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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. It'd cool it wasn't you. Think a couple of people replied to your answer though and in itself reveal info. My own fault really
  2. Reading the response to my spoiler question was only going to end in trouble. Guess that's ruined for me
  3. Ooh and also what happened to Theons sisters mob? They looked quite handy in a fight a few seasons ago, although I can't remember whose side they fight for and who they believe is the rightful king?
  4. Also one for those who have read the books
  5. So does he have a boat and he doesn't live on it? Or does he not have a boat at all? How was all this revealed?
  6. I'm out of the loop on the out of the loop thread. After a quick skim: 8Mile is a beast who wants to rattle 14yr olds and sjc doesn't live on a boat. That about right?
  7. Aww there goes my dream scene then. On another note has anyone got a list of missing people from the TV show that we don't know where they are or have vanished for ages. I know Gendry is one along with the stark guy that left the red wedding for a piss before it all kicked off. Can't mind his name
  8. I'm hoping the show ends with the White Walkers vs The Dragons. I have convinced myself that Jon Snow and Tyrion are both Targaeryns. Especially since the last words of Tywin were "you are no son of mine" and he said back in season one "since I can't prove you aren't mine" There are 3 white walkers leaders on horses and 3 dragons. I can see the scene in my head: Dany, Tyrion and Jon Snow each on a dragon flying through the air to meet the White Walker army in a final epic battle! (I'm assuming since dragon glass and dragon steel (valyrian) both can kill walkers then Dragon fire prob can as well?)
  9. Kevin Kelbie off to EF. Dreadful for us but seems to have turned it around since he went to Juniors
  10. I always thought Bran and his weird mind powers were setting up so that he can eventually control and take over the white walker army? Also those wee skeletons that attacked Brans mob last season, were they the same army/type of dead from this week's episode? I don't trust Olly at all. Such a wee dick, was convinced he had poisoned sam with his soup! Up to no good anyway. Tyrion has been my favourite and most cherished character throughout I thought but I reckon I have slowly changed to Jon Snow. I almost feel like he is the lead character now in many ways. I'll be gutted if he gets chopped this season
  11. Good stuff. At least it's actor who is very relevant, and who is genuinely a massive fan rather than just promoting something. For anyone who follows him on twitter or seen his interviews, he does seem like a genuinely cool and nice dude as well.
  12. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    Whatever happened to Peggys baby with Pete? Forgot how that whole thing panned out
  13. Her new video Bad Blood has broken Vevo records with over 20mill views in 24hrs. As a reward (and seeing as she likes scottish blokes) - you can take out for a date in your home town. Where do you take her?
  14. For me you have way over rated the event. For NXT ppv standard it was somewhere in the middle, but that is still a great standard. It was a good PPV, not a great one. Balor vs Breeze - 7/10 Divas Tag - 6/10 Corbin vs Rhyno - 6/10 Tag Title Match - 7/10 Sasha vs Becky - 9/10 Owens vs Zayn - 8/10
  15. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    once it's shown on uk tv then it's fair game
  16. Is there a better female wrestler in WWE at the moment than Sasha Banks? Charlotte, Paige? I don't think so, from what I have seen from them all - Sasha is at a different level
  17. Yip Sasha vs Becky was absolutely tremendous. Easy match of the night
  18. I suspect Wyatts next feud will be Orton or Reigns
  19. Can't believe she is dating some shitey scottish dj as well. I know the name calvin harris but genuinely couldn't name a single tune - I'm assuming it's all that dancey thump thump music? Fair play to him though for getting to pummel her
  20. Was that Jessica Alba and Cindy Crawford I spotted in that video? For me that's one of the weakest songs on the album. Is her music just classed as 'pop' now? Didn't it used to be classed as country?
  21. For me it was the weakest episode of the season so far. I found it really slow. Not a bad episode but just a bit disappointing. Aryas storyline is boring the life out of me at the moment. I feel like her character has been wasted this season. Odd to have nothing at the wall either. Barring the battle of blackwater episode, Jon Snow has been in every single episode until this one. Dany has only missed 2 I think as well although I like her and her storylines but I know she has haters on here
  22. the episode airs at 2am so just record it at that time and watch when suits
  23. Her music is catchy as fcuk. 1989 is a fantastic album full of top tunes. Any other P&B Swifties?
  24. I thought they should have ended the episode with Tyrion being pulled away under water. Would have created a better cliffhanger esp for us non book readers who don't know who is safe. Loving a bit of Stannis this season. Also is the Targareyen at the wall (Aemon?) not the rightful king before Dany? Surely if he wanted he could just state his claim
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