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Jaggy McJagface

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Posts posted by Jaggy McJagface

  1. 7 minutes ago, Chubbychops said:

    The first goal you lot are greetin about was from a terrible camera angle. Still not convinced that was a wrong decision. The weegie press do love a Partick love in.

    Second goal yes, you were fuked over by that one but Pars were the better team before that goal and the better team for 40 minutes after it. Suck it up and put your petted lip back in ffs.

    Regardless of how pish we were, we were still literally denied 2 legitimate goals (regardless of how convinced you are of that). You’d all be raging too.


    As an aside, love when country bumpkins have a chip on their shoulder about the “weegie media.” I’m sure you’ll all enjoy your night out in the big city.





  2. Doolan needs to be running down the touchline and grabbing the gormless linesman and cowardly referee by the baws as soon as that gets disallowed. 

    Grow a spine and cause a fucking scene. Hit someone and get sent off and get the boys up for it. The refereeing was unforgivable but so is the heads going down after that decision. We should have been getting after them out of sheer spite.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

    We don't "have" to do business with Israel,  we choose to do so. That business will be heavily weighted to arms and military aid, no doubt we gain a few grapefruits and oranges in return. 

    The rapidly changing demographic of the UK population is bound to lead umpteen MPs to question the relationship for pure self preservation reasons.

    We remain a total US puppet when it comes to Israel. If the US pivoted its stance tomorrow (I know, I know) we would see huge pressure to cut ties in a heartbeat as I'm pretty sure there is no majority public support for our seemingly unwavering support for them.

    Public sympathies wrt Israel/Palestine are massively out of synch with the near blanket support our political establishment lends to them.

    Britain effectively outsources it’s foreign policy and is a client state of the USA.

  4. 12 hours ago, JS_FFC said:

    I know we got a tough group on paper in the Euro qualifiers, but isn’t it a bit of a myth that Scotland always get seriously difficult draws? I don’t think we’ve been in a proper group of death for anything since the Euro 2008 qualifiers and we got particularly lucky in the playoff draw for Qatar (but proceeded to f**k it up) 

    WC 2014 and Euro 2016 were really tough groups at that time. We’ve only had 2022 in recent memory without a real powerhouse nation involved, and you could argue that we should have finished 2nd in our group given our opponents in WC 2018.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

    They will be demanding it goes to European Court of Human rights or something now.

    Amusing really. 

    Big question is, when will forums stop censoring "that" word? 🤔

    Probably never, as a large contingent of Sevco fans simply pretend it’s sectarian and mods would probably get bogged down by them reporting and bleating about every comment.


    I very much see it as a tactic to engage in whataboutery and divert attention from their own fanbases liberal use of sectarian slurs, as it conveniently makes all sides as bad as each other.

  6. 44 minutes ago, lennyzer0 said:

    1. Derek Adams (absolute mega-welt who almost - almost - makes me miss Malkkky Mackkkay)

    2. Andy Walker (does that clueless c**t count as being involved in Scottish football, given he works for Sky who really wish they didn't have to be? Literally cannot describe things he's looking at on a monitor, far less actually analyse it.)

    3. Kris Boyd (Tory c**t)

    4. Neil Doncaster (Tory c**t)

    5. Douglas Ross (Tory c**t)

    6. Tam McManus (even worse than Ryan Stevenson in the 'Edinburgh Rent a Quote Moron from Wish' stakes)

    7. Ryan Stevenson (even worse than Tam McManus in the 'Edinburgh Rent a Quote Moron from Wish' stakes)

    8. Si Ferry (that voice. that inability to ask a single interesting question, that Lowland League team).,

    9. Hugh Keevins (standing in for himself and every other Scottish red top football Old Firm client journalist).

    10. Ann Budge (A walking, talking poster child for an over-inflated and misplaced sense of her own importance. )

    Is Kris Boyd a Tory? Genuine question

  7. 2 hours ago, BigMadMental said:

    Diack plays better off Robinson and/or Adeloye too which probably brings more headache. 

