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Jaggy McJagface

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Posts posted by Jaggy McJagface

  1. I would normally support abandoning the back 4 when Tierney isn’t there, but I feel like there’s no hope of winning the midfield battle against Spain so an extra man in defence might be the better option to soak up the pressure.

    We should pack numbers into that middle area and force them to go wide like we did at Hampden.

  2. 23 minutes ago, virginton said:

    'International law' wasn't dropped down from the sky for everyone to follow. It's just a set of rules established by the great powers of the mid-20th (partly late 19th) century to regulate conflict. It has always been contradicted by political concepts like national self-determination, which requires a territorial state to be exercised in full. We have just muddled through picking and choosing between those ideas since 1945. 

    What we are seeing around the world now is the inevitable breakdown of that system under the weight of its contradictions. 

    Quite. The friction between the right to self determination vs the territorial integrity of nation states is a problem which remains in many places today. We need only look at the numerous territorial disputes that the League of Nations had to deal with to see how those principles have always been inconsistently applied.

  3. 57 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

    I agree that's a score that would be okay for both sides. I wouldn't take that now, but if that's the final result I wouldn't be unhappy and nor would Spain I wouldn't think. 

    Yeah I agree with this. I’d never say “I would take a 1-0 loss” as that’s the kind of defeatist, loser mentality that I’d hope this Scotland team have no time for.


    Having said that, it wouldn’t be a complete disaster. If Norway fail to subsequently defeat Spain then we would go into the last international break already qualified and knowing that two wins gets us first place in the group and probably pot 1 in the Euros draw. That’s not a bad position to be in at all.

  4. 1 hour ago, Theyellowbox said:

    The lack of redevelopment of Hampden park for this obviously, but in general is a joke.

    Not withstanding the piss poor design, it was done on the cheap at the time and even then two sides were done 30 years ago now. By the time of the tournament, two stands will be 35 years old with little internal investment in each (aside from the half arsed reconfigured external bits).

    I get to some, 1993 doesn't seem that long ago, but if you apply the 35 years back from that, works done in 1958 would have seemed far too old.

    If Maxwell doesn't think the distance behind the goals is a problem, stick the hospitality and VIP seats there and I'm pretty sure he'd get a quick opinion change.

    I get the sentimentality of Hampden, but when you look at the other stadiums for the tournament, it is by a long long way the worst. Take the scotland fans creation of the atmosphere out and you wouldn't touch it with a barge pole for a major international game. 

    I think the large distance between the two end stands actively damages the atmosphere of the stadium as they are just too far apart. You’ll hear the same song out of synch coming from two stands at once.

    Imagine a Hampden with stands that were right on top of the pitch. We could vastly improve the match going experience and make it a fortress at the same time.

    We will probably still be having this conversation in 20 years as Hampden continues to rot away, though.

  5. The extent to which Palestinians are being dehumanised in a lot of the discourse surrounding this conflict is really quite shocking. Social media seems to be full of people all but calling for Gaza to be driven into the sea.

    The fact that the media and political establishment basically give Israel a blank cheque to do whatever it wants without criticism probably contributes to this, but it’s still pretty horrifying to watch.

  6. 33 minutes ago, 101 said:

    The latest attacks from Hamas against civilians is not legitimate though, now they are at war perfectly acceptable for them to be killing soldiers. 

    Both sides of this conflict have for a very long time been killing civilians.

    I’m not suggesting that the wanton killing of civilians by Hamas is anything other than horrific, but it’s quite telling that certain people use this as an example of why the Palestinians are evil and that Israel should be given any support necessary yet turn a blind eye when the IDF use journalists or Palestinian kids as target practice.

    There is a lot of hypocrisy and a massive double standard when it comes to attitudes around violence in this particular conflict.

  7. 23 minutes ago, throbber said:

    She posted about seeing people celebrating and waving Palestine flags in London but had to shoehorn in the fact she was out for baklava with her Ukrainian friends as if it was a significant detail.

    Amazes me the people that insist Ukraine has every justification to use violence in a conflict against a much more powerful nation that wants to wipe them off the map yet steadfastly refuse to translate this principle to the Palestinian situation.


