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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. I think she might actually go with him now/agree to be his missus. I think she was quite set on being in charge of Winterfell/queen of the North. She was the only one that didn't look that chuffed when everyone was pledging their allegiance to Jon and then she shared that look with Littlefinger as if to say "Go on then, it might be my only way of getting some power"
  2. Those first sequence of scenes at King's Landing were incredible. The music, the timing, the way it was shot- the whole thing was tremendous. I didn't see the Arya reveal coming I'll admit. For whatever reason I had put her as being miles away and out of the picture but as we know time travel has no bounds. The whole episode was fantastic from start to finish.
  3. I think it will be Ambrose vs Rollins 1 on 1 at Battleground. At end of match Reigns will return and destroy both of them as a proper heel this time and set up the three way for Summerslam.
  4. Is Sansa still a Bolton technically? Does that make her in charge of any remaining Bolton loyalists (not that there will many left I assume) Queen of the North surely?
  5. I thought Sansa was there for the 7 day thing. When they ride out to meet Ramsey he greets her with "Ah my lovely wife etc etc"
  6. Have spoiler rules changed btw? Wondering why everyone is spoilering after its aired...
  7. Jon is a good guy and a great fighter but what a hopeless leader.
  8. Very good signing for East Fife. Will stroll league one
  9. I think Sansa will end up being the one that kills Ramsey. Jon will about to be killed and Sansa will slit his throat or something. Tormund and the big giant will almost certainly die in battle. Last we saw of melissandre she looked ready for death so once Davos finds out about Shireen she will sacrifice herself or something like that. I can't imagine Davos outright killing her. Given the rate the direwolves are going, I think they will tease us that Ghost is dead. Ramseys dogs will attack him and it will cut away with him looking majorly outnumbered. Then at the end of the battle we will see a badly wounded Ghost emerge from a sea of dead Ramsey dogs. He may die from his wounds/get put down by Jon in episode 10.
  10. Not sure about this Almas guy giving people a dick to the face as a finisher
  11. All 32 cruiser weight tournament participants now announced with bios on each one on the wwe site. Great to see Tajiri back!
  12. I'm assuming the letter Sansa is writing is for Llittlefinger Although, is there any chance Blackfish/Brienne/Jamie can come to some sort of arrangment where the Lannister army helps them get rid of the Boltons in exchange for something? Although I'm not sure what they could offer up in exchange
  13. Ghost is easily the best of the direwolves and has probably had the most screen time. He killed a fcuk load of wildlings at the battle at castle black. Also not sure if it was on here or somewhere else, but I read a theory that Rickons ain't dead and it was some other animal that the humbers presented to Ramsay and that the humbers aren't really on his side?
  14. Also the women's mitb match will be very interesting to see! Has there been women's ladder matches before? Pretty sure there will have been during attitude era
  15. I hate Apollo Crews. He gets beaten down backstage and then walks out for his match all smiles, not selling any of the beating he took 15mins previously. Also pretty sure he botched the lionsault by Jericho but not exactly sure what was meant to happen. Called up way too soon
  16. The director of that episode is the same one that directed the episode of Lost 'The Constant' which is a great Desmond/Penny episode and also successfully pulls off the emotional time travel, jump around type moments
  17. Signing to be announced on official website this afternoon
  18. Tonight/tomorrow episode is 'available' early apparantly. It goes without saying that this definitely would be a time to use spoilers if you watch it
  19. Blair Henderson has agreed terms with the club and will be announced this weekend as a bino. Plus - the club has just started following him on Twitter which they tend to do when we sign a new player. Excellent signing. Exactly what we need. Hats off to the board/manager or whoever made this deal possible. That takes us to 7 new signings already for next season which is very encouraging. Blair Henderson - Berwick Marc McKenzie - Elgin Darren Petrie - Raith Jamie Mills - Rangers Bryan Hodge - Forfar Eddie Ferns - Alloa Jack McCue - Airdrie Apart from McCue (who I know nothing about) I'm pleasantly happy with those signings. If Aurélien Mazel signs up again a for next season then I'll be pretty confident about the season ahead.
  20. A return for Gendry perhaps? Is he not the only surviving b*****d of Robert?
  21. Ah cool, so as things currently stands with Tommen on the throne, they basically have the Lannisters, stormlands and crownlands fighting for them?
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