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Everything posted by Jedi2

  1. Just like you 'pick and choose' not to listen to a (whole) 2 minutes more of the same interview where said IFS spokesperson says that the SNP's plans would mean a 'decade' of cuts to public services in Scotland (unless there were substantial tax hikes). So...Public Sector Cuts with the SNP if Independent for a decade...'okay', potential cuts to unprotected UK budgets with Labour..baaaaddd
  2. Haven't listened to it. I was looking for your proof of your outrageous claims. I didn't want to listen to a full 2 hour radio programme. I appreciate that your attention span is only a few minutes long,(wouldn't expect anything less), but guess what..David Phillips covers Independence at 32 mins in (so you would 'only' have had to listen to 8 whole minutes of his interview..maybe even you could manage that, not 2 hours. He (Phillips) states that the 'first decade' (his words), would mean significant cuts to public services in Scotland given that spending per head on such services is higher in Scotland than rUK, with lower tax takes. In other words, WM block.grants enable current levels of spending on public services in Scotland. Phillips goes on (in the whole 8 minute interview) to state that the significant cuts to public services with the SNP' plans would be 'in addition' to what is projected at UK level (the 6 to 16 billion). So when it comes to cutting public services (according to the IFS..liars and charlatans that they are)...you can have possible unprotected budgets cuts of (lower end) 6 billion initially with a Labour govt (after which spending could still rise), or austerity on steroids for a decade under the SNP proposals. In addition to me being a liar you can add David Phillips, the IFS, the National, Swinney, Sturgeon and Yousaf to your ever growing list. Perhaps while you are crowing about 'only' having a decade of deep cuts to the public sector in Scotland.
  3. Can you possibly comment on David Phillips comments on the first decade of Independence which I note you (selectively) omit. I am not 'crowing' about (potential) cuts to some services of (between 6 and 16 billion), rather pointing out the SNPs lies about 18 billion as a figure...a lie which they continue to peddle, despite the IFS dismissing it in this very interview. There is clearly a heck of a difference between 6 billion if you take the lowest figure and 18. Numbers on a (prediction) are 'catastrophically' wrong..(1 out..have a word with yourself). You will also find that Humza Yousaf cited a majority of seats as a mandate for Independence...not a Referendum not a negotiation on next steps,but a mandate for Scotland 'to be Independent'. Somewhat different to Swinneys most seats Referendum comes next (or if not we already have a mandate from 2021, so one should take place anyway)
  4. Of course you go for the upper end of 'between 6 and 16 billion' of potential cuts to (unprotected) budgets (foreign aid, justice etc). Note that these figures by the IFS own admission are based on a one year projection of public finances and don't make a prediction for potential levels of investment or borrowing by an incoming Lab govt...so the 18 billion is hot air.
  5. And Swinney on QT tonight suggesting that the result of this election doesn't really matter in any case, as, they have a pro-Independence majority at Holyrood..ergo there should be another Referendum in the next 5 years Hope he tries to sell that in 2 weeks, if its a bad night.
  6. Except that there aren't two 'right-wing' parties at a UK level..there is one, Tory/Reform or whatever they will mesh together as, howling at the moon about immigration, low taxes and breaking up the NHS, and another, which will always prioritise investment in public services and state intervention, which is still a 'centre-left' position. Just as any centre-left party across Europe does, yes, it can involve private finance to aid the provision of public services, but that doesn't mean either that public services won't be funded, or that the majority of said funding will still come from.the state.
  7. N.Ireland's 'missing seat' Couldn't give two hoots what the outcome is in N.Ireland..so I was one out with the Speaker..I've yet to see you questioning other posters whose numbers didn't 'add up' precisely as well, but still.. Yousaf and strategy v most seats is a call for a Ref 7https://www.thenational.scot/news/23855165.humza-yousaf-backs-independence-strategy-based-majority-seats/ https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/oct/15/humza-yousaf-quells-snp-rebellion-independence-strategy-compromise https://www.thetimes.com/uk/scotland/article/humza-yousaf-eyes-29-seat-target-for-scottish-independence-talks-dnc0fmnkx Humza Yousaf is set to overhaul his plan to achieve independence by going into the next general election arguing that winning a majority of seats would be a mandate for independence. The SNP leader is expected to support a plan to set the bar for talks at 29 seats, rather than simply winning the largest number of seats. Something you heard on the radio The IFS spokesperson is from 25 minutes in...'between 6 and 16 billion cuts to unprotected budget's...and listen to his views on an Independent Scotland's first decade as well. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m002080n I know, I know, Humza, Swinney and the IFS spokesperson are simply 'lying'
  8. It is still of course, a U turn from Yousaf's position of just a couple of months ago, which was 'most seats', start negotiations (not a Referendum). Last week Swinney was talking about 'more powers' for the Scot Parliament..now, Referendum published, and we are back to 'most seats', but not to 'start negotiations' (a la Yousaf/Sturgeon) but rather to 'ask' for a Referendum within 5 years. That is a middle line on a 'De Facto' Referendum, but what they are asking of voters is...should there be another Referendum in the next 5 years or not? If they win most seats ie 29 or over, then, there you go...they have a 'mandate' for another Ref (there is no contingency for WM simply saying 'No' of course). Don't win a majority of seats, and a Referendum is off the table for the next 5 years.