    They tend to either be massive hypocrites or have a very simplistic “goodies vs baddies” interpretation of the conflict where they have already decided that Israel = goodies and Hamas = baddies which leaves them no room for nuance.

  8. 2 hours ago, Juan Mata said:

    IMO some people are getting a bit carried away with that "advice" about not having double ups, which is pretty obvious right?

    A few options:

    - Only apply for dates with single games on your main account (eg. M1, M49, M50, M51
    - Either only make general sale ballot applications in other people's name.  


    - When you end up with tickets later through the SSC, use the unique code on an account different to your own should you already have a match that day to purchase that game.  

    Would you have to be setting up different emails and addresses for each account when applying in someone else’s name? I am likely to be on 10/11 SSC points so slightly nervous for applying on the off chance I manage to sneak in on the SSC ballot.

  9. One other majorly awkward aspect of this decision is that it means that (unless FIFA change their rules) the 2038 WC is effectively guaranteed to be the USA again - just 12 years on from their last hosting - as every other continent bar Oceania will have been disqualified from hosting.

    2034 - Saudi knocks Asia out

    2030 - Europe, Africa & South America out

  10. 16 minutes ago, realmadrid said:

    It does look like Germany 24 is going to be the last proper fully accessible competition for fans.


    Yup. World cups are becoming cumbersome, continent spanning things now that they are moving to 48 teams. 

    Hopefully you’ll still see the odd euros in a single host country as there are 3 or 4 countries with the infrastructure to host a 24 team tournament on their own. If the Euros gets expanded further then the 2020/1 multi nation format will probably become the norm.

  11. Looks like Saudi Arabia 2034 is all but confirmed as this arrangement conveniently disqualifies every confederation apart from Asia and Oceania from hosting it.

    Absolute clusterfuck.

  12. 1 hour ago, lubo_blaha said:

    I don’t think that would make a difference. You have the official allocation for each team usually behind the goals and the UEFA public allocation isn’t split into either side, as far as I’m aware.

    Well I hope we don’t get England as both sets of fans mixed in with each other and locals in the UEFA ballot section would be a recipe for disaster.

  13. 3 minutes ago, PrestersKTID said:

    applied for game 1, on 9 points atm, assuming there will be warm up games so might get to 11 by the time the tournament comes around

    Says max 4 tickets per game. Can apply once per day until 26th october.

    The SSC allocation will go on sale early 2024 so points gained from going to warm up games next May/June won’t help you with tickets for the finals

  14. 2 hours ago, No_Problemo said:

    Reading this Twitter thread, and it suggests not applying for ballot tickets if you have a decent amount of SSC points (I’ll be on 13 after Spain) as if you got allocated a different game on the day of a Scotland game you then wouldn’t be able to get your official Scotland end ticket!

    I have no idea if this is the case, but could really do with an official idiots guide on the process. 

    This is a very useful thread but I’m surprised they are saying anyone on 10 points should not apply.

    Currently there are 17K SSC member on 10 points and around 11k on 11. Surely it’s basically impossible for a 10 pointer to get a ticket through the SSC, and no guarantee me thing for an 11 pointer either?

  15. 40 minutes ago, jagsfan57 said:

    We could bring the Ayr game forward to that Saturday if McGinley can play Centre Back. It feels like a risk for probably not much financial gain as I am not sure how many more Ayr would bring through on the Saturday given their current form.

    We’d probably get a few more home fans through the door on a Saturday afternoon compared to a cold weeknight as well.

  16. 7 minutes ago, deadasdillinger said:

    I appreciate folk can't make every game, but you can't then moan about it being a "closed shop" if you're not attending every home game and getting the maximum points available there.

    It goes back to the argument that the folk who find it easiest to get away tickets are the ones who go most, which seems right, and then it's a sliding scale down from there. If the argument is "I can't get on the away points ladder", I'd argue you very well could - if its "i cant get on the away points ladder ahead of someone whos made 2 or 3 more home games than me in the last 10", then doesnt that person deserve it more?

    I get that, I mean that it’s a bit misleading to say that everyone who’d been to every home game could have gone to 7/11 of the last away games when that would mean they’d have had to already be sitting on 12 points built up from home games since 2017/18 odd.

