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Posts posted by Sonam

  1. I will personally warm more to Adams once I see his signings over the next few transfer windows. I'm still sceptical. Most clubs get a new manager bounce. Good start, but long way to go IMO. Pleased Malky gone, just not convinced Adams will be as successful despite last nights excellent performance (1st half they were immense). Motherwell were however VERY poor, even for them. Perspective

    St. Mirren away next will be much bigger test (despite the recent home win). Dundee then at home (Sat 16th), followed by Hibs at home (Sat 23rd).

    Hope to see big crowds at those. Definately a team worth seeing at the moment for those that don't have season tickets (like I'm fortunate to be able to afford). For those who pick and choose their games I would try to go to both if money allows, though difficult on build up to Christmas I know...

  2. 11 hours ago, AndyX said:

    It sounds like DA is just a bit frustrated that he's inherited a lot of players that he's not that keen on, and they're mostly signed up for next season on decent wages.  Players that he would let leave if he could. It's easy to agree that there's a good number of these players who haven't done much to earn their contracts.


    That happens to mostly all managers who join a club. Short term contracts aren't the way either IMO.

    I think County have a good enough team to stay up, but freezing players out like Brophy isn't a good start (unless injured). Brophy has goals in him, don't you all remember when he first signed on loan?

    White, even dare I say Murray will go off form and there isn't many other attacking options.

    I was pleased to see Turner get a chance, intelligent to rest Dhanda occassionaly. 3 goals up, they could do that. Though Turner was a bit wasteful, lets hope thats a one off as he is decent. Just not in Dhanda's class.

    While Dhanda is sheer class, I still rate Karim Boukraa well above. He was unbelievably skillful for those that remember.


  3. 7 hours ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

    I really feel for Kettlewell, he genuinely seems like a decent guy which really isn't a given for Scottish Premiership managers. I'd probably give him Saturday if I had any faith that he'd play a 5-3-2 with a left footed wingback and a midfield 3 of 3 midfielders but it feels like he's straying further away from that rather than closer.

    Yeah, apparently he is a geniunely nice person and the players at County liked him. I wanted him to do really well when he left. He was a hard working, solid player as well and did a lot of good things at County. I was sad when he left tbh.

    Hope he stays and you beat St. Johnstone, then St. Mirren. Rangers too!!

    Really decent support Motherwell had last night, singing positively up until the 3rd goal. I expected negativity and there wasn't from what I could hear.

    Despite an off form Motherwell, there is no way they will be relegated or in the play offs. Your goaly isnae good tho!

  4. It's nice to have a 'new' manager bounce, but will judge Adams over the next 2 seasons if he lasts that long. Hope he does well, but Motherwell had a Kettlewell bounce last season, Aberdeen same with Robson. Will it last? I hope so, but I'm not getting carried away just yet. It was a superb performance, 1st half especially. Dhanda was superb, Murray work ethic is fantastic.

    What's up with Brophy, is he injured? Naughty step? If not injured, would like to see him on as a sub. Give players a chance at least,

  5. 26 minutes ago, StoneThrowAway said:

    Get that up you, Kets. 

    Stuart Kettewell from what I heard is a really nice guy, was a solid player and did a lot of great things at County.

    Of course when it ended at County, justifiably so. Don't get the dislike and hope he gets a little more time to turn it round at Motherwell, doubt it though...

    County played Motherwell off the park, especially in that 1st half. Should have been 4-0 at half time. Dhanda, Murray, in fact most of the team played well.

    Fair play to the Motherwell fans travelling up and singing throughout the first half at least.

  6. Repeating myself, but this spell of matches will be very interesting to see where on the table County will be sat by Christmas. Each match difficult, but winnable games if you know what I mean.

    Kilmarnock (H) 

    St. Mirren (H) Tue 28th Nov

    Livingston (A) Sat 2nd Dec

    Motherwell (H) Tue 5th Dec

    St. Mirren (A) Sat 9th Dec

    Dundee (H) Sat 16th Dec

    Hibs (H) Sat 23rd Dec (Nice having a home match them

  7. Eamonn Brophy winning goal is what I sense :) Scrolling thru recent results and Killie appear to be on or off form, hot & cold, inconsistent at least. It's a winnable match though not overly confident even if County get a new manager bounce. 

    This is a crucial partof the season and the start of some really massive matches for County. One game at a time blah blah, but County have to get some victories amongst

    Kilmarnock (H) 

    St. Mirren (H) Tue 28th Nov

    Livingston (A) Sat 2nd Dec

    Motherwell (H) Tue 5th Dec

    St. Mirren (A) Sat 9th Dec

    Dundee (H) Sat 16th Dec

    Hibs (H) Sat 23rd Dec (Nice having a home match then)

    Hope Adams gets off to a good start. 

