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Everything posted by Jedi2

  1. Given that the Tories have wrecked the UK economy over the past few years, and have ratcheted borrowing up to ridiculous levels, mostly to fund tax cuts in recent times, there is very little economic manoeuvre room for Labour to come in and spend money. The main difference is that they will borrow to invest in public services unlike the Tories, but there is still the Treasury, the Civil Service etc behind it all to pull the reigns in. Add in the impact of Brexit, and again, no government could just 'turn the spending taps on'. Blair also promised to stick to Tory spending plans for 2 years in 97, yet was able to still deliver record investment for public services over the course of 3 terms.
  2. Lorna Slater, the other Green minister effectively sacked by Mr Yousaf dissolving the coalition deal, left little doubt that trans issues had been a factor in the demise of the arrangement. She called on SNP members who “do care about trans rights” to quit the party and join the Greens'
  3. Suggesting the Greens prioritise Trans Rights=trolling Meanwhile, 'raging' that the SNP appoint a serial failure as their next leader...not really given that Forbes was the one with some talent (in the eyes of the general public at least). A Swinney govt on the other hand is good news for Labour..so..
  4. Don't really need to, as a cursory glance at most of them will see the words 'priority' and 'trans rights' going together, as well as it being the 'red line' for them in working with any other party (as well as severing their ties with the Green Party of England over the issue). What is much harder to find from a trawl is any articles on them talking about....guess what...Education, Housing, Transport..etc etc
  5. https://greens.scot/news/trans-rights-and-healthcare-must-be-delivered https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/apr/13/scottish-greens-gender-reforms-legal-challenge-was-potential-deal-breaker https://www.holyrood.com/inside-politics/view,impatient-for-change-interview-with-ross-greer-msp https://greens.scot/news/trans-rights-are-human-rights https://www.thenational.scot/news/19878879.scottish-greens-debate-cutting-ties-green-party-england-wales-transphobia/ https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/11/20/uk-politics-trans-awareness-week-trans-day-of-remembrance/ https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/are-the-greens-more-interested-in-trans-rights-than-saving-the-planet/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-65075733.amp https://greens.scot/news/court-of-session-verdict-an-important-day-for-trans-rights
  6. Point out a transphobic comment in anything I have said then. Clue: Saying that the SNP will be back on board with the Greens 'Equality' agenda in any sane world is not transphobic. (I appreciate that in witch finder/thought/Hate Crime Scotland it is probably considered to be such, but really it's not The Greens are on record as saying that their 'top' priority is to promote Trans Rights. Should that be on a 'programme' for a govt? Don't see why not. Should it be above Education, Health, Transport, Poverty, Crime, the Environment, Trade Union Rights, Policing, Fair Pay, Reducing violence against women and girls, Immigration, Housing...? I'll let you decide.
  7. So you had Humza on the phone to Regan on Sunday night or Monday morning still trying to do a deal to keep him in post. Meanwhile Sturgeon is briefing that he will resign. But she didn't have any influence on that decision. Patrick Harvie..consistently on record saying that he wouldn't work with a Forbes led govt...but that had no influence in today's events 'Boo to Equality, up with hate'. The only 'hate' around in recent times has been that directed toward a woman who expressed her opposition to some Green policies based on her religious beliefs. Humzas religious beliefs (from a tradition with a similar view on said Green policies) meanwhile were celebrated. In addition of course, we have a Hate Crimes Bill framed to catch out people who think the Cass Report might be 'scientific'. But, meanwhile the Greens are back, so raise a toast all round.
  8. Yes or No on this one then...(and so glad to see the Nats celebrating the return of Green votes to their govt) Is a Swinney led govt going to achieve the starting negotiations on Independence for Scotland this year? (Following the GE victory he is about to claim)?
  9. No, no really. More sad about the state of Scottish politics, when the Greens can be kicked out of the Cabinet only to effectively return a week later so that they can continue their agenda. And also of the continuing influence of Sturgeon...such is the hatred for Salmond that she can torpedo a deal with Alba and work to get the Greens back in.
  10. So Harvie and Sturgeon pulling all the strings...Harvie gets his wish to not have Forbes, and Sturgeon gets 'her' man in, with Swinney. And now, Swinney can do another deal with the Greens in order to get legislation passed,(and the Greens can get the SNP to keep plugging away at their 'Equality' agenda).The continuity,continuity candidate. Exactly the same pattern as the Tories in this parliamentary term...they handed the election of next leader to the members who botched it with Truss, same as the SNP with Yousaf. Next time around they cut the members out (too risky) and put Sunak in, unopposed. Now the SNP cut their members out (in case they plumped for Forbes) and have a Swinney Coronation.
