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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Dearie me, they’re foamin’ at the mooth on BigotMeeja. Which is nice.........[emoji149][emoji149]
  2. Mr. Let’sGo and the reality of Laugherty...... STEVEN GERRARD last night axed Kyle Lafferty and insisted the “brutal truth” is that he hasn’t done enough to stay at Rangers. The Northern Ireland striker’s second spell at Ibrox ended with his contract being terminated after less than a year. And Gerrard said: “You’d need to ask Kyle why it hasn’t panned out for him. We had high hopes for him because, when he signed, he was in a really good place. “He’s a big, physical presence up front. “But, for whatever reason, it hasn’t worked out. We believe he had the opportunities. “Kyle is a good player, but showing it in glimpses for Rangers isn’t enough. That’s the brutal truth. “He’s a good character to have around but if I had kept hold of him from a selfish point of view then he would have struggled for game-time. He’s still young enough and he still has the drive and hunger to be a success at whatever he decides to do.” “Whatever he decides to do ?” Maybe back on the FOBT’s.........?
  3. I can only assume that Pippa York is working / commentating for another network when the peloton hits the big stuff, otherwise I’m completely at a loss as to why ITV let her go at this point. ETA- Peloton completely fragmented, QuickStep can’t keep up with MoviStar and Alaphillipe left isolated with no team mates. ETA2- https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2019/jul/25/tour-de-france-2019-stage-18-live?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  4. Fire sale ? Sevco board will be glad to have Candeias off the wage bill, Mr. Let’s Go maybe not so much.
  5. The inaccuracies amount to anything at all that emanates from the mouth of Dave ‘Glib & Shameless’ King.
  6. https://mobile.twitter.com/jduffin24/status/1153828077732028416?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1153938495376953345&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231153938495376953345 FTP in the Park.
  7. Nah.......Wilfred Brambell was a well-known fan of Budgie smugglers and would have absolutely no interest in Liz’s lovely bikini.
  8. “That’s the look, that’s the look, The look of love....”
  9. All the best for a speedy recovery.........tell Mrs. Par that a wee break from all nighter pegging sessions is required. [emoji41]
  10. Perineal fistula incoming. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4882183/
  11. Always took you for an ignorant twat, MM......[emoji38][emoji6] https://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/snd/clipshear Scottish National Dictionary (1700–) Hide Quotations Hide Etymology Cite this entry CLIPSHEAR, CLIPSHEER, n. An earwig (Fif.10, Lnl.1, Lnk.3 1937). [′klɪpʃir] Fif. 1864 W. D. Latto Tammas Bodkin xxx .: “Ou, it's maybe no a flech ava,” quoth I, turnin' roond to compose mysel' to sleep again, “it's maybe a clipsheer.” Edb. 1928 A. D. Mackie Poems in Two Tongues 27: And for a' the worms and the clipshears raikin' aboot They've peace o' their banes. [so called from the appearance of its forceps-like appendages.]
  12. Mods please......they’re called clipshears......[emoji44]
  13. Just waiting for all the rumours to start flying re. Alaphillipe, assuming they haven't statrted already. He's sum boi.
  14. Deep cut to his leg but no fractures, according to AP.......
  15. He’s been awesome......hope he can do it. Fùck Team Ineos. [emoji2] ETA - Yaassssss !!! Mon’ The Alaphillipe.....
  16. Have to disagree here, Henry.......when it comes to Succulent Lambism or enthusiastically bending over for a metaphorical anal fisting / prolapse, no-one can touch Keef Jacks***. Still can’t understand why anyone would pay money for that bogroll rag he works for.
  17. Did I understand Gary Imlach correctly when he seemed to suggest that Jumbo Visma were using George Bennett as a domestique when , at the time, he was lying 4th in GC ? Bizarre doesn’t begin to describe it if true. Another great tactical ride by Alaphillipe.
  18. What a fücking travesty of a spectacle ............
  19. Me too, what the fûck is this nonsense ? Ah, is it Amir Glasschin versus some palooka ??
  20. The fact that Arlene Foster’s DUP are propping up the dysfunctional Tories might be worthy of your consideration. Ergo, hate Sevco.........[emoji41]
  21. Always look forward to Sevco getting papped and their ‘fans’ getting leathered off the local polis.
  22. La Planche des Belles Filles........OYF !!! Brilliant ride by Alaphillipe.
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