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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Just been watching an interview with Jinder Mahal post WWE where he talks about 3MB etc and apparently Slaters original band mates was going to be Dean Ambrose and Johnny Curtis
  2. Bump. Playing through this for the first time so avoided all those spoilers.
  3. Clone Wars is on Netflix US and not the UK version. I thought Ahsoka Tano was best thing so far on Clone Wars but only 3 seasons in so far. Rebels is decent but I dont like the beast thing that is in their group
  4. Title announced as Star Wars: The Force Awakens I suspect we may get a teaser trailer before the end of the year
  5. From that squad: Marshall Bardsley Martin Hanley Robertson Brown Morrison Maloney Naismith Anya Fletcher
  6. Aye they will have barrett come out and make an announcement about it as he will be cheered. Either that or it will be edited as it's pre-recorded when in uk
  7. For Smart TVs it is only available on Sony or Samsung models that were released in 2013 or 2014
  8. Apparantly WWE only gained 30,000 subscribers from all the international countries they rolled out to the other month
  9. What are Sons fans opinions of your first team coach Spalding? He is in line for Stirling Albion managers job?
  10. Nah there were quite a few single matches on that card
  11. I agree, I would welcome the return of a ppv filled with traditional survivor series matches. Was the last time they did that about 1991?
  12. Has there ever been a 2/3 falls match in WWE that hasn't gone to 1-1
  13. Am I missing something with the ending? We already knew/suspected they were cannibals. I mean it was a decent ending but not overly surprising?
  14. I can never decide whether I like Van Alden or Richard better. Easily the best two Boardwalk characters
  15. Was chatting to Alberto Del Rio for a while today in London and he was telling me WWE had planned this year to announce a PPV for the UK in 2015. Apparantly the US PPV people wont let them though because of the time difference and they already believe they are being shafted by the network. He then went on a separate rant about the "fucking network" and how most of the wrestlers aren't happy it's failing because the network had been written into their revised contracts or something. He didn't go into detail on that part but I assume their salaries or bonuses are linked to network subscriptions. That's what I think he was getting at
  16. About 50 issues of Star Wars comics for free if anyone is interested Well it's pay what you want - so it has to be a minimum of 1p https://www.humblebundle.com/books Any in the top row! Edit - if you decide to pay more than the average (currently $9.65) you also unlock all the other ones on bottom row
  17. Anyone been watching Star Wars Rebels? 3 episodes are out so far (double episode premiere). Strong start I reckon. I think it has a similar feel to the original trilogy. A bit more light hearted I guess. Well worth watching
  18. I remember being buzzing when channel 4 got the rights for Sunday Night Heat cause I didn't have sky. I tuned in for the very first episode to see the debut of Essa Rios and Lita win a title from some bald dude
  19. Everyone was hyped about Sin Cara as well
  20. Aye me too. My first memories of wrestling was watching the video of WWF World Tour 88/89 which my friend had got sent by his cousin in America who recorded it from TV or something In late 1989. I remember being pissed off because Tito Santana got sat on by Earthquake and he was my favourite. I'm sure Hacksaw Jim Duggan went up against Kendo Nagasaki as well.
  21. They were talking about main eventing wrestlemania though? Surely not? Or is this one of those things where an event has two main events?
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