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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. What an awful ending to Raw. Hate the Jericho/Ambrose stuff. Have been very impressed with the way Cass has handled being on his own for a few weeks now. I always saw Enzo as the main guy that that got the team over but Cass has shown he has plenty to offer on his own as well.
  2. Paul Heffernan any good these days lads? Word is he might be going part time at Stirling Albion next season. Was he full time with you guys?
  3. He must be one of the most over talents to have ever been released by wwe? Proper gutted on this one
  4. Can you watch two channels at the same time on one screen? Almost like picture in picture or split screen?
  5. Finally caught up fully and just finished watching episode 3 of the new season. I think it's alright, nothing more, nothing less. Really didn't enjoy the first season but the second I think has seen a bit of a jump in quality though which is a good sign. I'm a massive Walking Dead fan, even all the recent seasons that some have been shitting on so I was always going to watch this and it's decent enough that I'll keep watching for now and hope that it improves. The main problem at the moment is awful characters. They are only 8 episodes in so they don't need a concrete storyline at the moment, it's the start of the outbreak and they are trying to survive and learn some basic survival skills. I have no issue with this basic storyline at the moment. The trouble with this as I alluded to is the characters. With such a simple storyline premise, the opening 12 episodes or so should be about establishing interesting characters and interesting stories and dynamics and that is where the show has struggled so far. The core group of 8 characters has around half that get pass marks for me (just). Strand and Nick have had a little bit of time to show development and are probably the two most interesting so far. Possible pass marks to Madison and Alicia (although being fit will only get her so far). The other 4 characters are woeful with Travis being the pick of the pile. Assuming he is meant to be our leading man, he is an absolute wet blanket. An utter pussy of a character. Now that would be fine if he was intentionally meant to be a mess but I don't think that is how they are trying to portray him which makes him unlikeable, unrelateable and boring. His son Chris has shown nothing than being the stubborn angsty teen that we have seen a million times. Daniel is so meh and screams like they are trying to make him the cool older no nonsense guy and his daughter Ofelia is the most non existent character on the show. It's not unsalvageable by a long shot. The nature of the show dictates that we will see new characters introduced and original members killed off (hopefully) so there is plenty opportunity for them to shake things up and get rid of the dross. If they do that and introduce a solid storyline going forward then it could be decent. At the moment it's 'alright'
  6. Indeed. No surprise Gendry is still fucking rowing away
  7. I hope that direwolf rips ollys fucking face off!
  8. Actually a reasonably enjoyable Raw for once. Storylines don't make a alot of sense but if you can ignore that then a decent show.
  9. What is Gendry up to in the book? Still rowing as well?
  10. Nothing great in my opinion but a decent enough response i guess. I don't like him at all so far. It's clear he is a talented athlete and all that but I just can't connect to the guy.
  11. Does it really start at 3am? If so then f**k that, I'll watch it tomorrow
  12. I haven't watched any ICW ever but from stuff iv seen and read I quite fancy getting into it. What is the best way to catch up? Is there a catalogue of ppvs etc that would be worth seeing. Or a good starting point? I'm not wanting to watch the full back catalogue, but happy to watch a few hours worth to get up to speed
  13. First names announced for the global cruiserweight tournament that will be ran on the network Rich Swann Jonny Gargano Tomasso Ciampa Zack Sabre Jr Akira Tozawa Ho Ho Lun Noam Dar I know the first 3 from NXT but got no idea who the last 4 are. I'm sure some on here will have an idea if they are any good
  14. NXT Dallas looking very tasty so far. Finn Balor vs Samoa Joe Bayley vs Asuka Dash/Dawson vs American Alpha Sami Zayn vs Shinske Nakamura Austin Aries vs Baron Corbin
  15. Yeah I would think it will be Zayn vs Owens. Could do a ladder match for the IC featuring ex NXT champs - Owens, Zayn, Neville, Big E and Bo. Might be a good way to introduce Balor as well. Or include Harper and Rowan as well as they were NXT tag champs
  16. I remember back on Hershels farm there was an episode that had one single walker in it who was down a well. Think that is the lowest count so far
  17. Thought Corbin was excellent here, great improvement as a heel
  18. Strang and Buting are going on tour http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/making-murderer-live-steven-averys-7476141
  19. Well done to the lads. Mid table at best I'm afraid though. On a separate note - what a terribly produced show this has been. So many mistakes, miscues, time killing and Mel has been pants as well
  20. Love shine a light really is a cracking tune! I remember watching it live and being so sure it woukd Eurovision that year and then the points just started rolling in. What a time to be alive. Think it was my first proper eurovision memory. Either that or Gina G whichever was first. What's everyone first eurovision memory?
  21. Instruments can only be mimed at Eurovision??? Has this always been the case? What's the reasoning behind that?
  22. Where did you expect it to go? Awful singer though, he needs to move around a bit more as well
  23. The two girls here are best so far but all three have been guff so far. It's all about Miracle Sookster!!
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