    Generally if the club captain is fit, they play. So this is probably always going to be an issue.

    Adeloye could be a big player for us too I feel and he will be looking for a club, but there’s no way he is staying here to sit on the bench. 

    Would love to sign Adeloye permanently when his contract is up but agree he may be looking for a club that’ll start him.


    Graham is captain and on a long term deal so he’s not getting dropped.

  8. 18 hours ago, welshbairn said:

    Just got these booking.com scammers again for my Berlin digs, "just transfer the full amount and we'll return it in a few minutes, honest". Tried to report it to booking. com on my phone and found it impossible, think it went back to the scammers because I got another message telling me not to worry, it's all a perfectly normal procedure.. 

    Almost got done by this yesterday as well. Had never heard of this scam before (which it turns out is a very common one on booking.com) and tbf it is quite convincing in that they are messaging you directly from the app and from booking.com’s actual email address. They even knew our reservation numbers and everything.

  9. 3 hours ago, jaggyness said:

    I have to say, this was my first thought. Muirhead has been a great servant to the club over two spells but he's never eradicated the silly wild lunges and losing his temper too quickly. I'll be honest, I didn't expect him to play as much as he has this season but that is largely due to Williams taking a bit of time to find his feet. 

    I think we’ve also got to bear in mind that McCall signed him again as backup but he’s somehow made it 2 seasons as a first choice CB. He’s been a good servant and is a competent mid table championship level defender but if we want to build a squad capable of challenging for promotion we can’t afford to not improve on him.


    It’s actually quite astounding that we got within a bawhair of promotion with him and Brownlie as a pairing.

  10. Just now, Fuctifano said:

    Ashcroft would take us up to 5 centre halves with Mcmillan and Milne also able to cover there so would be a bit odd unless Muirhead's injury is worse than thought or Williams is away. 

    I would guess that with the rumoured extension clause in Muirhead’s contract that is due to be triggered in 5 games time that Doolan is wanting to get rid of him at the end of the season.


    Williams seems much more solid and reliable as cover at full back rather than CB so we can’t really avoid playing Muirhead if either of O’Reilly or Neilson got injured/suspended.

  11. 10 minutes ago, JagsCG said:

    If Doolan thinks McBeth is genuinely good enough to start matches in that deeper midfield position and be successful at it then I’ve no issue with him sticking with that. If not then he definitely needs to add another midfielder who can immediately do that (be that Halliday or someone else). Will trust the manager’s judgement on that one. 

    I agree but we are becoming very stacked in terms of numbers in the middle now. I’d like to see Lyon go out on loan to get some regular game time.

  12. Ticketing portal made me put my passport number in after finishing the queue so as a result just missed out on Hungary tickets which I’m scunnered about.

    Sank 600 euro on a cat 1 ticket for the opener. f**k it, it’s once in a lifetime. HWFG.

  13. Just now, welshbairn said:

    It should show on your bank statement by now.

    Nah I mean I’m a 10 pointer holding out hope for maaaybe getting a ticket and was wondering how 12+ pointers got on with it.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Kevin Finnerty said:

    He is spiderman and the section of the fanbase that's constantly angry at him are J Jonah Jameson.

    A large portion of the United fans who slate him are 14 year olds from India. If his name was Ricardo Gomez and he had an 85 rating on fifa he wouldn’t get half as much stick.

  15. 10 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

    Funnily, I was with Rangers fans - so it was entertaining for me. 

    It’s the bit about “most loyal” that gets me 😂

    There is such a huge spectrum around things that it is impossible to just define those with high points as the most loyal.  

    “Most loyal” in this case is basically just a euphemism for having the money and time off required to go to multiple away games a year.

  16. While the opening game will be a great occasion, I’m not sure having the pot 1 team in game 1 is ideal as we will more than likely lose and then be under real pressure in the 2nd match.


    It’s a competitive and evenly matched group that we have a good chance at progressing from, but equally I could see us playing well in all 3 games and still being unlucky to go home on 2 points.

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