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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. It's UK air time is like 3am. After that time it's available on demand. No need for spoiler tags. Visit the thread at your own risk if you haven't caught up with the latest episode. The difference between the walking dead is that it's not shown in the UK at all until it's air time on a Monday night (I believe) hence why people spoiler stuff if they have chosen to view it early.
  2. A 3hr Raw A grand total of 6 matches 4 of those were tag matches 3 of those featured ascension, social outcasts and lucha dragons. The other featured a rematch from Fastlane No wonder raw is going to shit
  3. And it looks quality! Video below on their fb page https://m.facebook.com/wwe/?fref=nf
  4. There is only one choice to stand a chance of winning from those 6 and that is the one called 'Miracle' by Karl Lund. It has a really cheesy euro pop feel that other countries like. The others are a mixture of 'alright' and rotten, and whilst a couple might be alright songs in their own right - they wont stand a chance of winning in a million years. #TeamMiracle
  5. Interesting stuff. Do we know who the 6 acts are yet? I'm assuming a selection of failed x factor acts and 90s pop stars?
  6. Also Sooky, when is it announced who our entry is this year?
  7. Great addition I feel. Would be happier if they scrapped the jury votes altogether
  8. Hated Carl in the early seasons but I really don't mind him now. His character has improved dramatically in the last 3 seasons. In fact I don't think he has been a whingey moany kid since season 2 maybe - whenever his maw died?
  9. I see wwe have announced that they will be doing a network tournament to crown a 'Global Cruiserweight Champion' or something like that. Basically getting the best cruiserweights from across the world along with any currently in wwe and creating a tournament for it. Not sure how it will work in principle, I'm assuming it will be filmed as a pre determined live show somewhere and not a tv series style reality competition??
  10. Goldust spunking his load on r truths missus was the highlight of raw. It was the little post orgasm skake/noise that topped it off.
  11. I agree that Mojo looked an utter fud on breaking ground, pretending he goes around all hyped up in his day to day life - get fucked ya utter wankstain.
  12. Apparantly up until Mondays loss, Titus had gone for 3 months undefeated?? What a shite push if I didn't even notice it really
  13. Bull Dempsey, Sylvester LaFort and Marcus Louis all released
  14. Would be great if Wyatt won the rumble and went into Mania ad champ to face Lesnar. HHH will cost Reigns the match setting up their Mania match as well
  15. Jericho to win the rumble and create all kinds of seethe
  16. Nope, I'll get round to updating it in the next week or so
  17. I would add Daniel Bryan to that list as well. If the final five was Reigns, Lesnar, Bryan, Cena and HHH then I genuinely wouldn't know was going to win and that's all I want. I just want to go into final third of the rumble with no idea of the outcome
  18. By the way, what's he all about chucking a live cat on a fire? He was an adult at the time as well - that is crazy behaviour
  19. Strang and Buting are top lads
  20. I have 3 episodes left. Loving it so far. Fucking hate Lenk and Colborn.
  21. Unless your gran is absolutely minted then you should feel embarrassed about taking £500 from your gran. I'm genuinely stunned people gladly accept this sort of money from parents /grandparents (as adults) Of course everyones budget and circumstances are different and you may desperately need that money etc which is fair enough but if you don't then I'm quite surprised a few folk on here would gladly just take that sort of money from their elderly relatives. Maybe just me
  22. Pair of trainers 2 jumpers Calendar Broons and Oor Wullie Game of Thrones Monopoly Jurassic World BluRay Smelly/Bathroom stuff Chocolates Pjs/socks Concert tickets Couple of books
  23. I got an Oor Wullie and a Broons book this year? I'm confused, I thought they were always alternate
  24. It was used last year but think div had a cull of around 3 weeks of posts so last year's Christmas didn't happen
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