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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. If you find Pete Kennaugh tough to watch and don’t mind the Welsh, S4C offer an HD alternative to ITV’s coverage. Caleb Ewen for stage win. [emoji41] Don’t think much of Team Ineos yellow kit trim. [emoji37]
  2. So Hibs will get 20% of £50 million = £10 million. Therefore, as anyone with an ‘O’ Grade (that’s right, I said ‘O’ Grade [emoji38] ) in Arithmetic knows, 125% of £10 million is........err..£17,354.18.
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/jul/27/suspect-accused-of-faking-his-own-death-in-the-us-is-arrested?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  4. Just for the shíts and giggles, I tuned in today for the first time in quite a while, thinking “If it’s Cosgrove and Cowan, I’ll maybe manage the first 20-30 mins until some absolute roaster guest comes on......anyhoo, at 12.06 pm when I switched on, all I got was an earful of some nasal Weegie bint and switched straight off......who the feck is she ? Dire, dire, dire...........[emoji37][emoji37]
  5. Oh Victor, you know that “Spoonburners” is so demodé........so ‘80’s.........it’s Fentanyl, falafel and flat whites these days. Do keep up.......[emoji149][emoji149]
  6. Brilliant ! English, German and French in one sentence ! You voted ‘Remain’, aye ?? Bien joué, mon brave !
  7. Not a fan of the French, Your Eminence ? [emoji3]
  8. Tis’ the Sevco MO. How many times have we seen it ? Every time a dark financial cloud appears, they make a wampum signing or announce some fantastical Jabba inspired piece of bullshít which will be trotted out by yer Keef Jacks***, Gary Ralston and other lickspittle scribblers, all to divert the knuckledraggers from the real story. Minty Moonbeams & Wealth Off The Radar........roll up, roll up Bears . [emoji149][emoji149]
  9. I did wonder why he didn’t go baws oot for second place today as he could also have won the KoM.......maybe a bit whipped after yesterday’s heroics. However, winning 3 jerseys in one TdF would have been pretty cool.
  10. Fair do’s, if that is true, but I’d imagine there would be huge bonuses on offer for a TdF victory. Just for interest :- https://www.eurosport.com/cycling/cycling-news-bradley-wiggins-on-team-ineos-salary-cap_sto7201609/story.shtml
  11. So, is the Grezda 1.75m (stop laughing at the back) going to fund stadium expansion or is it to be used to pay off part of the monies owed to SD ?
  12. Sky did to cycling as Abu Dhabi (Man City) did to the EPL and now that Ineos have become Brailsford’s sugar daddy, I suspect their domination will continue for as long as Jim Ratcliffe is happy to maintain the lavish funding as part of his long term strategy of greenwashing his organisation’s activities. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ineos Was really disappointed that Kruijswijk couldn’t close the 12 second gap to Thomas today, much as I dislike Brailsford and all his machinations, he certainly knows how to put together a GC squad.....then again, with those kind of resources, it would be hard to feck it up......
  13. Liz Hurley and her weird son are a couple of narcissistic creeps. Up there with Jill ‘MöetMoments’ Sharp and her mental hot tub boyfriend.
  14. The English Fascist is in office....... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/jul/26/the-comma-touch-jacob-rees-mogg-sends-language-rules-to-staff?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  15. Are you of similar diminutive stature, Throbs ? Do you suffer from acute Wee Man Syndrome ? ETA- The Wee Guy probably went next door to the Gun Store, bought an AR15 and went back to wipe out every single person in that bakery. God bless the USA.
  16. Yep, stage neutralised due to hailstorm........worst of news for Alaphilippe....
  17. Alaphilippe under huge pressure on Iseran.....Bernal on a flyer....5km till summit..
  18. Yep, Pinot abandons.........tragic scenes, he’s devastated.
  19. But...but....but they’ve now got Bigot Rehab to stop them murdering people, don’t they ..?
  20. Today’s stage uphill from the very start and 3km in Marc Soler has already set out the MoviStar stall..........Alaphillipe well back in the peloton, which is already stretched out........ https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2019/jul/26/tour-de-france-2019-stage-19-live?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  21. What has happened to the Banter Years thread ?
  22. Possibly in the same way that I am distantly related to a trilobite ?
  23. Quintana has made his move 7k from Galibier summit.......looking good. Alaphillipe glued to Ineos train, 5mins down on Quintana.
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