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Everything posted by MurrayWell

  1. Think this is pretty much it, Kettlewell can frustrate with his decisions, or lack of decisions, but he's done pretty well all things considered this season. Without going over old ground that we shouldn't have re-signed him, I had the feeling yesterday he'd have liked to have had Obika (Hamstring) as an option to come on and go more direct with Bair, but didn't feel the other attacking options on the bench could do that job. I do think Kettlewell, in general, waits a bit too long to try and win games by making in-game changes. But as far as strengths go, the guy clearly knows how to get the most/best out of players, examples across the team this season and last of this. I really, really wish we'd learn how to defend set pieces. As soon as we conceded that ridiculous corner yesterday, ye knew we'd end up losing a goal from it, and it's really basic stuff. The defence really needs an overhaul, which I'd fully expect to happen in the summer, given the contract situations. On that subject, I don't really know what Blaney has to do to get a run. Outstanding at Ibrox, then dropped. Looked solid enough yesterday when he came on too. Seems like others can have absolute horror shows, repeatedly, and retain their place.
  2. That was an atrocious game of football. Lack of composure in this team is frightening at times, so glad we have Lennon Miller to bring that to the side. SODs was good, Davor was decent enough, Gent was decent for the most part too. Devine hasn't impressed me at all. Halliday was absolutely honking. Spittal had the look of someone really, really trying to show they are still committed but making all the wrong decisions, shooting from that free-kick from about 40-yards in the first half for example. Anyway, a point's a point and results sort of went our way elsewhere.
  3. I don't really follow the EPL or EFL, but part of my football podcast rotation is the Guardian football weekly, the recent EFL round-up podcast (last week I think) covered the current state of finances in the lower leagues down there. Just in case anyone is vaguely interested and doesn't fancy reading through a bunch of accounts. Basically all about EFL clubs, across the leagues, overspending to ridiculous levels to try and get to the EPL or move up leagues. There was a mad stat like 125% of the turnover of English championship clubs is spent on wages.
  4. Aye, English football is eating itself, so many of the clubs down there are on the brink. My nan could run a football pyramid better etc, etc.
  5. Think those in charge at the club would have been doing cartwheels when that story appeared, nice wee breach of contract to show him the door.
  6. I think he deleted it, which is a shame, what a moving tribute it was.
  7. Oh aye, there was a certain entertainment value. I'll give you that. Mind that Lanarkshire Derby he started?
  8. "Motherwell's Jamie Vardy" the worst in recent years I'd say.
  9. Aye, I tend to agree with this. Wasn't meaning to come across as not into investment, as I've said before I'm in favour of it if it's right for the club. All just rumour I suppose, but from what I've heard these aren't great offers of investment and I wouldn't want us trading off a chunk of the club for something that really wasn't worth it in the long run.
  10. Apparently all the offers are pure shite anyway, this one being particularly awful. As @Busta Nut says, let's shelve this and just get on with running the club now. If the unlikely scenario of someone coming in with "club changing" cash happens in the future then ideal.
  11. His goals and assists are one thing, but can anyone in Scottish football do this face better than Spittal? I don't think so.
  12. Did wonder if Hearts would come in for him, not hugely surprising and we can't compete with them wage wise. I like Spittal, sad to see him go, but if he feels he has one chance at more money and wants to stay in Scotland he's done what most would do. We've probably seen the most consistent version of him, while it's pish he's going to leave there's no ill will from me.
  13. This. The Thread has spoken, it's the beginning of the end for VAR.
  14. I was never in favour of VAR, it's baws, but I actually do see why, in a league where the rhetoric is always how awful all the refs are and how any other option would be better, folk fancied it. That being said, I used to have a degree of sympathy for referees, it's obviously not an easy job, but VAR has shown them up even more than they managed on their own, which is quite something. The consistency thing is tricky as different people will interpret laws in a different way, but we're talking about absolute basics at times here. Take our disallowed goal at the weekend, you can't tell me anyone is watching that confident that it hits Bair below the T-shirt line, that's before you even bring in similar situations that have gone unpunished throughout the season as a comparison. The conclusion I've come to in recent months is the referees in Scotland are either drastically under qualified or they are determined to be the main characters in the Scottish game, going out of their way to chop off goals and make sure everyone knows they are in charge. Best referees are the ones you don't really notice. The experience as a fan at the moment has absolutely been damaged and it lies at the door of those running the game, they'll likely never change their attitude. Crazy thought, imagine the positive PR, from a fans perspective anyway, if you were the first league to just say "f**k this shit" and bin it?
  15. The handball rule is beyond terrible now, makes nae sense and is ruining games on a weekly basis. On Kettlewell, I think he's shown he's a good coach and solid at man management but, I think it's fair to say, a tactical genius, he ain't. Might have been @crazylegsjoe (apologies if it wasn't you) who said a few weeks back, Kettlewell is absolutely fine when he can't overthink it. McGinn at LWB worked at Ibrox but wasn't the choice today (FWIW I'd have had him back in the back three). Just seems like Kettlewell makes things unnecessary difficult for himself at times. Easy for fans to say I suppose, but it looks like he repeatedly ties himself in knots with trying to be too clever. That being said, imo folk do need to gee him a bit of a break though, was a frustrating afternoon and result but overall we do seem to have turned a bit of a corner recently.
  16. Didn't have a great feeling about today, before kick off, not really sure why. We've struggled against Aberdeen for whatever reason in 23/34. Think we'll be fine, folk need to keep the heed.
  17. International call-up for Davor too. As clubs go, we're absolutely massive.
  18. Maybe they'll be bold enough to ask about the clearly shambolic coaching of him at St Johnstone... unlike the Perth-focused SMSM.
  19. "It's okay, jester strip Oli Shaw isn't real he can't hurt you." Jester Strip Oli Shaw:
  20. Just was suggesting at times we have maybe let our hearts rule our heads in terms of signings, Moult being a recent example of that despite all evidence suggesting it probably wasn't a good idea. Glad we didn't make the same mistake with KvV. FWIW I thought the re-signing of Obika was bizarre at the time and I'm absolutely baffled by it now. So I see where you're coming from on that one, despite him having never been held in the same regard as Moult or KvV, so maybe folk not having the same expectations etc.
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