sneddon and now possibly big Adeloye(took a nasty stumble yesterday ) ....Happy to say BBBG OK for Tuesday night .
  17. 9 games now without a win and still third in this bonkers league.With our injury list piling up I can't see anything other than a lucky ,scrappy point on Tuesday night .
  18. A frustrating performance that sums up our campaign so far .Riven with inconsistencies and worrying lapses in concentration ...started off well and should have been one up after 20 mins then faded to blustering panic and rightly shipped two goals.Got back into it with some favourable refereeing and then faded again . Perhaps Dools should have freshened it up a bit more when Tomi went off but hey ho what do I know . QP seem better organised and "tactically cynical "under greetin faced Davidson and were rightly aggrieved yesterday, however, they are now surely one of the most moany faced teams in the league ...Drama Queens whit ! .
  19. Barring injuries can't see Dools tweeking anything after what was a solid defensive/midfield performance against a very physical United. Hopefully more of the same with a bit more shooting opperchancities....perhaps McInroy for Robinson if the wee man puts himself about too much and takes a sore one .
  20. Great spirit and tenacity shown today but FFS clear yer lines and stop trying to thread the ball out of the box especially when you have two predators in an around the box....you could see that United goal coming . In saying that happy with the point, getting that game out of the way and Morton dropping back again.
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