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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Let’s not forget :- The *** Who Came In From The Ludge A Perfect ***
  2. Invisibol defensively. Really terribol.
  3. It’s happening.......Nonce Andrew under further pressure.......[emoji7] Will he “Do A Jeffrey” ?........ https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/aug/22/prince-andrew-epstein-foot-massage?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  4. Maybe there’s a wee business opportunity for a startup called “Corpsebook”..............[emoji88][emoji88]
  5. See this on the Edinburgh buses daily. Drives me fücking insane.........[emoji35][emoji35][emoji35][emoji35]
  6. Fentanyl, methamphetamine and a cockring.
  7. The following was published in today’s Grauniad and replies from the public are sought...... “My husband of 48 years is ogling women online We are both in our 70s, but after years of feeling adored I discovered he watches porn and looks at women in their underwear. Now I feel betrayed and hurt. I used to feel adored. My husband used to say that when he thought of sex, it was always with me. We have been married for 48 years. I am 70, he is 72. Quite by accident, I discovered my husband watches pornography and searches online for women in underwear to ogle. I am utterly devastated. The latter upsets me more than the porn. He used to ask me to wear sexy underwear, but hasn’t for a long time. I thought it was because he was older, but now I know he hasn’t lost interest in sex, just in me. By the same token, given his age, I could feel the same. But I don’t. I feel betrayed, hurt, old and ugly. We have a close family who would be torn apart if we were to split up. I don’t want to confide in my friends. I don’t know how to get over this.” Is this woman completely out of touch ? Should she splurge some dosh at Lovehoney?? Replies welcome from the Pn’B Massive..........[emoji41][emoji7] https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/aug/16/my-husband-of-48-years-is-ogling-women-online?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  8. Seriously ?? Is that a thing ?? (I don’t do social media...)
  9. ......and Shagger just stopped a certain goal......we all know that MacGregor is an absolutely despicable human but he still has some good goalkeeping chops.......[emoji50]
  10. Was that a wee chant of “Go home ya ****” from the Legia boys ? Shocking, so it is.........[emoji149][emoji149]
  11. I see you’ve finally managed to complete the Irony 101 course, Vicky.... ETA.....sounds like a fantastic atmosphere in the ground....quite enjoyed Legia fan’s Boney M tribute..... Hope none of the travelling Chelsea fans *cough* decide to get wide with the locals, mind..........[emoji6][emoji149][emoji149]
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/22/its-an-act-of-hope-the-fairytale-rise-of-the-real-kashmir-football-team?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  13. You are absolutely spot-on. L’enfer, c’est les autres.
  14. Ian Holloway gone full-tilt Little Englander Brexiteer and blames EU for recent changes to Laws of Football. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2019/aug/21/eu-to-blame-football-new-handball-rule-ian-holloway?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  15. Couldn’t we just have a “Deviant Grooming Habits” thread ? [emoji37]
  16. Must be a relative of Flesh Gordon sidekick, Dr. Flexi Jerkoff..........
  17. Mr. OCD would be as well to tape his beard trimmer gizmo to the hoover tube attachment and he could stay indoors.........his present regime seems just a tad over the top.......[emoji41]
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/aug/18/prince-andrew-appalled-by-epstein-sex-abuse-claims?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Haven’t seen the Daily Mail video but it seems to have forced Nonce Andrew to ‘make comment’............
  19. https://mkelectric.presti.media/uk/#page/34-35
  20. ^^^^^^^Mr. Connolly was trying to explain that there are 2 football teams in Milan.........[emoji6]
  21. Spot on MR.......us Edinburgh types are paragons of social virtue and integrity. [emoji41]
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