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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. NXT spoiler...... which relates to this and above commentator post.
  2. Emmm...its out in BluRay in the states if that helps?
  3. Big Dusty sure to get involved at some stage, about to get done in by the shield until his NXT buddies show up to save him - Graves/Neville/Zayn who will then feud with the shield
  4. I bottle stuff all the time and have done for many years now. Its my way of coping - just shove it to the back of my mind and bottle it up. Wonder if it will all come out one day. Seems to be doing ok for me so will stick with it at moment
  5. New promo - no idea who is wanting help
  6. New HBO drama series coming in January starring Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. Against my better judgement (judging a show from it's trailer) - I reckon this is gonna be utter class! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8i5CR4kDjM
  7. This show is seriously immense!!! This last season has been my favourite by a mile
  8. Just watched last nights episodes from the states
  9. Is it ever ok to bottle up stuff? Everyone always says not to bottle up stuff and it will all come out eventually and much better once spoke about etc.
  10. Not like the Priest? I think he is quite a likeable character along with Ragnar's wife (can't remember her name)
  11. Warrior will pop up at some stage over the next 6 months, I can't see it being in a wrestling capacity though.
  12. Just reading the spoilers for smackdown and should be a very good show!
  13. The series ending has been leaked apparantly I haven't seen it yet but I suspect spoilers will be doing the rounds soon. All I have seen is some peoples reactions to it which have been:
  14. I think 'the job' Walt refers to with Todds uncle isn't Jesse or Hank. I reckon he is going to try and stage his own death. Perhaps use Sauls guy to disappear and go into hiding (would link in with the season 5 opener with him on his own on his birthday)
  15. I'm not sure what you guys mean? Do you have a youtube example
  16. 42 - 7/10 Not a baseball fan so shamefully didn't know about Jackie Robinson or his accomplishments. Really good film, very enjoyable and well acted by all. Harrison Ford was the best I have seen him for a while as well.
  17. Decent promo this week from Zayn and Dallas, who completed his full heel turn although he has pretty much been one since becoming champion
  18. We're The Millers -7.5/10 Really surprised by this and easily makes it into my top 5 of the year so far. Its very funny, likeable cast and characters, doesn't drag on and has Jennifer Aniston stripping.
  19. My favourite Jesse scene was the one at Walt's house eating dinner with him and Skyler
  20. Pain and Gain - 5/10 Meh - is about the best way to summarise it
  21. Dexters sheer stupidity is starting to piss me off. They need to take tips from Breaking Bad on how a final season for a serial criminal should play out
  22. Another excellent episode!!
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