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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/nov/21/take-a-look-at-me-now-baby-jesus-statue-resembles-phil-collins?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  2. Obese Speedo Man is in fact Ruth Davidson.
  3. Can you wastrels not just use the “Facts You Made Up” thread ??
  4. This thread, like Nonce Andrew, is pretty well fücked.
  5. Serious question Shandz......is that clip sped up ? [emoji50][emoji15]
  6. Prince Andrew to step back from public duties 'for foreseeable future' Obviously this is Brenda code for “That reprehensible little maggot is so fücking toxic that he’s surrounded by bargepole wielding peasants who won’t go near him so we need to sub him toot sweet and promote the ginger cünt Hewitt....”
  7. An 'interesting' read for your next visit to the Throneroom :- https://hangthebankers.com/prince-philip-is-this-the-sickest-man-in-the-uk/
  8. Apparently, putting faeces on your face is all the rage...... https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/nov/19/a-poo-facial-mask-smaller-pores-yes-but-do-you-really-want-faeces-on-your-face?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other [emoji37]
  9. Sorry, but those faux suede slip-on bootees with Cuban heels are deffo OFTW type footwear. ETA - Amy Irons ? Wid not, she has a f*cking terrible Weegie-squeak voice and could eat an apple through a tennis racquet.
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/nov/18/the-party-prince-how-andrew-got-his-bad-reputation?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  11. It's Nonce Andrew, sweating like f*ck, chasing some 17 y.o. on Jeffrey Epstein's Paedo Island............
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/nov/17/prince-andrew-abuse-emily-maitlis-queen?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  13. Joris Bonson and his pet ferret Cummings will be loving this Nonce Andrew car crash as it’s keeping the media away from their nefarious shenanigans. The cünts......
  14. Vanity Fair , August 2011 https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2011/08/prince-andrew-201108 “With the prospect of even further humiliation to her and her son, the Queen decided to intervene by employing the most potent instrument at her command: royal symbolism. She summoned Andrew to Windsor Castle and in a private ceremony invested him with the insignia of a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, the highest possible honor for “personal service” to the Queen. From now on, Prince Andrew will be entitled to use the letters G.C.V.O. after his name and wear a red-white-and-blue sash complete with the order’s star-shaped insignia, made from sterling silver, silver gilt, and enamel. Under the protection of the Queen, Prince Andrew was untouchable.”
  15. Maybe if Maitlis had pulled out a 10” chef’s knife and plunged it into Nonce’s neck..........Even back in 1984, Johnny Carson had Nonce Andrew’s card marked.....
  16. It was an MSG slophouse........absolutely dreadful nosheteria, only attracting gluttonous Homer Simpson types. (Yes, I know.......)
  17. It’s a quid pro quo scenario now..........Brenda gives Trump the full state blowjob treatment on his upcoming UK visit and Trump ensures that Nonce Andrew doesn’t get a subpoena. Job’s a good ‘un...........
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