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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. In action at moment in FA Youth Final live on ITV4. Alex Davey also playing
  2. Reminder that this starts tomorrow - get it watched/recorded
  3. How long does this take to get going? I am five episodes in and really struggling - I have no interest or understanding at all in American Football and wondering if that is what is hindering this for me or if it is just a slow burner..
  4. Although it wouldn't surprise me if they decided to use the Sheamus/Henry and Orton/Big Show feuds to instead go for the title? I.e have Cena vacate the title and set up a five way match between Ryback, Sheamus, Orton, Henry and Big Show which of course Ryback would win....
  5. IF he was out for a few months, I am assuming they would have to elevate Sheamus or Orton to main face?
  6. Cena injured - could be out for a while - ripped achilles or something
  7. I wasn't meaning Bo Dallas as such, just used him as an example as was first babyface that sprung to mind from NXT. My point was more perhaps a youngster in NXT could go on and be the big star in a few years. On another note, i see Cesaro is jobbing to Ryder on house shows now
  8. Here is the great scene again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-S9VVH-toc
  9. So the question is - who on the current roster could likely elevate to that number one babyface position in a few years? A Daniel Bryan or a Dolph Ziggler? Perhaps an NXT guy like Bo Dallas? Maybe a current mid carder, I seem to remember some thinking Zack Ryder may even be Cenas replacement
  10. Was impressed by Rybacks in ring promo skills until I realised all his lines were being fed to him, hence the stupid hat covering his ear piece. Disappointed they never put Barrett on the show Apparantly there was a lot of crowd editing going on and the live crowd shat all over HHH/Heyman segment with 'Bullshit' chants
  11. There is no way she is not winning this war! The size of her army and the dragons! Is she not expecting to pick up a whole bunch of other followers as well. If I had to pick a side its hers! I want her to win and reclaim the Throne.
  12. Have seen the first seven episodes (where-ever its up to in US) and is essential watching for me! Excellent show that gets better each episode. Some of the character names are great - Ragnar, Rollo and Floki! The female characters are all very good and the whole thing is done a really nice pace, never feels too slow or too rapid. Its been renewed for a second season and would be in my top 3 recommendations for new shows this year. Top stuff
  13. The upcoming season has been officially confirmed as the final one.
  14. Correct. This is a UK based forum, once its aired here, it is fair game and only yourself to blame. If it hasn't aired here yet then people should use spoiler tags. People should also use spoilers for anything from books/comics so not to spoil the TV show for those watching. In general, these forums are excellent for self policing and common sense when it comes to spoilers
  15. Poor Jamie!! Is that Robs dudes that have him? Also who is it that has Arya? So many characters now
  16. Compared to normal Smackdowns its ok - main event is Jericho vs Ziggler with Fandango at ringside (fans still chanting his tune albeit not as loud as Monday) Also a in ring segment with
  17. Just watching smackdown and they did their 'Raw Rewind' video package that was just utter bullsh*t They showed Cena coming out at start of Raw and doing bits of his promos and made it seemed like he was getting cheers and everyone was chanting his name! And then when they showed Ryback attacking him, they made it out as if he was booed and done a terrible thing. Its not surprising, as its a clear package to signify that Cena is 100% still a face and that Ryback has definately turned heel, but its just annoying that they completely changed it
  18. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    Does Betty have a thing for that wee lass? I certainly thought that was what it was alluding to. She certainly has a bit of beast to her as she had previous with a young boy in earlier seasons I think?
  19. Not sure if there is an exact date but I believe its early May at some point
  20. This show is on its last legs for me now, I think it needs put out of its misery
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