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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Angus MacDonald had a solid debut for Hull yesterday and will be lining up against Chelsea next week for anyone wanting to see him in action
  2. How did he look for you? I' assuming he should be able to cruise it at League 2?
  3. Main event was sublime! I was suckered in a number of times where I was sure it was over.
  4. Gladstone or Jaz out of that lot. None have enough eurovision in them to win though
  5. Did Queens Park not confirm as being good guys 5 or 6 pages back I'm sure someone posted? The deflecting clubs claiming to know nothing sound like shitebag excuses for being bad buys
  6. Stirling Albion has officially come out against the idea completely and the chairman is at the meeting tomorrow. He has invited fans of any club to tweet him their views and he will put across. @forthbank_news Can' work out how to integrate Twitter to the post. Maybe someone else could provide direct link to the tweet
  7. Edinburgh City, Clyde, Montrose and Cowdenbeath all accepting of idea according to one paper today. Of the 6 other clubs - wonder which 3 are the good guys
  8. Kevin Moon has signed for Stirling? Thoughts from Raith fans? I seem to remember your fans raving about him one season but I might be getting him confused
  9. No reason Ackbar couldn't have been put in the Holdo role at the end and gone out in glorious fashion. Would have teared up at that. Eta - I wonder if Nien Nunb will fare any better. He blew up the second death star. He should be treated like a hero. Speaking of second death star - has Lando even been mentioned in the new trilogy? I would have thought a throwaway line might have been included to explain his absence. I was convinced we would at least see a cameo from him at the casino and partly thought he might have been the code breaker they were talking about
  10. I enjoyed it overall. There were a number of things I didn't like about it but...on the whole a pretty decent film. Loved all the stuff with Luke, Kylo and Reys characters. Those three were top notch. The Leia scene is up there with one of the worst scenes in all the Star Wars franchise.
  11. Ruby Riot is honking - both in ring and looks wise. That being said, her call up might have worked if she was in stable as Paige and maybe Nikki Cross/Sonia Deville. Don't think she is nearly strong enoigh to lead a new stable but hope she proves me wrong. Can't recall ever seeing Sarah Logan in NXT and Liv Morgan is alright. I think all 6 women would have a better impact had they invaded together at Survivor Series and attacked women from both brands.
  12. Didn't like Nancy in season one but thought she was a much better character this time round (ditching Steve aside) and her and dustin scene at the end was class
  13. Can't believe nobody has mentioned Bob yet! What a fantastic addition to the second season. Steve has also become one of the top guys. Only negatives about season 2 for me was episode 7 which was out of place and pretty meh. And the ginger lass - struggled to see the point of her and here brother being introduced other than to fulfil a jealousy role between the two boys. Season 2 was on the whole brilliant though. Loads better than the first
  14. As shit as the sister abilgail stuff was - Finn's backstage promo afterwards was just as bad.
  15. It's usually 2 rings next to each other all inside 1 steel cage is it not? Was there not some mad one that had 3 cages /rings on top of each other or is that some sort of bullshit myth
  16. Is it me or Is the editing particularly bad this year? I mean when they are having a conversation with a shop owner / customer it's edited all over the shop. I assume to make them sound even more like bellends
  17. £9 for a burger on the street? Aye jog on fellas
  18. I saw that....he is 57 and wants to f**k his 22 year old daughter (he has just found out she isn't his biological daughter) and asked the internet if it's Ok
  19. I think I have deleted all posts that mention potential spoilers for upcoming episode.
  20. So who from the Magnificent Seven is dying next week then? I reckon: Jon: Survives. Obvs Tormund - dead. Won't get to pump Brienne. Beric - dead. Story Arc over Thoros - dead. Drunk jobber Jorah - Fatal wounds. Will die in Danys arms Hound - Survives. He has unfinished business Gendry - dead. Only brought back to tie up his story I also reckon Dany will come in to rescue them with her dragons and Jon will finally ride one. Hound will wander off on his tod headed to Kings Landing.
  21. Did Davos go in one episode from: Dragonstone to Kings Landing, back to Dragonstone and then to the Wall? Some speed of the lad. Yeah parts feel rushed but I can see why they did it and i still loved the episode. So many different elements to it.
  22. I reckon Jaime will end up with Dany once he finally turns against Cersei. I was trying to think of suitable fellas for Dany that are still around and he is pretty much the only one other than Jon that kinda fits the bill.....thats all assuming he actually turns on Cersei of course. Lannister/Targaryen power couple and I'm sure Tyrion would put Inn a good word for him.
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