    People joining since 2020/21 won’t have had those opportunities, will only just be approaching max home points now and it will get to a point with a bottleneck where the amount of games that drop below 11/12 will start to be few and far between due to the mass of people that will be on 12. It’ll be a lot harder getting the foot in the door now than it was at the start of Clarke’s reign.

  17. 13 minutes ago, deadasdillinger said:

    For 7 of the last 11 away game sales, just going to home games was enough to get you a ticket. Throw in the potential for bonus points by renewing before Jan and being a member for 3 campaigns, and it's just nonsense to suggest it's a closed shop. 

    It's a shame there will be so many TA out there having to buy home end tickets for France, but it's only becoming an issue for folk because we are doing so well and they want points to get tickets for the Euros group games. If it was a desire to build points in order to get to away games easier, that has been more than possible in the last couple of years.

    That’s assuming everyone already had attended all of the last 10 home games before those 7 games went on sale, which is probably not the case for most people. The increase in SSC numbers since Clarke took over means a lot of people will probably be on 8-10 by now and won’t be able to get involved once they get to 11/12 themselves as the demand has hugely increased relative to the allocations.

    The most accessible ones in terms of getting away end tickets going forward are likely to be the ones less people are able to go to due to travel and expense involved such as Kazakhstan/Georgia.

  18. 10 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    There's a big difference between the linkes of Brand and Petersen.

    Brand is a narcissist whose arguments are fatally compromised by intellectual laziness. Petersen on the other hand believes in what he says and knows what he is talking about inside out.  Brand's intellectualism is puddle deep compared to Petersen.

    Peterson is a fraud. He’s a clinical psychologist who opines on absolutely everything from politics, history, science and climate change as if he is an expert in those fields as well.

    If you deconstruct what he says in those fields it is (similar to Brand) usually a lot of nonsense hidden behind the veneer of respectability because they can throw out a lot of intellectual sounding words.


  19. 48 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    It is completely meaningless.  If you analyse what he actually says it's gibberish most of the time.

    Jordan Peterson was a genuinely accomplished acadmic psychologist but his writing is appalling.  Peter Hitchens reviewed his book and said it's like bathing in porridge.  Also, and I'm not being facetious here, I think Peterson may have suffered actual brain damage.  He is clearly in cognitive decline since his stint in a drug withdrawal induced coma.  He now seems to get propped up in front of Twitter to pop out strange reactions. 

    He’s a really bizarre character. I’ve seen a few videos of him break down crying out the blue over essentially nothing. He’s definitely not right and shouldn’t get the attention he does.

    In hindsight, the Brand of 2013-16 kind of struck me as a sort of left wing version of Peterson. Pseudo intellectual word salad.

  20. 10 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

    Conditioning has a lot to do with it, you have generations growing up watching James Bond and the Carry On films, how do people think the youth were going to turn out ? Their first exposure to men chatting up women is some craggy old b*****d slapping the arse of a young blond or some bloke in a suit grabbing subordinates and forcing himself on them.  


    Yep, the social context of what behaviour is normalised probably plays a big role in stuff like that.

    Not entirely related, but another good example of how the 2000’s were so different is the rampant casual homophobia in shows like Still Game or the Inbetweeners. Homophobic or ableist slurs were often used as generic insults in a way that people would rightly get pilloried for nowadays.

    I don’t think either of those shows would get made today, at least not with the exact same content.

  21. 47 minutes ago, BTFD said:

    Is it too early to claim he's suffered enough and demand people leave him alone to provide for his family?


    Pretty sure Frankie left MTW because the Beeb kept cutting out his even-more outrageous adlibs and he wasn't happy about his best material hitting the cutting room floor. Considering they aired the stuff about Adlington and Kerry Katona, and the infamous joke about Auld Lizzie's clacker, Christ only knows what was too harsh.

    (I'm missing the stuff about Katie Price, as she's been using her son to fund her bankruptcies for a couple of decades now, which is even more disgusting than any jokes he made)

    I’m sure he said that it was a joke about Israel which the BBC refused to air as they deemed it anti-semitic that caused him to chuck it.

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