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Everything posted by Jedi2

  1. Wouldn't be so sure. Enough of them are sick of the damage done by the Greens and are both socially and fiscally conservative, so such policies shouldn't bother them. Tories get their time in the limelight by backing her up..after all it was good enough for Anna belle and Alex
  2. 'Fantatist...equating to the self same Kate Forbes taking 48% of the SNP membership vote a year ago, no not a majority but that was against Yousaf who was more of a draw than Swinney would be (seriously) It's all about staying in power...with Forbes you get backing in the chamber from the Tories to get legislation through (aside from obviously Independence). With the Tories having enough seats at Holyrood to make a difference to the numbers. So 'strong and stable' govt with Katie it is..or more chaos from the Greens with Swinney
  3. Isn't Forbes currently miles ahead in straw polls of SNP members? Meaning that she surely has to stand, presumably against Swinney.
  4. Greens obviously wouldn't work with her, but the Tories probably would, which would be comedy gold.
  5. Totally agree. Recruitment last summer of Dennis, Findlay, Deas, Mayo, Nbada, Magennis, Kennedy, and Watkins was spot on, and a major upgrade on last season. To then be able to add the likes of Stewart, GMS, and KVV, albeit they have been bit part, signalled the intent. DM has drastically helped to improve Lyons, Polworth and Armstrong who look like totally different players than under Wright. Although last season was a slog, the feeling was always there that once DM got his own men in, and was able to rely less on loans, that we would move upwards, though not as rapidly as we have. He has transformed the club in 2 years.
  6. Think getting Europe this season is a bigger achievement than in 2019. Steve Clarke inherited a good squad of players..obviously made them a lot better, and added Stewart, Mulumbu etc. This time, just 2 years out of the Championship, having to rebuild the squad. To get from there to here in 2 years is incredible work.
  7. Thought a draw was fair overall. Killie started as the better side, but once Hearts got a grip of central midfield, they moved the ball well, and clearly could have been 2 goals to the good at HT. The switch to 3-5-2 by DM at HT was the right call, as we needed an extra body in there. Subs also made a difference late on in what was a fairly flat 2nd half, and could have snatched it right at the end..Good save from Clark, but as said, draw felt right.
  8. 10th hot take? 1st repeating Yousaf's own words, and then suggesting that he is looking to strike a deal with the Greens after he himself said that he was meeting with them and other leaders this weekend, and Slater saying that supporting him was a conversation that 'they may be able to have again'. Direct quotations from politicians own mouths in 2 instances equals a hot take..quite
  9. The Humza will no doubt be scrabbling around now trying to offer the Greens a 'deal'...result will be the Greens doing a complete U-turn and abstaining next week..making Ash Regan utterly irrelevant. Meanwhile Yousaf will go on without a coalition with the Greens but still beholden to them to promote their 'policies'.
  10. You are right of course...the general public in Scotland won't see Yousaf's rhetoric as 'get the most seats and that's us Independent' after all 'Credibility' from staunch supporters of the Humza
  11. You can spin the Humza whatever way you like...he also has previous with his 'line one, page one in our manifesto..do you want Scotland to be an Independent nation'. The GE tactic is still to push a win of any kind (even by 1 seat) as a 'clear' mandate to say 'The people of Scotland have spoken and backed Independence. Therefore we will now negotiate the terms of that with the UK govt'. That is how it is being sold to the public Whether in those circumstances 'the terms' became another Ref, or, read another way from his own comments, that there is then a mandate to draw up a Withdrawal agreement doesn't really matter. The fact remains that he enters the election on the basis that (any) SNP win is a trigger for Scotland to then be an Independent country. Question is...are they in good shape now for that to become a reality this year?
  12. So, @lichtgilphead a 'withdrawal agreement' being drawn up with a 'majority' of seats 'isnt' UDI...rather think it is, maybe need to stfu as well.
  13. His staying on is the perfect scenario. Obviously the VONC in the govt will fail as the SNP won't back it. Means that he has to get to the GE as leader shouting about a 1 seat majority is enough for UDI, while struggling to get Bills passes in Holyrood and having Regan barking at the moon in Cabinet.
  14. Best outcome is 64:64...he gets to stay on, claiming a 'moral' victory or some such, as he no doubt will, and puts Reagan into the Cabinet in exchange for support. He then gets to the GE, and meanwhile at Holyrood limps along trying to scrabble together issue by issue votes.
  15. She will vote with the govt, so 64-64 it is and a win on penalties for Yousaf.(who will no doubt declare it a clear endorsement of his position)
  16. The irony that it will now be Ash Reagan who keeps the Humza in office.
  17. Still too much time for Michael to get all emotional (while whispering).
  18. Mixed bag..very slow first half..picks up a bit in the second once the 'originals' return, (who easily outshine the new members), but then has the feeling of a rushed ending.
  19. Probably still my all time favourite TV show.
  20. Meanwhile Killie can officially qualify for Europe with a win here and a Dundee defeat to Celtic..worst we could finish would be 5th. All to play for.
  21. Meanwhile over on Twitter/X, suggestions that there will now be no further charges laid, due to disagreements over the 'public interest', and how verifiable evidence is. Time will tell.
  22. Anndd...he's back. That 'win' presumably can be by 1 seat, on less than 30% of the vote, and UDI later this year, it is.
  23. Possibly. Meanwhile, will the Humza be replaced before the GE?
  24. You would certainly think, that 'if' there are further charges being prepared, as the media seems to be suggesting, that they would have to be announced in the very near future.Time will tell.
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