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Posts posted by Sonam

  1. Feb alright as starts getting noticably lighter. I definately suffer from SAD. Yet, don't like when it's too light either.

    March often cold, exceptions of courae. That first year of Covid, mind it was better than summer those first 3 months weather wise. I was lucky didn't lose anyone (sorry for those that did).

    Summer I often find overrated. Must invest in blackout blinds for summer. Too light!!!

    April & May are great months. Also good months for league football, whether County fighting relegation or going for promotion play offs / league Championship. Interesting being a County fan then.

    This mid June to mid July will be great for mens Euro's. Scotland there this time. Can't wait, though can't afford to go. Lucky for those that can.

    Mid August through to Sept also perfect. Sept probably my fav month of all.

    October don't like, usually rain starts. November the worst. December not great, but Christmas can be nice some years. Though for many, a difficult time of year.

  2. Last time I started a thread for the Aberdeen match I was quite confident that County could win both matches. Instead County got completely thrashed 4-0 at Pittodrie. Pathetic it was! Then a few days later were again extremely poor in that 1st half league Cup match with that Shinnie wonder goal it has to be said. While there was a late fightback, I was really pissed off that they lost that game especially as Aberdeen were off form up until that double header. Was a real wasted opportunity for a semi final.

    I don't know what to expect for this league game. Disappointed that County let a 2-0 lead slip against Hearts, as soon as Hearts scored I just knew they'd equalize.

    For Tuesday's match, again should be looking at winning this. Hope there is a good crowd. Aberdeen do bring big support each time it has to be said.

    Like I mentioned last time, perhaps Aberdeen fans may in a way want to lose to get rid of Robson? When last did County beat Aberdeen? I can't remember tbh. Would like to see White or Brophy get a goal, Murray too. Anyway, can see a score draw which won't help either team. Big match for County definately!

  3. Can only see an easy a win here for Rangers.

    Rangers appear to have landed themselves a decent manager in Clement. Got a feeling that Rangers may go on to win the league, as Celtic have gone backwards with Rodgers. (No, it's no 2nd team thing though it sounds like it.)

    Unless it's a faultless defensive performance from County, I fear the final scoreline. A hammering here after Adams recent comments also won't look good. Not confident, but County have to beat Rangers someday. Never happened though doubt it will happen at Ibrox this Wed.

  4. 19 minutes ago, USSR Tycoon said:

    We already have a winter break coming up. Nothing wrong with football on Christmas weekend. It’s an entertainment business and Christmas football is a great way to start the holidays.

    Totally agree, my family, nephews etc were planning on going. Disappointing.

    Saying that, from a County point of view think it would have been a big win for Hibs. So probably best it's off. 

  5. If Murray joins, then will certainly be a great signing. Maybe not be a big goal scorer Premiership. In the Championship he will rip it up like at Queens Park.

    Not many players these days I take to, but he tries his heart out in each and every match. Runs for everything, is super fit, his attitude alone lifts the other players.

  6. 15 hours ago, bunglebonce said:


    Some illuminating comments from Adams.

    • Changing the working week for the players, so they have Wednesdays off rather than Mondays
    • It explains a recent fixture change for the Motherwell match at Fir Park to a Tuesday. I do remember Adams always wanting his fixtures on a Tuesday night.
    • That would make the work-life balance harder to stomach for those who still have families outside the Highlands. Bust-up or not, if Murray's family are still in Dundee for example, you can see why he would soon want away.
    • Malky did many things wrong, but he did work on making it as attractive as possible for players to sign for the club. Adams only wants short-term contracts with no prospect of players going home for 48 hours. Why would players play in Dingwall with no job security and little prospect of regularly seeing their families?

    I hope I'm proved wrong but I think the lack of empathy by Adams will be his undoing.

    Lack of empathy, couldn't have put it better. 

  7. Yes, also seeing far too many Dundee Utd fans certain Simon Murray is a done deal in Jan.

    That will be IMO a huge loss. If County could at least least keep him for the full season I'd be happy. According to the United fans, Jan move is certain. With his positive attitude, great work ethic and goals. Can't see where we would get a like for like replacement. There are better players out there of course, but on a budget and trying to convince them to move up here. It's his work ethic I like, runs for everything and that rubs off on the other players.

    Looking like play offs, or relegation if Livingston pick up form. Adams will be judged in his signings. I'm not confident at all sadly. Partick, Raith or Dundee United will win I reckon. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Sensible Soccer🏴 said:

    Ok, I was at the game yesterday, a last minute goal to lose any game is hard to take. But wtf is Derek Adams going on about, imo he needs to (attempt to justify) or apologise for his comments. I understand he's emotional but if he's not able to compose himself to do a post match interview, then he shouldn't do one. What he's done is ridicules himself, and the club. 

    I don't think it's a stretch to imagine MacGregor, and the board will be questioning how we have got ourselves into this situation, and how we get out of it.

    It was perhaps a message to MacGregor to get his checkbook out. Sure, we need a few more quality players but how? Look at some of the wages being paid in the worse quality League 2 IMO. 

    The next match against Hibs is going to be massive. Unfortunately, I don't see a County win. A big defeat here and well, I will know who I will blame....

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