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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Cake to Bake is awesome. Especially that wee guy that just says 'piece of cake'
  2. Uk are usually always in the top 5 or 6 with the bookies. No idea why
  3. Still a good episode but probably the weakest of the season for me so far
  4. I was trying to work out a scale today to work out how big of a Star Wars fan you can be? Does this seem about right? 1. Casual fan. Have seen all 6 films 2. Have seen all the films (some of them numerous times) and can name a few minor characters and species etc 3. Have seen all the films, maybe the clone wars and dabbled a little in the expanded universe. Can hold a decent level of Star Wars chat 4. Have seen all the films, the clone wars and read all or most of the expanded universe. Very knowledgeable about all things Star Wars 5. Has seen and read everything to do with Star Wars. The ultimate Star Wars geek Where would you put yourself on that scale?
  5. First trailer for Star Wars Rebels released today. I think this looks great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1Wstrw_gGc&feature=youtu.be
  6. Not at all mate - very jealous! It's one of the things I would love to do in my lifetime. Are you going to the show itself?
  7. My favourite from the very few I have heard so far is this bad boy from Latvia about how to bake a cake! I was convinced he was singing about making a space cake with all the lyrics about speaking to unicorns, moonwalking on the milkyway and finding Atlantis etc but by the end I wasn't sure SPOILER - CHEESIEST GUY YOU HAVE EVER SEEN
  8. Just look at the list of some of the people who aren't involved at the PPV on Sunday: Alberto Del Rio Big Show Christian Cody Rhodes Goldust Damien Sandow Dolph Ziggler Fandango Kofi Kingston Mark Henry Rey Mysterio Sheamus There is 12 guys right there who currently have no storyline and pretty much doing nothing at moment so naturally aren't on the PPV. They could surely have some sort of mid card feuds on the go for these guys
  9. I'm surprised that Peter Mayhew is back given that he is pretty much confined to a wheelchair these days. Not sure how that will work.
  10. The actor is 16, she is 32. Jammy
  11. Main cast for the film announced along with a photo http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-27210448
  12. So it appears on further reading that the old 'expanded universe' will be classed under a 'legends' banner and not totally discarded. However there is a new line of books that will all tie in to the timeline of the films and TV shows.
  13. Official announcement today is that the new films won't be following the time line or events from the extended universe. The only timeline they are recognising are those from the first 6 films, Clone Wars and the new Star Wars TV show - Rebels.
  14. I see there is another NXT PPV in May called 'Takeover' matches announced so far are: Adrian Neville vs Tyson Kidd (NXT title) Natalya vs Charlotte (women's title) Tyler Breeze vs Sami Zayn (#1 contenders match)
  15. I thought Right to Censor had returned!
  16. I think you are being a little short sighted there
  17. Been working on internal recruitment recently, it's almost like we put out an advertisement asking for people who 'work efficiently as an individual and as part of a team' This genuinely must be on 90% of CVs. Begins to get irritating
  18. Just watched Wrestletalk from last night with Grado hosting. I really don't get it? I'm not overly sure what's meant to be funny, is it him speaking broad scottish? Is he any good in the ring?
  19. Agree the Warrior documentary is very good especially all the backstage stuff
  20. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    No love for the opening episode of the season?
  21. Excited to check this out. Only heard excellent things about the first episode
  22. The script for Raw on Monday was leaked online. Very interesting read, especially the list of baby faces and heels in order of preference. Poor JTG at the bottom. Also interesting to note that a certain NXT star appears on the list that hasn't appeared at all so far. Note - it also has a checklist of stuff that must be done/mentioned to build extreme rules matches, so there is match spoilers there if that sort of stuff bothers you. http://m.imgur.com/a/u9Xj3#
  23. Who the fcuk is this Grado chap? Watching my first ever wrestletalk. This guy is a bombscare
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