  9. Even the Lib Dems, the most pro-European party who bet the house on overturning Brexit at the last election, aren't calling for either a 2nd vote or a 'return' in this Parliamentary term. Labour meanwhile are aiming to renogiate better terns and relationships with the EU next year.
  10. SNP can shuffle 850 million to Private Health Providers but that's admirable. https://www.scotlandmatters.co.uk/2024/06/09/snps-850million-bill-for-private-nhs-work-msn/
  11. Yeah...one out on the Speaker as a Prediction equates to the IFS spokesperson lying...see the logic. Other folks predictions not adding up to your 649 either but not to mind.
  12. The IFS (beloved of the SNP) spokesperson on Radio Scotland this morning reiterating that their figures are based on a 1 year projection, and can't at the moment, measure potential future economic growth. UK economy is currently growing, albeit by 0.2%. Also stated that potential cuts would fall somewhere between 6 to 16 billion (hardly 18 billion which is a lie), and wouldn't affect protected budgets such as Health, Education and Social Care, but rather would be in unprotected areas such as Foreign Aid, Justice, and the Home Office. Same guy did however forecast a decade of austerity with sharp cuts to public services under the SNP's plans for Independence So the SNP need to come clean both on the lie about 18 billion and tell the truth which the IFS actually set out, and if they want to continue citing the IFS then cite their Independence message as well
  13. With 2 weeks to go.. Labour 461 Tory 100 Lib Dem 47 SNP 20 DUP 7 (Sinn Fein 7) Plaid Cymru 3 Green Party E&W 2 Reform 1 Workers' Party 0 SDLP 1 UUP 1 Alliance 1 Majority: 271
  14. A really strong episode. Looking forward to the finale now.
  15. Depends on how far the confidence has been dented by last night. Swiss are obviously a decent side and clearly we need to be at it from the very start on Wednesday. A draw is possible, and then a chance of beating Hungary. If its another slow start on Wednesday and if they score first another long night in store though.
  16. There have in fairness only been the 4 policy positions in the last 2 months.. Yousaf: Most seats, start negotiations (sounds rather like a Declaration of Independence based on most seats) Swinney: Agree with Yousaf Swinney/Flynn: Sorry didn't mean start negotiations meant ask for a Ref within 5 years if most seats. Swinney: It's about gaining more powers for the Scottish Parliament. What it is today..no idea
  17. The National's and John Swinney both lying (dated June 10th) and @lichtgilphead truth telling (he is of course course more knowledgeable about this than either Swinney himself or the SNP's own Newspaper: 'John Swinney has defended the decision to ditch Humza Yousaf’s plan to have the word independence on the ballot paper at the General Election. The First Minister said: “The Scottish National Party is what I need people to vote for and that's what's going to be on the ballot paper. However, on Friday when nominations closed and each of Scotland’s 32 local authorities published their notice of polls, only the party’s name was used.'
  18. Ballot Papers: Is even The National lying now @lichtgilphead or is it maybe you? https://www.thenational.scot/news/24377015.john-swinney-defends-snp-ditching-independence-ballot-paper/ https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/24375918.swinney-defends-decision-ignore-yousaf-independence-plan/
  19. With Swinney today saying that he would 'welcome a strengthening of 'powers' for the Scottish Parliament', a day after saying that 'Line 1 Page 1 means asking for a Referendum in the 'next 5 years'...what is the policy now? They have also of course, removed 'for Independence' from Ballot papers. We have gone from 'most seats, start negotiations, it's it's defacto Ref' to 'ask for a Ref with most seats', to 'get more powers for the Scottish Parliament'. What will the Devo Max Party's position be tomorrow?
