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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. The Thoughts of Joris Bonson.....from inaugural UN speech. 1. “In the future, voice connectivity will be in every room and almost every object: your mattress will monitor your nightmares; your fridge will beep for more cheese.” 2. “A future Alexa will pretend to take orders. But this Alexa will be watching you, clucking her tongue and stamping her foot.” 3. “You may keep secrets from your friends, from your parents, your children, your doctor – even your personal trainer – but it takes real effort to conceal your thoughts from Google.” 4. “AI – what will it mean? Helpful robots washing and caring for an ageing population? Or pink-eyed terminators sent back from the future to cull the human race?” 5. “What will synthetic biology stand for – restoring our livers and our eyes with miracle regeneration of the tissues, like some fantastic hangover cure? Or will it bring terrifying limbless chickens to our tables?” 6. “When Prometheus brought fire to mankind. In a tube of fennel, as you may remember, that Zeus punished him by chaining him to a Tartarean crag while his liver was pecked out by an eagle. And every time his liver regrew the eagle came back and pecked it again. And this went on forever – a bit like the experience of Brexit in the UK, if some of our parliamentarians had their way.” Buffoon.........a dangerous, narcissistic buffoon.
  2. Not even that brass-necked cúnt would attempt that.......immediate Contempt of Court I’d think. Nah, he’ll be busy throwing Cummings under the bus and trying to save his own sorry arse....
  3. Lady Hale. https://www.theguardian.com/law/2019/sep/24/lady-hale-career-breaking-barriers-judiciary?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other [emoji7]
  4. Supreme Court FC..........A Great Bunch of Eleven Lads.
  5. Bercow on now.......looking like The Cheshire Cat..........[emoji41] Bercow hints he may allow MPs to use SO24 motion again to free up time for legislation Perhaps the most significant part of John Bercow’s statement (see 12.14pm) was his comment about being open to SO24 applications for emergency debates. He seemed to be encouraging MPs to start tabling them now. In the past SO24 motions were just used to hold three-hour debates of no consequence. But earlier this month Bercow allowed Sir Oliver Letwin to use an SO24 motion to take control of the Commons order paper for a day or more, allowing MPs to pass the Benn bill designed to rule out a no-deal Brexit on 31 October. Opposition MPs are likely to try the same trick again, to pass motions or laws preventing Boris Johnson from trying to prorogue parliament again.
  6. Such a shame that we no longer have Concorde.........that Gonk could have been back in London in 4 hours to offer his resignation to Brenda.
  7. Some half-wit punter being interviewed in a shopping centre in Gammonshire just referred to PiffleWaffle as “Joris Bonson “
  8. Surely one of our meme experts can graft the Norwegian football commentary onto the footage of Lady Hale.......... “Boris Johnson, Dominic Scumbag, Spud-U-Hate, ReesMogg, Engerlish Gammonry..........you cünts took one hell of a beating...”
  9. Johnson will now “do a Cameron” and do walking away.
  10. Brenda will be seething.........deliberately misled by the PM...........hung, drawn and quartered at Tyburn. Who is this cünt Bridgen ? Get him to feck......
  11. Western civilisation is on it’s arse...... https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/sep/23/nestle-kitkat-christmas?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  12. “Alors, Veronique, tu dois essayer le square boudin avec du brune sauce......c’est fûckin’ magic.......!”
  13. But....but......we’ve got The Failing Grayling Ferry Line for this sort of thing, don’t we ???
  14. Prorogation of parliament unlawful, according to 3Scottish judges. These are from my colleague Severin Carrell in Edinburgh. BREAKING Scottish appeal judges rule Boris Johnson’s decision to prorogue parliament is to unlawful — Severin Carrell, Esq (@severincarrell) September 11, 2019 All three judges rule it is unconstitutional and says UK a Supreme Court has to issue final decision on interdict — Severin Carrell, Esq (@severincarrell) September 11, 2019 TO CONFIRM: Lord Carloway and Lord Drummond Young and Lord Brodie say prorogation is UNLAWFUL - contradicting judges in London but no ruling ordering @GOVUK to reverse prorogation immediately — Severin Carrell, Esq (@severincarrell) September 11, 2019 Aidan O’Neill suggests MPs can now occupy the Commons - @JudgesScotland allow @UKGOV appeal to @UKSupremeCourt but no other action — Severin Carrell, Esq (@severincarrell) September 11, 2019 Last Updated: 10:11 Wednesday, 11 September 2019 7m ago
  15. Ah yes, was he the govt. minister who almost died whilst joyriding in a dragster on TV ?
  16. Being married to a rabidly anti-Trump American, there have been many animated discussions at Pogen House over the last couple of years re. the damage that the Orange Sphincter (copyright Bill Maher) has done to the office of POTUS and to America in general, also many piss-taking comments from me ...........however, my wife is now firmly of the position that the Tories, from Cameron on, now culminating in the disaster that is the pathological lying coward Johnson, have inflicted more lasting economic damage and international derision towards the UK than any of Trump’s comparative nonsense has managed to achieve across the pond. Demoralised and angry average punter.........[emoji35]
  17. Oi......[emoji6] l just sent back my sample a couple of weeks ago and have to say the new ‘lolly stick’ method is so much better than the old ticker tape. [emoji108]
  18. I’d like to second that.....and I’d also like to thank the group of ex-Deidco and Sevco legneds for informing me that there are a group of footballers plying their trade in Govan who are potential Champions League winners. After all, Scotland needs a strong Sevco. [emoji149][emoji149]
  19. Dave King, the GASL, is bent, All Sevco’s cash he’s now spent, “Oh what can I do ?” “Sellik gubbed us by two,” “Ah know, we’ll buy Ryan Kent !”
  20. I’m an auld guy but I still have sperm that are more motile than Steven Whittaker. [emoji15]
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