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Posts posted by Sonam

  1. 15 minutes ago, Staggie_93 said:

    Decent finish from the striker for St Johnstone, who’s caused us a lot of problems, but that was horrendous from Nightingale.

    Shocking mistake from Nightingale. Was like he wasn't focused at all. St. Johnstone way better team 1st half. 

    County at least starting this 2nd half more positive...


  2. The last time County won was on 5th Dec beating Motherwell 3-0. Things at that time seemed optimistic. That match felt like a turning point.

    They then lost to a very off form St. Mirren at the time. That game was winnable for sure! Even a respectful draw would have been ok. Then followed by the last min defeat at home to Dundee and THAT interview by Derek Adams. 

    Lets face it, Dec & Jan have been terrible months for County. It's tough enough personally dealing with winter, dark nights, depressing weather, Xmas pressures during a cost of living crisis & Tory government that seem intent in destroying the country. Football is my distraction, for me in winter even more so.

    In those month, Dec&Jan, to have the team off form really pissed me off. I blame Adams personally. All these loan players, time will tell if they are better than what we have. Will the good ones stay? Probably not...

    I do hope things work out somehow. Would be superb to see County stay up! 

    Have to say, personally I would like to see an amicable settlement at the end of the season with Adams leaving. Keeping County up would be seen as a 'success' for him, just think Roy made a mistake getting him back. Anyway, wouldn't be suprised whatever happens at the end of the season.

    A win here would get County above St. Johnstone and would slowly help get fans like me back onside. Adam's has chosen these loan players, hope it's enough. This match is massive!

  3. The way Laidlaw has been treated having done nothing wrong in the recent games leading up being dropped is sickening. I thought he was very good this season, though haven't made it to many away games. For those that make most games, am I missing something? Why has he been dropped?

    To be dropped for or a short term loan GK who is unlikely to sign a permanent deal. What is going on at the club!

    Lose today and Adams will be under pressure. Do hope they win, but I am not confident at all. 

  4. Wish I could make this game. If it was at a different time of year, not freezing mid-week January I would make the effort. 

    I have no idea what to expect for this match. I've not watched the highlights yet from the Celtic defeat at the weekend. Sounds like from the reports I've read that the new players made a difference. I guess they have a point to prove (for now). While I despair that short term loan players could become a constant feature, as long as County avoid the play offs I will be happy.

    Win this and County go above St. Johnstone on goal difference and equal Motherwell on points with 1 game in hand of both. Would be only 5 points off Hibs in 6th place! It's a close league really and a few other teams could hopefully be dragged into this relegation battle yet.

    I like Livingston and do still think Martindale is a decent manager. It's obvious he wasn't happy from the start of the season. I would be sad to see them go down, as they often take points off the old firm. However if they did would be great to see them hammer ICT next season. Probably going to be 0-0 or something. 


  5. This will be an important match for Derek Adams. Lets face it, Celtic are going to win but by how much? I would settle now for a 3-0 defeat now tbh.

    Saying that, even towards the Kettlewell County, whilst in poor form, managed to win at Parkhead a few years back. 

    Celtic aren't as good as last year, but this could get embarrassing if it's a riculously high scoring win.

    County have Livingston at home soon after on Tue 30th which is obviously a HUGE game. If it weren't for embarrassment of a thumping, almost worth playing a B-Team here and resting the better players. 

  6. Understand that with the cost of living these days, spending a lot of cash on going to a game especially if you have kids is something to very carefully consider. We could have gone on a Scottish cup run, Partick have Livi at home next match. 

    I bought an early bird season ticket, I will certainly be supporting the team in the remaining games. Whether I personally like Adams or not doesn't really matter, it's great for the town I was born in to have a team playing in Scotland's top league. When I started watching them, they were bottom of the Highland league.

    There are certainly a lot of issues going on, perhaps a lot more behind the scenes. Just hope County somehow stay up, regardless of who the manager is. 

    Adams does have to reflect on his own words & behaviour as I feel it's turning fans away. That is after Malky which is some feat!

  7. 45 minutes ago, MarkPockets said:

    Has he though? Or are we all just speculating that through the lack of information? In all honesty, I expected a lot more outs in the last couple weeks from the rumours flying about which never came to fruition. If anything, Murray's interview above makes it sound like they all are behind him 

    He's not singled out any player to throw them under the bus. He's been honest and said they aren't playing well. Anyone can see that, would you rather we get the Malky shite of "on another day, we win that game blah blah" & nothing changes? I'm quite happy having a manager open to tell the truth after a game & if the performances aren't inspiring, I'm not expecting him to come out after and be happy about it. He's 8 weeks into a job and (until yesterday) had been working with players signed before he arrived. He can't be held fully accountable for that 

    29 pages that 'Adams interview' thread got. Hardly convinces the County non-season ticket holders to spend hard earned cash and turn up! Yet, I do think he has a point, the standard has got worse, however that is across the whole league. Yet saying Morecambe were 100 times better! Hardly motivating is it?

    Would you work harder if your boss critised the team you work with in a manner like that? No wonder players are not giving 100% as the Murray's interview suggests. Looks like already resentment amongst the team by the sounds of it.

    Losing 3-0 at home to Partick, as stated 8 points off the top of the Championship is a shocking result. County had better cup runs in the Highland league! A good manager will know a team's weaknesses but somehow inspire them to go on a run. Did Kettlewell complain about the Motherwell squad when he took over? While not doing well now, last season Kettlewell just got on with the job. Wish Adams would keep the ability of the current players between himself. MacGregor and scouts. 

    I think even stubborn MacGregor is regretting taking back Adams tbh. 

  8. 52 minutes ago, MarkPockets said:

    Am I missing something? I understand other team's fans looking at Adams and thinking "What a twat" but I don't understand how our fans have turned on him so quickly?

