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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Very average raw I thought. Expected better coming off the rumble
  2. Anyone fancy a bit of Raw bingo for tonight? Pick 10 things you think will happen I'll go: 1. Rhodes vs Outlaws rematch, in fighting between the Rhodes causes the loss again 2. John Cena to cut a promo informing Wyatt to 'come get some' before being attacked 3. Bryan/YES chants all night even for when he isn't there 4. Punk to attack Kane 5. A long Heyman segment about how awesome Lesnar is. Brock himself probably wont turn up 6. Orton/Batista to have an in ring showdown of sorts. Will be shat on. 7. Alexander Rusev will squash a jobber 8. Sheamus will tell Renee Young how he is back and wants a fight 9. Fandango will want revenge on El Torito 10. Bryan won't be on the show until whatever the final segment/match is
  3. Bad News Barrett was outstanding on Smackdown doing commentary from his huge podium and slating The Miz vs Brodus for being awful. "There is kids putting their pyjamas on over there.Do something exciting!"
  4. August: Osage County - 8/10 Great film. After watching this, I really really hope Meryl Streep gets the Oscar for best actress - she is fantasic in this! Lots of really solid performances, some interesting and thought provoking storylines and just a great watch. Frozen - 8/10 Finally got round to watching this and wondering now why it took me so long. Another superb Disney film and been humming and singing the tunes from the film since watching this. Is it wrong to find a couple of characters cute Dallas Buyers Club - 7/10 This is all about Matthew McConaughey! He is utterly brilliant in this and makes the film what it is. The film itself is good, not great but McConaughey deserves reward for this showing. Jared Leto also pretty decent in supporting role. Well worth a look. American Hustle - 7/10 Liked it, didn't love it. Thought Bale and Lawrence stole the show in terms of performance. Was certainly watchable and fairly enjoyable - best film of the year? Nah I don't think so. Saving Mr Banks - 6/10 Loved the scenes with Emma Thompson. Hated the flashback childhood scenes. Found myself get a bit bored in the middle of the film. Wasn't a bad film, but not sure it's one I would watch again
  5. I think Kane is still in cahoots with Bryan and they have been working this thing to destroy the Wyatts from inside. I mean it was even Kane that ensured the door was locked
  6. Thought that was magic at the end with all the slow YES chants! Also great to see The Uso's main event Raw and win. Who would have predicted that a year ago Kofis botch also had me in stitches. Hope there is a gif of that
  7. Unfortunately like Forehead, due to the channel that picked it up its likely to be a procedural case of the week type show that will be quite generic
  8. Also, Michael Douglas and Paul Rudd to star in Ant Man
  9. Fox have ordered a new series to pilot called 'Gotham' which will focus on Gordon before he was commissioner and will include various other characters at points. Apparantly Wayne is being cast as a 12yr old if that gives an indication of when it will set?
  10. Agreed. Thought it was great and McConaughey is fantastic as you say and Woody Harrelson is great as always.
  11. Agreed that I'm actually quite glad season five will be the last. It's been excellent and would rather they finished on a high note than dragging it out. Who will die, I'm expecting a blood bath near the end?
  12. The Wolf of Wall Street - 9/10 Fantastic. Long, but fantastic. I really rate Di Caprio and think this could be his best performance yet. In fact there is so many great performances. Margot Robbie is brilliant as his wife and will be seeing plenty more of her in films in the future.
  13. Fcuking hell - look at the number of wrestlers that were giving her the RIP treatment and she aint even dead yet http://twitchy.com/2014/01/09/wrestlers-mourn-the-passing-of-legendary-mae-young-incorrectly-reported-dead/?utm_source=autotweet&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=twitter
  14. Is Mae Young not dead then? I'm sure I saw a bunch of RIP stuff earlier today for her
  15. All 12 PPVs as well! Especially for the yanks, that is great as at least we get a few free a year. Yeah as Forehead says though, madness they haven't gone worldwide with it.
  16. I'm a mod on this part of the forum and added in the spoiler tags to his post just to be on the safe side for those yet to see it.
  17. So details will be unveiled officially tomorrow but word is that it will be: An online service (like netflix) except the content will just be all wrestling Every episode of raw/sd ever along with every ppv will be on there Tons of their other content Live streaming of ppv
  18. Great seeing Jake the Snake! Looks loads healthier now than a while back when he looked on deaths door. All thanks to the man DDP apparantly - Fun fact - Forehead and him are pals
  19. 12 Years a Slave - 7/10 Was expecting a bit more, and felt a bit long in places but overall pretty decent. A couple of excellent performances and I suspect Fassbender will get a supporting nomination for this. Don't get your hopes up for all the other 'star' people advertised, most are just cameos. Main cast is solid and worth a watch but would struggle to make my top 20 of the year (2013)
  20. I'm also in the love in for Lone Survivor. It was brilliant. 9/10 Very tough watching at some point though. Be prepared.
  21. Yip really good two episodes
  22. 2 Guns - 5/10 Enjoyed the first half and thought it was pretty decent. Fell away badly and was pretty average. Don Jon - 6/10 JGL and Johansson are pretty decent in their roles. It's a bit self indulgent but not a bad watch overall. Probably wouldn't want to watch again though. Fruitvale Station - 7/10 Expected it to be slightly better given the critical acclaim it's received. Didn't know the story beforehand and was a very easy watch. Strong leading performance and solid support throughout. The Butler - 7/10 Top stuff from Whittaker and a nomination cert for his performance here. Liked it better than I thought I would although felt a little bit long in places Rush - 8/10 Very decent all round. Even for a non formula one fan.
  23. Good man, you should easily catch up before new season starts in April. Whatever you do, don't look at this thread or online as there will be major spoilers kicking around now
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