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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Is there any Scottish forum bigger/busier than Pie and Bov? It surely has to be one of the biggest in Scotland
  2. For me it goes: AJ > Renee Young > Alicia Fox > The rest
  3. AJ is much nicer imo. I'm not into the whole goth thing that Paige has going on
  4. What's the deal with DA Baracus and his boss? Iv seen it mentioned a few times, I assume there is a thread somewhere that explains
  5. Aye bit he died on earth as he crash landed. The only incident confirmed where people have actually died in space was in 1971 in the Soyuz 11. They were attaching their pod to the main craft on a seemingly standard mission when the seal on a valve loosened exposing open space to their capule. They had about 20-40 seconds before death but the valve was located under one of the seats so was hard to find although one of the astronauts was found positioned near there so it's likely he found it but was unable at that point to do anything. How they actually died - the exposure to space in their capsule caused the nitrogen and oxygen in their blood in their brain, nose and ears to bubble and burst and rupture vessels.
  6. In fact to answer my own question as I just looked it up. Only 18 astronauts have died during space missions (4 different missions) and only one of them actually happened in space
  7. So has anyone ever been 'lost in space' and drifted away? Or has anyone ever died in space (not through an explosion etc)
  8. What if something blew up the moon but missed Earth completely. I assume we can survive without it?
  9. I may have asked this before but think it was on another thread and can't remember the answer. If some big asteroid or such like was suddenly discovered to be hurtling straight towards earth and was gonna hit us straight on (i.e its just big enough thing to wipe out earth) then I have a few questions: 1. How much notice would the top dogs at NASA get? i.e a month, weeks, days etc? 2. Would they keep it hush hush? 3. Is there anyway to prevent it hitting i.e altering it's course/blowing it up etc 4. Is there currently some sort of emergency protocol for this to preserve human life? 5. If yes to above, what would this likely be? Do they have a big rocket on standby that they would fill with intelligent folk and get them the fcuk out of there?
  10. Out of all the NXT people that have came up to the main roster, I would say the following have been successes/failures so far Successes Bray Wyatt Dean Ambrose Luke Harper Roman Reigns Rusev Seth Rollins Jurys Out Erick Rowan Paige Failures Adam Rose Big E Bo Dallas Xavier Woods Emma So pretty much (barring Rusev) the only successes so far were two factions - The Shield and The Wyatts as they carefully built their characters and storylines and seemed to ahve a long term plan for both. In the middle section, my head tells me that Erick Rowan will fall to the failure category and Paige should rise to the success category but not really seen enough from either yet to judge fully.
  11. Pleasantly surprised that Ziggler beat Rollins cleanly. The boy is on a roll. All set for an Iron Man performance in the rumble I think.....
  12. Neville will probably be the bunny if WWE decisions lately have any indication. I think he will have alot of problems as a singles guy if he goes up as he is now. Could easily be lost in the shuffle. I actually think Neville would be best suited in a tag team for his initial main roster run
  13. Garbage Raw to be honest - the main event was ok but the rest was crap. The opening 30mins in ring segment with Jericho/Heyman/Cena/Rollins was awful stuff I dread to think of the standard for the next couple of weeks as they do their Christmas and New Year specials
  14. I had a pair of those Silver Shadows as a kid, shameful stuff Comfiest trainers I ever owned were a pair of Nike Air Tuned Siroccos back in late 90s I think. These days I have a couple of pairs of navy sambas that are falling apart. A pair of Adidas Zx something or other that are about two year old and a pair of Nikes that my dad bought me that I have never worn as they are horrible. My current footwear of choice for the winter is actually a hillwalking trainer/boot type thing that I got from Millets. Not cool at all but comfy and durable against the elements. I think that's a sign of being old
  15. Thought the PPV was excellent from start to finish. Even the earlier matches were all enjoyable. Gotta be up there with WWE PPV of the year.
  16. I find myself less sympathetic towards Carrie this season which had previously been one of the hooks for me. That bring said the last few episodes have been great. On another note I have been waiting for Quinn or Saul to turn evil for 3 seasons now and I'm starting to believe they are genuine good guys
  17. No chat on the Suicide Squad casting announcements? Jared Leto as The Joker could be brilliant. Margot Robbie will make a great Harley Quinn as well. Don't know much about Deadshot so not sure about Will Smith being cast. Also don't know much about Tom Hardys character as Rick? Oprah will make a decent Amanda Waller and Jai Courtney will be fine as Boomerang chap who we saw recently in Arrow
  18. So assuming everything went well - when are we likely to send folk to Mars? Are we talking 5-10 years? 20-30 years? etc
  19. Arrrgh wish I hadn't read that! As I started reading I knew I should have stopped but couldn't. Hopefully I will have forgotten most of it in a year's time
  20. Thing is, Im not entirely sure what to do with her. Something fun and not too cruel. Open to suggestions.......
  21. I think it's time to introduce the infamous Laura Stevenson to Tinder.
  22. I didn't realise that the most habitable place outside our solar system for humans would be in the clouds of Venus. Just done some interesting reading on it. Surface of Venus is out of the question naturally but apparently 30 miles up from the surface in the clouds is an almost perfect living conditions for humans to the point where we wouldn't need space suits and could walk around comfortably (the gravity, atmosphere and temperature is almost the same as Earth). in other words, big floating cities in the clouds of Venus would be perfectly habitable. Given that its a good bit closer than any other planet, I'm assuming the only reasons we aren't doing this is that there are no long term natural resources? Someone brainer than me on here will have the answers I'm sure.....
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