    9 of the players that played yesterday were Malky signings. 1 of the 2 Adams signings was likely down to Laidlaw being rested in the cup as seems to be what a lot of clubs do in the Cup now. Adams clearly doesn't have the budget to do a full reset this window due to what was spent in the summer so he's utilising the loan market to get players in until then and there is absolutely no evidence we would be in a better spot under anyone else.

    Yes, his post match interviews are a bit polarising and what he says isn't going to please anyone, but what's actually incorrect in any of what he's said? We have been shite and underperforming and the players should know that too. His comments about "regretting" aren't actually his words. He's agreed with the interviewer that there are basics which need sorted which he didn't expect. That could be absolutely anything and kinda stands to other people's points about the club being poorly run. 

    People have short memories & the fact we have been a top flight side for most of the last decade seems to have blurred the expectations of a manager who has given us some of the best days in our history coming back and needing to rebuild what anyone could see was a poor and unbalanced squad. The fact Alex Samuel leaving is getting slated is baffling. The only bit I don't like about it is where he's gone! 

    Many new managers work successfully with the squad they inherit, don't moan, don't complain and just get on with it. Certainly they don't throw the players under the bus like Adams has done! 

    I don't have unrealistic expectations and expected a relegation fight anyway. However, Adams isn't exactly inspiring so far, is he? You don't understand why fans are turning on him, WTF!!!

  9. 8 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

    Simon Murray fully backing the manager there, I see.  He’s also not leaving. 

    That's a positive, however one of the reasons I like Murray so much as a player is he is not the sort to down tools regardless of who the manager is.

    Superb attitude that very few players have these days. County would be in a lot worse position this season if it weren't for his goals. Murray & Dhanda, we are screwed if they were to get injured.

  10. 31 minutes ago, mozam76 said:

    Folk like him give me the utter fear. The monotone delivery, the perma-grin, regardless of the message he’s conveying or the circumstances surrounding it. Just like Eddie Howe. 

    Worthy of at least an appointment to get their hard drive checked. 

    Oh aye - also, please keep him. The only scenario acceptable where he’s punted, would be if you took Martindale as replacement. 

    Would take Martindale in a heartbeat at County. I rate him, despite this season. I hope it happens, please sack him so we have an option at least!

    I also felt more confident County would stay up with Malky and that is saying something! Just been the worst of starts for Adams, self inflicted. 

    However, the monotone delivery, grin and such that you critise I think you are being extremely harsh. For all we know he could be on the spectrum (aspergers or something, ADHD, I don't know, only he knows I guess). People on the spectrum (if it is that...) can be extremely good at their jobs

    I don't think he is a bad person at heart, good managers often are eccentric Brian Clough, Jim McLean, even Alex Ferguson (no, he isn't in that league, I know). Just saying he is 'old skool' which I don't think works these days. 

    I hope he turns it around, but he sounds like he doesn't want to be here at the moment.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Sensible Soccer🏴 said:

    And to top things off, by giving ict Alex Samuel there's a very good chance we'll help save them from relegation to the seaside league. 


    There is sense in this, if we get relegated, at the very least we want a Highland Derby. Without that the Championship would be even more dire! 

    Roy has sacked managers quickly before, Dick Campbell, Willie McStay. This needs doing sooner rather than later.

  12. 15 minutes ago, Sensible Soccer🏴 said:

    It's only at the start of this Adams roadshow, and I want the bus to stop & for someone to chuck him off it.

    I wasn't convinced with swapping Mackay for Adams at the time but wholly shit it's been a horrendous journey so far! We've found a manager who actually makes our player worse than they were, what a walloper DA is.

    Hopefully DA loses the plot AGAIN today and is either punted for his conduct (like he should have been last time), or choose to quit because Morecambe are 100x better.

    Feel the same. Couldn't have picked a worse replacement. He has destroyed any little player confidence that was there was and I doubt any of these new signings will be up to much. 

  13. 41 minutes ago, Sensible Soccer🏴 said:

    How the actual F### do Sheaf, Loturi & Simms get a starting place, after their performances against Aberdeen, Henderson on the bench again too.

    I've no issue with giving the new keeper a run out in the cup, I'd be surprised if Wickens started in a league game.

    Maybe this is because, like last season the Scottish Cup yet again is low priority. I don't get the lineup either.

    Henderson deserves a start if they are going to be giving anyone a chance...

  14. 1 hour ago, StoneThrowAway said:

    I rate Samuel and think he’s a clever signing for ICT. He’ll do all the donkey work, allowing Mackay to concentrate on what he does best. Small in height but great at holding the play up, quick and an arse bigger than John McGinn’s. 

    id have kept him FWIW. 

    I am also sad to see him loaned out. Would have been a useful player for County in our inevitable relegation battle. Why is he loaned out, Derek Adams is your answer! Wants his own players. I'm already disillusioned with Adams tbh. Would have preferred if it had been White loaned out. 

  15. 3 hours ago, Dunning1874 said:

    Interested to see how Samuel gets on. There definitely looked to be a decent Championship player in there in his loan spell with us as a 20 year old. Only scored four goals (which included a double v Motherwell in the League Cup) but the vast majority of his appearances were from the bench while Stefan McCluskey was starting every week, because Jim Duffy. Injuries were quite frequent, in a familiar theme for Inverness this season.

    Definately a player there IMO. I hope he does really well for ICT. He was good towards the end of last season I thought. Definately a real grafter as others have said, similar to Murray in that way. Didn't score many for County, but apart from Murray not many of our players do!!! It will be interesting to see if he goes on a scoring run at ICT. Hope so. 

    Also, a genuinely nice person as well who takes time to speak to anyone. Good luck to him!

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