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Posts posted by Sonam

  1. I hope Aberdeen get a win tonight, or a draw at least tonight and completely tire themselves out. Wouldn't be suprised as it's European matches like these that players rise to the occasion as it makes them personally look good. Rises any transfer fee, future wages etc. Self-centred in a way.

    Any background stuff goes out the window, whether they like the manager or not, whether they are happy living in Aberdeen etc. Not saying they don't, but clearly the squad is taking time this season to settle for whatever reason. Whether they will cope well over the course of the season, will see.

    Would be very suprised if they make 3rd again with such a bad start. It certainly is also a test playing 2 matches each week. I bet also the atmosphere playing on a Sunday probably not quite the same as a Saturday. Anyway its good luck to the Dons tonight (and this isn't a second team thing for those that wonder...)

  2. On 19/09/2023 at 13:11, mozam76 said:

    The way the manager has respun our squad time and again, and each time managed to piece together a group capable of being top half contenders, is quite something

    Martindale is the best manager in the league, hands down. While Steve Robinson is on a winning run spree for now, it won't last. As you say he keeps managing to rebuild the squad and definately knows how to spot a player. I'm really suprised he is still at Livingston and not a top Championship side.

  3. County I thought were the better team right up until the Livi equalizer. Don't remember many Livi clear chances other than the counter attack goal. Thought it was a scrappy game overall, with fouls, needless dives and falling over from both sides.  Definitely a physical battle!! County defended well, despite the breakaway goal. It was well taken from what looked like a tight angle. Up until that point, County were pressing lots for the 2nd which would have won the match. For a while I was confident the 2nd was on its way, but hey ho.

    Once Livingston equalized the football was pretty poor from both teams, with the ball in the air a lot, headers back and forth and not much quality. Would have liked to have seen Brophy on a lot earlier though. Was surprised to see Dhanda subbed off, even though late in the game he could still have done something. 2 points dropped I felt, but not too disappointed.

    However like each season, Livi will be a very difficult team to beat no matter who the opposition is. Wouldn't be suprised to see Livi beat Celtic or Rangers at home this season at least. Last season County would have lost that game.

    Aberdeen double header next away on the Sunday, then home for the cup on Wednesday. I'm confident for both games tbh and going to both. Onwards & upwards

  4. On 04/09/2023 at 19:52, Pete the Jakey said:

    Trying to buy tickets for the Aberdeen cup game, I'm a season ticket holder.  Cant login and I am stuck in an infinity loop - not accepting my password, and reset password says my email address isnt recognised, sign up as a new user says my email address is already registered.  It cant be both..  Anyone else having difficulty?

    I have also tried, different browsers, even tried an Apple phone and just gave up. Website is a joke in this day and age. I'm a season ticket holder as well.

    The club even messed my season ticket seat option as well. Instead of being back row of the stand, was assigned front row. FFS!!!

    At least I can move around, even in the Rangers match the other week moved seat freely. To be fair, that's a positive at least...

  5. The problem County had with the previous match against Rangers was they were just f'inn awful in that first half. They must start better, instead of sitting off like that and watching the game go by. Especially as Rangers weren't at their best, not a settled team (as proved by PSV). It was a real opportunity to beat Rangers for the 1st time ever and they blew it. I was fuming at tue end of that 1st half, really pissed me off when compared to the positivity against Celtic. Game was over before they put the effort in 2nd half.

    To get anything against Killie they are going to have to be positive, quick with controlled aggression from the start. If they sit back and constantly invite Killie onto them then it will end badly. Can't see a win here, though hope I'm wrong.

  6. Not confident for this match tbh. Already I would take a draw. Killie are always a difficult team to play against, especially away. Not quoting Sportsound here, but really think McInnes is a very good manager as well. Also that plastic pitch is worth mentioning...

    I know it won't happen, but if County play Brophy from the start, then I see possibilty. Just the way things work... All in all, not confident of a result at all really :(

  7. I really doubt Mackay will join Hibs. It would divide their support for sure! However if he does, from a PURELY 'management only' point of view he would be a huge loss for County. I reckon he is a really decent manager, despite the texts etc. He has decent contacts within the game. 