  11. Excellent post and bang on the money
  12. Given that only Nat based polls 'count' despite being around the same sample size as the 'fake' Yoon ones, then no. And given that whatever I come back is so wittily dismissed as lying, moronic, fantasising etc...do you need to see Degree Certs as well now?....oh wait, that would either be a fantasy or copy and pasted as well..younreally do need to get some new material.
  13. Ah, a whole 2 years. Actually I do have a PhD, but still.
  14. Given that @lichtgilphead has slithered out again...as 'recently' as January of this year (some) polls had Yes on 50% (presumably they are the 'accurate' ones as its only ones with a Yes lead which count). Indeed there was a previous polling trend of between 45-50% Yes. Latest polls suggest 39. I know that an intellectual collosus such as @lichtgilphead expert on all subjects and PhD of Mathematics to boot doesn't regard 50 moving down to 39 as a 'downward' trend (therefore it isnt), but still. Next up, comfortable SNP wins to come at both the GE and next Holyrood election...Time will tell.
  15. So, if both stand and Forbes wins..the Greens won't vote for her when it comes to Holyrood meaning she couldn't be FM. Meanwhile if Swinney wins but does so by giving her a top Cabinet job (possibly deputy), the Greens again presumably can't vote it through at Holyrood. So..is it not the case now that the Greens will only support a Swinney Coronation (which doesn't include Forbes in a top job)? It's incredible that these cranks will continue to wield so much power and effectively get to decide who the FM is. If they can't get a Candidate passed by Holyrood vote they have 28 days to put another one forward which the Greens can vote for.
  16. Let's be honest..Count Binface or the guy who appears as Fish Finger at by-elections, could have moved Indy support up by a stonking 1% over a 10 year period. So for quality of leadership...Sturgeon, Yousaf, Binface..take your pick
  17. Out from under your rock again? So...by contrast the 'undecided' is actually latent 'Yes'? And wow..a whole 1% increase for Yes since 2014...that is some achievement for the SNP. Clearly once they sweep the board at the GE and next Holyrood election that figure will be soaring still further
  18. Latest polling..Yes 39% No 45% Don't Know 9%. If that trend continues, 'Yes' will be at around the remaining core SNP Vote probably about 35%. I know that a 'generation' is a term which is up for grabs but Neil (and I am certainly no fan of his) claim that its dead for a 'generation'...once its below 40% it could be a good few years to move upwards again.
  19. Having arch-Devolutionlist/Gradualist Swinney in charge, possibly backed up by Forbes, should help the cause no end. The SNP have been about 'managing' Devolution (badly) for years now. Far too cosy being able to rely on a guaranteed 30-35% of the vote which means enough seats at both Westminster and Holyrood to keep the positions and ministerial limos. At least Yousaf seemed to be on board with a 'win the most seats at a GE and start negotiating' ploy (still don't think it would have stuck with a narrow 'win' but still). That idea is way too radical for Swinney....back to 'gradually' persuading a consistent 60% Yes polling it is...
  20. A feeling of much greater stability this time around though. With SC always seemed that he would move onto 'bigger' things and a case of enjoying the ride while it lasted. Took too long to get Alessio in place when it appeared that SC would be going to Scotland in April (when McLeish was sacked). The length of time until the new appointment certainly didn't help the preparation for Connahs Quay. This time surely DM will be around for longer and continue to build on what he has achieved so far, with a better chance of having a decent crack at the Euro games.
  21. It's going to be Swinney isn't it? Seen as the 'safe' bet by those pulling the strings..and can work with the Greens etc etc. Saves the whole hassle of another leadership contest which could wrong for the power brokers if the membership voted for Forbes, so best just to have a coronation of Swinney just in case.
  22. Think we are a stage where the SNP have between 30-35% of the vote in the bag though..doesn't matter who the leader is, or what the policies are-they are still seen as the only vehicle to Independece. 30-35 is still enough to probably win most seats at Holyrood and even avoid a GE meltdown
  23. But once Kate starts pursuing a low tax, light touch regulation programme, promoting oil and gas, downplaying Environmentalism and Equality, potentially trimming public service budgets...why wouldn't the Tories get on board with that? She would win the next Holyrood election...hoovering up 'soft' Tory votes, suggesting that Independence is a 'longer process' of needing to persuade enough people with competent/strong govt, and, in addition to the soft Tory vote, retaining most of the SNP's existing share as it will be a 'who else is there to vote for' response
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