  8. Hope that this works out this time. I'm not overjoyed with Adams returning to be honest. I'm pleased that Malky has gone, just this appointment took me by suprise and felt a bit rushed. Would have been curious to have seen a full list of managers who were interested in the appointment, interview process, that type of thing.

    Roy could even could have got a 'plan B' appointment lined up for future by seeing who was interested this time.

    I'm pleased it's a manager with experience, rather than a Don Cowie appointment for example. Not the time for inexperience, not this time for Don anyway. Adams doesn't appear to suffer fools and definately comes across as 'old school' style management. How that will go down with the players these days God knows!!

    At the moment, I just fear relegation and I'm not confident at all that County will stay up. Whether Adams can get them playing good, positive football, if County do get relegated at least entertain the fans with good football, effort and that :)

  9. 1-0 is hardly a very convincing victory though is it? Looking at the stats on BBC County had 56% possession, 2 shots on target compared to Saints 3, wow!

    10-8 shots off target (to Saints). Of course, this was a winnable game for County. Despite our bad form. 

    Saints will stay up, Levein like I said is decent. Good fixture for me normally as easier to get too. Feels like I'm on a Dundee forum or something! 

  10. 4 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

    Is there a cure for being a self entitled c**t?


    I agree with your last point though, County and almost all connected are pathetic.

    Self entitled, pehaps I am. Who cares, I don't! Thought you'd be happy with a victory and securing a decent manager. Been a good week for Saints all in all.

    Wasn't meaning to cause any offence to Saints fans. Just frustrated really, as Saints haven't exactly been playing well so far this season and this was a match I hoped for more. 

  11. 59 minutes ago, forkboy said:

    Cool, cool. So if this continues then the only thing keeping County off the bottom is goal difference.

    Someone let me know when I'm allowed to be unhappy with this. At least Livingston are playing Rangers tomorrow so will probably lose.

    Wasn't at the game due to health issues. However there is no two ways about it, that was a fucking terrible result!!! Every right to be furious with that!

    I could have accepted a high scoring loss, at least it would have showed County had a real go, exactly what I tried to convey when I began the thread. Also no offence to St. Johnstone at all, new manager or not, County shouldn't be losing there. Pathetic!

    i'm sure Levein will go on to be a success over the coming months, I do rate him highly as a manager. Can see them sign some good players in Jan, yet for now it's still the same mediocre/crap team, he hasn't signed anyone yet. No excuses really.

    The only positive thing going in County's favour is the tightness of the league. Even after that shocking result, bizarrely still only 7 points of 4th place! Imagine if they somehow went on a winning run. Yet, just can't see it though.

    With yet another international break ahead Georgia v Scotland (Thu 16th Nov, 5pm ko) and Scotland v Norway (Sunday 19th Nov, 7:45pm ko), next match is Kimarnock at home next Saturday, 25th Nov.

    While I intend going, I'm not confident at all. Have had my own issues with gambling, but an 'away win' feels like a definite here! Then home again to St. Mirren (Tue 28th Nov 7:45pm ). 0 points from those game and the pressue to sack Malky will begin I reckon.

    Then on Sat 2nd Dec, Livingston away followed by Motherwell home at (Tue 5th Dec). Crucial matches coming up basically...


  12. Hope to see County attack Saints with all guns blazing! New manager or not, games like this County should be winning if they intend staying in this league.

    Even if the result doesn't go their way, want to see a real positive display. Brophy, Murray and Dhanda starting. Somehow would like to see Turner start as well. 

    A crap display here will put serious doubts in my mind if County can stay in this league.

  13. Well I can't say I'm excited for this game after the dreadful late collapse against Motherwell. Can only see a Hibs win tbh. Sounds like Hibs on form as well with a decent result against Celtic at the weekend.

    Would like to see Brophy & Murray start. Also Dhanda get a full 90 mins.

    I wasn't at the Motherwell game and haven't got round to watching the highlights. Was there a reason Dhanda was substituted at half time? 

  14. On 27/09/2023 at 12:50, Moorie said:

    This is going to go one of two ways. He’s going to be a success and will attract interest from higher up the league. Or he’s going be out the door within 3 months. 
    personally think it will be the latter. 

    Nah, there is a middle option which I hope happens. ICT finish just outside the promotion play offs. Think Dunc will do alright, but not that great either. 

    County need the derby if the worst happens which is a real possibilty this season despite the alright start this year.

    Would be really crap if County got relegated without the derby bonus. That usually is a given. While many County fans would laugh if ICT relegated, would be really bad for the area. I miss the derby, it brings fans to both clubs and it's been too long.

    If somehow he turned it around and ICT got promoted, then I'd be happy as long as County stayed up... which I doubt at the mo

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