    Promoting Don Cowie or whoever won't be the same. Derek Adams again? Who else? Whilst it may bring the fans back if Mackay goes, I'd worry County would stay in the league. Yet can understand fans happy that he left, but who replaces him? 

  8. 4 hours ago, BuieCounty said:

    Stewart's a cracking striker these days at that level, that will be a bargain for them if he gets them promoted.

    As for top 6 for County, Impressive home win against St johnstone but 1 swallow does not make a summer, far too early to tell. 8th or 9th would be just fine.


    Stewart was a superb striker, unlucky with injuries for sure last season. Superb attitude and run his heart out for every ball as well.

    No idea if County would get much from the transfer sell on, but good luck to him either way. A player that should be considered seriously for Scotland as well I reckon.

  9. 4 hours ago, BuieCounty said:

    Stewart's a cracking striker these days at that level, that will be a bargain for them if he gets them promoted.

    As for top 6 for County, Impressive home win against St johnstone but 1 swallow does not make a summer, far too early to tell. 8th or 9th would be just fine.


    Aye, I would agree with that. Anything above 8th would be good. 

  10. Despite it being on TV will be going to this game in the hope that County get their 1st ever victory against Rangers. 

    With the early 12:30pm kick off and Rangers surely resting the odd player, there is some hope here. It's a great opportunity if County play to their strengths and defend well. Do think County will get a goal, maybe even two, it's the defending well part causes concern.

  11. 11 hours ago, Tommy Tappin said:

    That was the best example of the impact of financial doping in UK sport since the Rangers Liverpool game last year. 

    Villa having spent near 100m to Hibs 1.5m I saw mentioned elsewhere. While I don't rate Lee Johnson at all, really don't think any manager could have done much better other than keep the score down and defend the whole 90mins. Even then, Hibs would get hammered in the 2nd leg. It's a sad state of affairs for those who remember when football wasn't like this. The financial doping is making even the EPL totally predictable. 

  12. 17 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

    The keeper makes a difference.  But Dundee United had two clown shoes central defenders in front of him.  I don’t think St Johnstone are quite that bad.  I do have to question why they didn’t go for either of the two centre backs County signed though.  

    I also don't think St. Johnstone are that bad, nowhere near as bad as Dundee Utd last season. Don't know the full extent of their injury problems either. I seriously doubt they will play like that for the full season. However, they were very, VERY poor today and it was a really easy win for County in the end. Should have won by a lot more than 2 goals, especially if more composure was taken by both Murray and White. It should really have been a 4-0 type match IMO. Lots of great crosses in too which was encouraging. Randall was superb, as was Turner when he came on. Leak looked solid also which is promising. I also would have liked to see Brophy on earlier and supriser Henderson didn't make an appearance. Maybe for the Airdrie game next week which I hope the team are up for. It's time for a cup run, or at least we get a pay day against the old firm if knocked out next round.

    The extremely disappointing thing which every County fan will know, is Dhanda going off with what looks like a serious injury. The challenge looked very bad, but will have to see it on replay and haven't watched yet. Hope he isn't out too long as sure will be missed against better teams especially. Unfortunately I don't think we can read too much into yesterday's game, Saints were miles behind and County will play far more organised, quicker, fast passing teams in the matches ahead. Great result though :)

  13. The Leak chart is interesting, thanks for sharing. No comparisons should be made here though I reckon.

    Don't think we can compare Iacovitti to Leak as it is totally different leagues and completely different scenarios. Salford City finished 7th in League 2 last season making the play-offs (losing in the semi final). The Salford defence certainly won't have been tested anywhere near as much as County's who were fighting a relegation battle. While there is definite question marks about the quality of the Premiership, County play in a league where pretty much every match the defence is thoroughly tested and usually aren't favourites in every match pretty much. If it was a comparison from a player from a struggling League 1 club, e.g. Morecambe, then a comparison would be more accurate.

