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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Realistically, there is only 5 or so names on the current roster that have the star power and stand any chance of winning the rumble and headlining mania: John Cena Roman Reigns Daniel Bryan Seth Rollins The Undertaker Taker doesn't need it and Rollins is out. Either Reigns or Cena will be champion going into Mania which leaves only a couple of realistic options. Outside of that you are looking at part timers such as HHH, Lesnar, Rock etc. All your 'second tier' guys that should have a realistic chance of winning - Ambrose, Cesaro, Owens, Wyatt, Ziggler etc don't stand a chance because the prize is competing at Mania for the main belt and 90% of the time - headlining the event. Since the second world title was scrapped, Royal Rumble winners have been very very predictable. I think they really need to scrap the prize of a 'Mania match'. Winning the rumble should be a good enough push in itself if done right. Even changing the prize to 'A guaranteed PPV main event for the title' would open up the rumble to a whole host of different options.
  2. I always wondered why we haven't seen any skeletons yet? This goes back to when all the zombies were in the quarry and I was asking myself why they didn't burn them all. If all their organs and flesh was burnt, I assume they couldn't be a zombie? Given we haven't seen any skeleton walkers, I assume they need their brain to function in which case that could be burnt surely
  3. I would have like to see the demon Finn Balor join taker and kane at SS. Not a full call up but just for this ppv would be cool.
  4. Hmmm.....maybe about 5-10 years too old then to be Kylo Ren. Not totally un-workable
  5. Just finished watching latest episode of Rebels and I'm starting to convince myself that Ezra will turn out to be Kylo Ren just from his looks. His character sort of looks like it could be a young Adam Driver. Anyone know if the age of both works?
  6. This might be a mental idea but I saw it somewhere else last year and thought it might be quite a good laugh on this forum. Pie and Bov Secret Santa Basically everyone who wants in drops the organiser a PM with their address. Organiser randomises and sends everyone who wants in with a random address (not sure if usernames should be sent - prob not). An agreed spend is set - probably £5 minimum. From 1st December everyone is welcome to start sending gifts. Everyone posts photos on thread of what they got and mayhem undoubtedly ensues when a couple of arseholes don't send anything. They would be named and shamed. Worth a shot?
  7. Gable/Jordan vs Gargano/Ciampa is top notch stuff. The Scottish lass Kay Lee Ray looks like a junkie
  8. JBL has been shitting all over the Wyatts since their taker beat down. Maybe the APA?
  9. Loved the second episode of the season. Tasty stuff indeed
  10. 6 years ago, I predicted this line up for 2015. Only about 5 or 6 correct squad players
  11. That was a great season opener!
  12. What's wrong with Amy? I think she is the best out of the lot of them, probably along with Raj. For me, Sheldon is the worst. Not funny at all
  13. Are either Storm or Ray any good? Don't know anything about either, although I gather Storm is a former champion so guessing he must be ok
  14. Next table for 3 is Cesaro, Ambrose and Kevin Owens in a 'brass ring' discussion
  15. Agree with above, terrific show and no bad match on the card. Jordan/Gable vs Rhyno/Corbin was great and the ending sequence from when Jordan got the hot tag was awesome. Really top ending to that match. I'm a little surprised and perhaps disappointed that the two teams in the final werent proper tag teams. I expected at least one of them to be and very surprised they gave the win to Balor/Joe. With the knee injury I thought they were leading to that being their downfall or a Joe heel turn by blaming Balor etc. Crews vs Breeze was very good with some great spots, personally I would have had Breeze win this one. Dawson/Wilder really impressed me in what has to be their best outing yet. Asuka vs Brooke served it's purpose in establishing what Asuka is all about. Delighted they didn't go with a traditional squash match for her first outing. Sasha/Bayley as expected was excellent. Like someone else said, I probably preferred their last match but this was a great effort as well.
  16. Yeah his voice is all sorts of crazy highs and lows, but at least they addressed that straight off the bat. Really glad it's back
  17. They mentioned it on the gorilla position podcast when discussing new nxt talent so I dunno where they got it from but they are pretty reputable
  18. Better than the likes of Eva Marie, Carmella etc?
  19. Apparently some Scottish lass Nikki Storm has signed with NXT - anyone seen her in action? Any good?
  20. Ooooooft. They will knock that out the park. Great that it's main eventing as well
  21. You skipped the important bit regarding the Wyatt attack on Orton. Backstage, reigns and Ambrose had been chatting to Orton about him possibly being their partner. The Wyatt attack after that I assume is so that Orton doesn't tag with them.
  22. Just watched this video of Athena. Compilation of her moves etc and some of them look really brutal (in the good way) Worth watching to the end. As it finishes with a few different videos of her finishing move which looks mental. It's like a flying stunner from the top rope. Looks sore as fcuk. Maybe someone can embed https://youtu.be/z52UvuRe8ZE
  23. Nxt takeover tickets London sold out in 15mins. Couldn't get a ticket
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