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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Shame 75% of crowd clearly had no idea who he was. What a flat reaction
  2. So who goes on to challenge Roode now for the title. The only single wrestlers in NXT main roster that are faces are: No Way Jose, Tye Dillinger, Roderick Strong and Hideo Itami (injured)? Given Dillingers popularity I'm sure he would fill the gap for a month or two but he isn't exactly serious competition
  3. I don't really follow the UK wrestling but tonight I stumbled accross what culture live event on YouTube and some Pacitti guy got put through a table by Bubba Ray. Is he the same guy that Ludo says was in Dundee? Is this the same event I'm assuming if both are live? Also are what culture, icw and dominant the 3 biggest independant in the UK? And where are they in terms of biggest independant outside of WWE? I assume TNA, ROH and NJ are the biggest rivals?
  4. The one by the lass Holly has the best and catchiest chorus - pretty lass too. The rest of the song is pretty guff though and she has zero performance
  5. Best signing of the window imo. Seriously the guy is fucking immense. Great with both feet, can finish and must be one of the fastest players in Scotland.
  6. I assume Randy will now turn on Bray at some point. Bray will try to go back to Harper who won't want him and hence destruction of Wyatt family and it was Ortons plan all along
  7. John Hartson is somewhere having a good old tommy tug at the thought of Burke playing for Palace or Middlesbrough.
  8. Who on earth plays games for 'the graphics' in this day and age? The difference between the lot of them (to the average gaming fan) is so small it's barely noticeable. They all have 'great' graphics.
  9. Nintendo have never had loads of launch titles for their consoles. I just can't get into ps4 or xbox type consoles/games so I'm all over this new nintendo console. I think it looks great and have pre ordered one. The Wii U may have been a financial flop but there is a cracking set of games for it. I reckon the number of good games as a % must be higher than most consoles. I have high hopes and Nintendo rarely let me down in what I want from a console so I'll go against the pie and bov grain and say I'm very much hyped and looking forward to it.
  10. Jericho vs Owens will still happen at Mania. It will just be for US title rather than Universal. I'm disappointed they showed Strowman looking on at Undertaker. There is literally no point in doing that unless they are going to face off. I expect the two will clash in the rumble and I assume Strowman will eliminate Taker and they will go on to face each other at Mania as well.
  11. Yeah - Ezra was born the same day as Luke apparently (Empire day) so he would have been early 30s I think when Rey was born
  12. Why are people thinking characters will die this season? Is this the last season of Rebels?? Assuming it's not then the only one of the main guys I can see dying is Rex. He is perfect fodder for killing off/having a meaningful death without really affecting the dynamic of the show or characters. Ezra is a stick on to go to the dark side and end up killing Kanan. Wouldn't surprise me if he showed up in episode 8 or 9 as a mega villain. Hopefully he gets to pump Sabine at some point too.
  13. He is absolutely dynamite. In regards to the 40k - it's compensation due to his old French club if he signs for another club on a professional deal. Hence why we had to sign him on an amateur deal to the end of the season. There was a couple of clauses in the deal that means no club in our league can sign him but if a club higher up the leagues want him and willing to pay the 40k to his old team then I suspect they will get him. Not sure when the 40k compensation deal runs out. I assume the summer. If we can keep him even for another few weeks it will be a miracle. Miles too good for this league
  14. Liam Caddis any good lads? Will he cut it at the binos
  15. How's Frazer Wright these days? Rumour of going to Stirling (I assume on loan?)
  16. Top 5 wwe matches of the year: 1. Revival vs DIY 2. Zayn vs Nakamura 3. Alexander vs Ibushi 4. Miz vs Ziggler 5. AJ vs Cena ETA - forgot about Raw vs SD match at Survivor Series. That probably takes the number 3 slot and pushes he others down.
  17. Does it have a feature where the Sky Q box randomly records programmes it thinks you might like? Iv noticed a few times things being recorded that I haven't set and put it down to me pressing record button by mistake but half the stuff I accidently recorded seems to be stuff I'm mildly interested in so wondered if it's some sort of recommended feature?
  18. Do you mean the scene when: Thought the film was great by the way. Spotted a couple of easter eggs/nods to previous films as well so I'm chuffed at myself for that CGI is utterly tremendous
  19. John Hartson blocks anyone on twitter who tweets him about Burke and Burnley
  20. Was on trial at Everton a couple of years ago. From what I can gather from French media reports, the boy is mega talented but has had a few problems in the past. For example it looks like he was released from his last club because he missed a game due to a family bereavement that was found to have been made up but was caught because he was then filmed on social media out at a party of something like that. Could all be bullshit I guess. Just hope he is as talented as they say and he performs well on the pitch.
  21. Is he good enough for league two do you reckon? What's his strengths and weaknesses?
  22. Didn't watch the product when Goldberg was in it before. I assume he and Taker have feuded before? I wondered if that's the match they could be setting up for Mania
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