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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. We were at London Film and Comic Con this weekend and met loads of the cast including Peter Dinklage, Kristian Nairn, Jason Momoa etc. Bit of shameless plugging but we are running a comp for everyone that likes and shares our facebook page gets entered into a prize draw to win a cast signed poster Link Thanks David
  2. Wow - this must be the first time in years that there hasn't been a single post on Raw either last night or this morning
  3. The Rock is one of my all time favourite films. Great entertainment. "I'll have pleasure in gutting you boyyyyy!"
  4. Yip you are right there! The Shield just got beat cleanly by The Uso's and Christian WTF didn't see that coming!!
  5. Just watching Smackdown - Kaitlyn dressed up as AJ was great! She has never looked hotter! In fact I'm actually quite enjoying this feud between the two of them
  6. From the stuff I have seen from Lone Ranger. Depp pretty much is the lead role (despite not playing the ranger)
  7. How are people rating this year in film so far after we are about half way through? Apart from some of the Oscar nominees that were out at the start of the year (although technically 2012 films) - I think it has been quite a poor year so far. I'm struggling to think of my film of the year so far. Possibly Trance or Side Effects but neither were 'great' films!
  8. Fcuking hell, just read the story about the 13 year old boy who killed his 5 year old sister yesterday by doing wrestling moves on her. What the fcuk was he doing slamming her and dropping flying elbows on her. Madness. WWE have already released a statement, but can't help feel this sort of thing will just add more pressure to keep it PG and less violent
  9. Good match and great finish!! Fantastic to see Bryan get the win over The Shield, ridiculously over at the moment!
  10. The WHC is now the lowest it has ever been surely? The WWE Title is obviously the main one. The Shield have made the tag titles and US title relevant and 'main event' worthy With Curtis Axel surely set to take to the IC title and aligned with Heyman Then you have Del Rio and Ziggler for the WHC
  11. I really hope they don't add anyone to the shield and I hope that isn't where the bryan 'weak link' story is heading to. Not being appreciated etc so goes to shield prove he isn't weak link.
  12. Yip overall another great season! Few overall gripes: - Not enough Bronn, think he had about 2 scenes the whole season. Was one of my favs last season. - Theon storyline felt a little dragged out. Tortured over a whole season was a bit much - So many characters and storylines (which is good as well as bad)
  13. The Iceman - 7/10 Wasn't as good as I expected it to be but was still quite a decent watch. For anyone who has seen Boardwalk Empire will know that Michael Shannon is great and he is in this film too. For me there was something missing and I can't quite put my finger on it. Perhaps the story didn't quite flow as I would have liked and I did feel it had a bit of a lull in the middle, but overall well worth checking out After Earth - 3/10 I actually quite like Will Smith, but this was pretty crap. Some of the special effects and scenes, especially near the start of the film when they are in the space ship were pretty poor and corny I thought, although the thing that really lets it down is the fact Jaden Smith is an awful actor! He is utterly terrible, and the fact that 90% of the film is literally only him and his dad means it isn't great. The plot is simple but rubbish
  14. Ex England one cap wonder Michael Ball is close to signing a 6 month deal apparantly
  15. I have been watching this on E4 having never previously gotten around to watching it. I missed season 1 but have now seen seasons 2, 3 and 4 and I'm not overly enjoying it, what is the high point - does it get better from here on or has the best points already been? Howard and Raj are brilliant, Penny and Leonard are fine and Sheldon has never been funny in my opinion
  16. Is there anyone not rooting for Daenerys at this point?
  17. I officially hate Frankie Boyle. Just checked twitter and is tweeting all sorts of book spoilers as he thinks its funny!! Arrrrrgh. Unfollowed There is a line, he crossed it
  18. On another note - Daenerys army must be fcuking massive now! Surely its time to cross the sea
  19. Actually - now she is married, does that make Tyrion the new King of the North?
  20. In a weird way, I was much more upset by that than all the other deaths
  21. Wow - what an ending!!!! Does that mean Sansa is now Queen of the North (seeing as everyone assumes Bran and Rickon are dead) ?
  22. Has an astronaut ever become disconnected from his ship and floated into outer space? If not, could that happen or would they simply hover where they were if they got disconnected? I have heard astronauts have jet packs on their suit but I'm thinking the scenario something along the lines of: Astronaut goes to do some maintenance on his ship so goes for a wee walk He clunks his head of a wing and knocked unconscious and accidently disconnects his thing that connects him to the ship (I know, I know, there will be all sorts of saftey mechanisms to stop this happening, but roll with it) As he is unconscious, he cant use his jet pack, does he float away? Or does someone stick out a big pole and try and hook him back in?
  23. Interesting, what do you know of Cancri?? Is it not a planet pretty much made of diamonds? Could we get there? How long would it take?
  24. That may be it. Will real space ships ever be able to fire guns or travel at warp speed/light speed like in the films?
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