  20. 'A wee bit fashy'...actual far-right, successors of Fascists, taking the highest vote shares in many places and being on the rise. So you want to jump out of one union 'cause the Tooarries and the Red Toaarries' and jump into a political union with groups listed above who now hold influence in the EU Parliament and their own national bodies? Its maybe not the best look to be plugging full union with the EU in the same week these election results came through. You also realise that you don't have to be 'in' the EU to trade with them...Switzerland, Iceland, and Norway manage just fine via EFTA.
  21. Are you seriously equating the Tories, even Reform, and (no doubt) Labour, to National Rally in France, AfD in Germany, N-V-A- in Belgium, FPO in Austria and of course Orban in Hungary? Maybe look up some of the actual policy positions of these groups (all of them with leading vote shares (AfD are in 2nd place).
  22. ..and the relevance of your reply to a far-right surge across Europe is..?
  23. So the actual far-right making significant gains in all of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Hungary, and this is the same EU which so many folk are desperate to rejoin? These far-right groups aren't just your average 'Tory' types, they are genuine successors to Fascists of the past Of course we need a better overall relationship with Europe, but these election results make an EFTA route much more palatable, rather than trying to jump back in with the current direction of political travel of the EU's main players.
  24. Positively my last word on these particular issues (seriously, and yes, I know..)before @lichtgilphead spouts his utter dung again. Honestly, if the SNP came round and burned his house down, he would be on saying 'at least they used the right matches' Let's see what the election result actually is. Attainment Gap..has it widened?..Yes..here are a heck of a lot of folk telling lies though: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-62477072.amp https://www.understanding-inequalities.ac.uk/news-and-blog/understanding-the-attainment-gap https://edexec.co.uk/scottish-pupils-lag-in-literacy-and-numeracy/ https://www.povertyalliance.org/stark-gaps-in-educational-attainment-risk-being-compounded-by-covid-warns-new-poverty-alliance-report/ https://inews.co.uk/news/scotland/progress-on-reducing-attainment-gap-for-scottish-pupils-falls-short-924702 https://www.holyrood.com/news/view,yawning-attainment-gap-between-richest-and-poorest-pupils-remains https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/b/attainment-gap-between-rich-and-poor-students-in-scotland-grows-exam-results-reveals Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee, (of the Scottish Parliament) said: 'However, in our report, we have noted Audit Scotland’s conclusion that there has been limited progress on closing the poverty-related attainment gap and that inequalities have been worsened by Covid-19.' https://www.parliament.scot/about/news/news-listing/closing-the-gap-are-attainment-measures-working China/Turkey There are already quotes from both Yousaf and Robertson above celebrating doing business with both regimes in the past few months..both have been cited as we know for genocide and the point remains that's its pot and Kettle for the SNP to criticise Labour over Israel while doing this. Police Scotland I'm not clear if it's considered a 'lie' (I assume it is) given its 'disinformation' that the former Chief Exec has been charged, and that investigations remain ongoing against other figures. I don't think we need an Internet trawl to find that. It's a heck of a Conspiracy to accuse the National Police force of 'lying' though. Private Provision of Healthcare https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13509197/SNPs-850MILLION-bill-private-NHS-work.html 'SNP health minister Neil Gray stated as part of an interview on ITV’s Representing Border that he would not rule out and “would be happy to consider” more private provision in a fully devolved Scottish NHS' https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/snp-accuse-hypocrisy-over-anti-privatisation-pledge Of course, you can continue to dismiss any source which doesn't cheerlead the SNP as lies, but again, that's an awful lot of folk who are simply making things up.
  25. It's way beyond the stage where you have to ask yourself...who's 'right'..Senior SNP politicians with directly attributable quotes about private healthcare, supporting unsavoury regimes in China and Turkey, Education Scotland, Police Scotland, much of the mainstream media, the SNP's own manifesto (all apparently hotbed of liars)..or....some guy on the Internet who is never wrong about anything. What we do know of course, in answer to the title of this thread is that Scotland will start it's journey to Independence in just over 3 weeks...it is likely that the SNP will gain seats to take them to over 50, with the Scottish voting public solidly behind an unprecedented 17 years of essentially perfect governance, and inspired by serial winner, John Swinney, who will start the coming negotiations himself, before July is even out.
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