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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. In the 2 ladder matches - I dont think there was a single ladder spot was there? Nobody did a move from the ladder? Nobody did a submission on the ladder? Nobody landed on a ladder? Let them spot properly or not have them do it at all.
  2. I'm another who likes Mauro. I expect he will replace Tom Phillips who will stick to Smackdown.
  3. How good are the Usos on the mic as heels btw? Up there with best in company - so comfortable and very natural
  4. Yeah I would be up for going as well. My wife isn't a fan of Eurovision so would be on my tod anyway.
  5. Croatia being 4th bottom is a travesty
  6. Surely they would be better doing the public vote in this style rather than the jury vote?
  7. Why is none of the jury's vote going to Croatia? They are mega out of touch with public vote - Croatia will crush that vote.
  8. Is this the jury votes? Do we have to go through all these countries again for the public vote?
  9. Romania and Croatia were way way ahead of the rest of the pack.
  10. I may have missed this earlier in the thread but have Shire fans enjoyed their first lowland league season? New grounds, new league,new rival fans etc etc or has it been shite?
  11. There is a beast in Gerudo desert (south west on map) that is just brick hard compared to the other ones. The others are tough enough but I just can't get past this guy so gonna try again once I have got more hearts. Yeah I have about 4 shrines that I can't complete and all are 'major test of strengths' it's the fighting that I struggle with in the game. I tend to just bomb arrow the fcuk out any major bad guys.
  12. Double checked - he has been pinned once in his wwe career since teaming with enzo. That was in the fatal 4 way for the universal championship when he was superman punched,super kicked and then frog splashed before being pinned by Owens.
  13. Am I right thinking Cass has never been pinned/submitted in his whole wwe career. I'm almost certain he hasn't on the main roster and I can't think when he has on nxt either - was always enzo eating the pinfall.
  14. Absolutely still loving this. Three divine beasts down, but can't beat the last one - end boss is way too solid. At moment I'm just wandering around trying to complete side quests, get more shrines etc. Ditto on the dog - managed to get it's attention and even fed it some meat, it followed me around a bit but I'm not sure what you are meant to do with it. Hasn't led me anywhere, that's for sure...
  15. I actually don't mind it too much. Made a nice surprise and is at least something a little bit different having a total jobber as number 1 contender. I'm at least remaining open to see where they go and how Jinder gets on in his chance to shine. Likelihood it will be shite but I am genuinely interested as to where they go from here - hoping it's not just the standard anti American gimmick.
  16. How do they execute that without running risk of it collapsing during match? I assume some sort of remote trigger under the ring but I really don't know
  17. Not on Pie and Bov as such but Pie and Bov related... Those that remember the Laura Stevenson/Raj Singh George Square fraud payback thing from a number of years ago that I did? Well, a St Johnstone player at the time obviously unaware of who Laura Stevenson actually was, sent 17 year old Laura some Facebook messages trying it on...
  18. Beverly Brothers or Fabulous Roegeau I bet...
  19. Did JBL not tie someone up in the shower and shove a broom handle up their arse? That's jail time anywhere else in the world but in WWE it's not even a firing. They have such weird policies - for what it's worth all their 'ribs' sound like utter shite nonsense that belongs back in the 1970s.
  20. I don't know exact numbers but if you only use it to break ore then it lasts for ages. Think I have only ever broken 2 or 3, just don't use it for anything else. The whole Goron city region is quite tedious and annoying tbh I think. It's the one bit of the game where I have lost a little interest. On the plus side it doesn't rain there!
  21. It's a real day. I scan in my two zelda amiibos each day for the chests but I can't be arsed scanning all the other food amiibos unless I really need it. Need to get a hold of the Wolf amiibo. Btw fcuk using bombs to blow up the ore - the stuff goes everywhere and usually off the edge of whichever cliff you are on. I'll be sticking with the sledgehammer.
  22. I didn't know the remote bombs destroyed the ore, I'm always carrying a bloody sledgehammer around. Yeah Mr X it leads to another side quests up in the Akkala region. That then leads to another one which I have yet to do. Got so many unfinished quests on the go Only just discovered the other day that you can use each amiibo every day on the game. I have about 20 amiibos and they all give me a sh1t ton of food every day. I have 2 x zelda amiibos and they each give me a chest every day and I have had some cool stuff in them. Basically if you have a mario amiibo, you can scan it in each day and a bunch of food falls from the sky.
  23. I bought a house in Hateno - cost me 3000 rupees but it's great because you can store weapons, Shields and bows there. I always have a spare sledgehammer stored there just in case I ever need one at short notice. I have unlocked the whole map by getting the towers and been doing lots of side quests. Fighting any of the main enemies is way out of my league though. I managed to get to two divine beasts, get inside, do the puzzle bits but then get nowhere close to defeating the end boss so bailed. How do you see how many hours you have spent on the game so far? Also how do you increase your photograph album. Iv been taking photos for my compendium thingy but it seems to only let me take 48? Off to Goron City today...
  24. Tag match was outstanding! Revival are easily the best tag team around and have been for over a year now. 3MB reunion now that Jinder is back too..
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