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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. After finishing it I'm pretty convinced Adnan did it. For some reason I just believe Jay. He has clearly messed with his story for whatever reason but when it boils down to it, I don't think Jay would have killed her
  2. I love Cesaro! In ring the guy is tremendous, so entertaining and impressive. Reckon he will ever be wwe champ?
  3. I'm about 10 episodes into this now and really enjoying it. I hope by the end of the 12 episodes there is a clear outcome
  4. Yeah defiantly winning I reckon. I also think it will be him that attacked Hideo
  5. Yeah I expect it to be an extended squash. Might last a little longer than normal if other new day get involved. Wouldn't surprised me to see Rollins involved either in some way
  6. How random is Cesaro vs Diego? Like wtf?
  7. The whole thing is live I believe. You got the full line up of matches Jamie? You are normally the man in the know
  8. What UK time is this network live special tomorrow? Am I right in thinking it's around lunchtime? Don't think I have ever watched a live WWE broadcast during the day
  9. What on earth is women's weekend hour? Like a loose women type thing
  10. Can't think of any straight of the bat. I'm not sold on this Samoa joe guy at all. Nxt is the first time I have seen him but not my type of wrestler and is already boring me. Hope he doesn't hang around too long.
  11. Poor Tyson Kidd - out for 14 months and having neck surgery guy can't catch a break I think it was Samoa Joe that did it at a live event or a dark match.
  12. Is she not meant to be about 14? I'm sure she is closer to Ezras ageEdit - just checked. 16
  13. Also was anyone else hoping they made older Ahsoka a bit hotter?
  14. I thought Rebels started off a bit naff but by the end it was really solid tv especially for a disney product.
  15. Actually if Stannis is still alive and that's a big if then going back to the wall might not be a bad idea. Assuming Jon is dead or will be going elsewhere if he gets brought back then the wall leaves us with very little people that we care about. Stannis could go back and take charge of the nights watch and then that leaves us with at least one main(ish) character at the wall for storyline purposes. Who is at the wall that we currently have any investment in? Davos is probably the main one but then apart from that you are looking at side characters like Ser Allister, Tormund and Jons pal
  16. Raw was brutal. No surprise that there isn't a single comment so far
  17. I think McAdams could end up being the show stealer. I think she will do just fine. In fact I'm sure all four of the main cast will be fine.
  18. Well aye there is, I could delete the posts or cover them with spoiler tags as I did a few times in the game of thrones thread. There was a big discussion in that thread about the issue as it's a bit of a grey area with valid points for both sides. At the end of the day someone has to make the call otherwise it ends up being a mish mash of both. I have left it to the last minute but we are point now where episode will be airing in a few hours and if there is people coming on to the thread who havent watched it yet (I'm not sure why people do this) then at least they know there will be spoilers ahead. Sorry fella
  19. I see oor taylor has taken her tunes away from Apples new streaming service? Along with her removing stuff from Spotify last year all I can see this doing is increasing illegal downloads of her music
  20. Ok as mod of this part of the forum ill make the decision that for True Detective it can be talked about freely on thread after its first UK airing (2am). If it all works out well then we can use it for Game of Thrones next season. It's my personal preference to wait till the later showing....but happy to go with majority for now.
  21. My laptop is good enough to run football manager pretty fast and telltale games no bother. Does that mean other pc games should be alright? It doesn't have a disc drive so would be downloads only. Processor: Intel®Core i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80 GHz 1.80 GHz Installed memory (RAM): 6.00GB (5.89 usable) System Type: 64 bit operating system, x64 based processor Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4000 No idea what the above means really and if it's good or not. What sort of games WOULDN'T I be able to play with the above?
  22. I wonder if Bran can take over a white walker or if it's only living things. He could control that whole army
  23. A lot of Binos fans were happy to see the back of him because we was a lazy b*****d for majority of our season. I wasn't one of them because he was still our top scorer in a team that was dreadful and finished bottom of the league and was a lazy b*****d. Get him motivated and he will score plenty of goals. Unfortunately for us and for Raith before that, getting him motivated was part of the problem.
  24. If we are meant to fully understand Aryas stuff from season five and all the faceless assassin stuff then they have done quite a poor job of explaining it
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