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I Clavdivs

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Everything posted by I Clavdivs

  1. My guess is he is not playing for which ever mediocre team they are supporting. .
  2. Gutted to hear about Gerry Collins.Gerry and Lambie..... one of the best Double acts in the Scottish game . RIP Gerry .
  3. Plastic pitch v Uncle Roy's Biscuit tin ....on balance Raith to stay down .
  4. If its anything like last year at Firhill it'll be around 250-300 .
  5. ....and finally...be afraid, very afraid of VAR /shyte Ref combo...it did for us last year in playoffs final....other than it'll be a Skoosh .
  6. I wonder if Doncaster will be coseying up to Uncle Roy again for the Dingwall leg ?
  7. Be careful of that man Murray..and no the Kyle variety .
  8. The big question for me is who ,apart from young Diack ,will be BBG's understudy ?....think we dodged a bullet by not nabbing Oakley .
  9. Indeed,add to that his Poundshop Grealish image ...no thanks .
  10. I like big Dunc,big character and a big presence for sure. However, did the alarm bells not start ringing when looking at his managerial stats pre ICT tenure ?....just saying like .
  11. Weekend not totally ruined....a good chance of Inverness going down and next weekend hopefully SJ....just can't be arsed with those tedious Northern away days anymore.
  12. Thanks ,was going to say, before my latest finger fumble, that I'm fairly relaxed about tomorrow night given our now under dog status.Not expecting much ,however,if we get another pull at the puggie... so be it .
  13. "Tired ,leggy,lack of depth of pool"....you name it we were it in first half and Raith should have been home and hosed .However,once we made the first subs and got our shape right I don't think Mitchel had anything to do(perhaps for all of second half)and we looked the most likely to take the leg .Were it not for Dabrowski we'd be looking at a very different score today so tie very definitely still on . Belief will be a big factor on Friday as well as getting the first psychologically important first goal .
  14. According to the Sybil there will be no dancing in the streets of Raith on Friday ,she did sound vague though .
  15. Feck it ,just get tore in Jags.The law of averages must be with us in getting something against this mob and BBG's eye is certainly in and in the mood.
  16. I'll counter that with two words ..... Luke and McBeth .
  17. Am hearing (Greenock Telegraph) that we have made a decent bid for Oakley ...if true could be massive for us ....and a kick in the Chinos for others.
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