  14. 1 hour ago, Rcfc fan said:

    25 years old is a perfect age to sign a bit of experience but plenty time left to get a decent sale fee , previous experience in Spanish 2nd division, English league one and two, 6ft 3” 

    nothing not to like about that signing on paper at least, look forward to seeing him play.

    feel our squad is just about complete now!

    Know nothing about Ryan Leak, but sounds an interesting signing and agreed, a perfect age and good experience.

  15. 5 hours ago, forkboy said:

    I see Malky has come out in the P&J to say Yan Dhanda is going nowhere. Which I certainly didn't expect 2 months ago, I figured there was no way County would hold on to him. Would be nice if we didn't just hoof the ball from back to front so much so we could actually utilise him but hey, baby steps.

    I'm very suprised as well that Yan Dhanda is still here. A superb quality player who really stands out most matches. Usually County can only keep such quality for 1 season these days. Wouldn't be suprised if some club puts an offer in that they just can't refuse. IF that happens, as long as there is time to find a replacement otherwise my optimism will sink for the season. Seriously doubt though that they would find someone as good in a short time.

    If he stays, then superb! Keep him for the season. His attitude seems great as well and I'm sure he would play to his full potential right to the end of his contract. Either way, good as long as he isn't snapped up on last day of the window.

  16. Like some previous seasons, I don't think there is going to be a big point difference from 11th place to 6th, maybe even 5th place. Reckon it will be real close. If you ignore the old firm, the league is quite entertaining. Things can change quickly with a few wins before the split as County have found out when they previously finished in the top 6. 

    I would be very suprised if St. Johnstone got relegated, don't think it will happen. No reason for thinking this way. Yet, they are one of the teams I except to be in the battle for sure. 

    Nothing against Killie or Livinston fans, but I hope they both go down purely because of the plastic pitches that should have no place in the top flight IMO. Doubt Killie will go down, but Livingston with budget cuts and an unhappy manager, who knows...

  17. However... the reason why I think this is a particularly key match is looking at Saints fixtures. If they lose here, they theh have Celtic away next, then a derby with Dundee (that Dundee will be totally up for!) then Rangers, then Hibs away. If they don't get many points from those matches, Steven Maclean will be under real pressure especially as Saints fans expect to at least be near the top 6. Injuries or not.

    This County v Saints match is a big one for sure!

  18. 10 hours ago, SJFCtheTeamForMe said:

    While I'm not writing games off, I'm in agreement about the under pressure aspect. Even without anymore signings this week the players can win games. 

    Randomguy knows this already I'm sure as we discussed it in the Saints thread. Fans of other clubs think he's close to the sack etc. The reality is, they're utterly wrong. He isn't. At all. 

    It's not the County fans fault for the £28 ticket price so not going to moan at them. It's ridiculous though. I do wonder if that shoe was on the other foot would we see our fans applying pressure to the club. £25 is already a lot. 


    £28 for an away ticket is indeed a total rip off!! It is ruining Scottish football as I too can't afford to go to many away games. No wonder we get low crowds. I do wonder if they charged a far more reasonable amount, especially with Perth not being too far away they could get double or triple the amount of away fans. What an atmosphere it could be as well!! Would bring out the best in both teams. It also would likely bring out more home fans as well. Important, as some may then buy a season ticket.

    The rip off prices are happening everywhere pretty much and I can totally understand why people would give this game a miss, especially in a cost of living crisis. Shameful, it really pisses me off. 

    However, while it is only the 2nd game of the season, I think there could be a few teams struggling this year. Didn't know about St. Johnstone's injury list during the league cup, I have been avoiding Sportsound as the program really has gone downhill super fast. The old firm show really :(


  19. 4 hours ago, Rcfc fan said:

    I think if Murray goes down straight away under the contact from Hart it would’ve been awarded as a penalty.

    The fact he carries on trying to run goes against him and when he goes down Hart is no where near him.



    Exact. Didn't think it was a penalty, however these days it should have been checked by VAR and the referee should have taken a closer look. Maybe, award the penalty and at the same time book Murray for an exagerrated late dive. 

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