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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Latest push? I can tell you from the stats I keep for the wrestling manager thing that he hasn't won a match since the night after Wrestlemania on April 8th when he beat Miz for the IC title
  2. I didn't mind the ewoks, certainly as a kid watching it (who it was aimed at) it brings a tear to my eye every time we see that ewok die
  3. Is Palpatine in the expanded universe? I seem to remember something or other where he didn't really die or took form of someone else etc?
  4. As another posted stated - Harrison Ford should be fine for resuming his character as an older Han Solo. The below picture was taken a couple of days ago. Mark Hamill should be fine if he loses a bit of weight, he actually looks like he already has from pictures I saw of him a couple of years ago. Carrie Fisher is indeed fcuked, not sure what they will do there
  5. Yip I'm sure they already confirmed that the trilogy would be a new story rather than adapting some of the existing books
  6. John Williams is on board to score the new trilogy of films Edit - also Ryan Gosling is rumoured to be playing the part of Luke Skywalkers adult son
  7. Really looking forward to seeing the trailer for 'American Hustle' from David O.Russell (Silver Linings, the Fighter) which is out at the end of the year. Looks good from the pictures so far. It's a con man film based on real life events based in 70s/80s I believe. Cracking cast: Christian Bale Amy Adams Bradley Cooper Jennifer Lawrence Jeremy Renner Robert De Niro Jack Huston Louis C.k Michael Pena Have to say Renner looks class
  8. First look at the new Star Wars TV show coming next year from Disney http://m.hitfix.com/news/disney-reveals-first-look-at-new-animated-show-star-wars-rebels
  9. Some more pics from twitter today in southern Scotland - they are coming folks! Be afraid!
  10. This was taken earlier today in Dumfries according to twitter Mon the spiders!!!! :thumsup2
  11. Looks like two flying ant days this year http://brockleycentral.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/flying-ants-day-of-reckoning.html
  12. Damien Sandow was on top form last night on Smackdown hunting for the briefcase backstage was hilarious especially when he comes across Sin Cara raking through the bins :lol: The end sequence is also very funny when he jumps in the sea and can't swim Edit - other Smackdown observations: - Was good to see The Wyatt Family in a match, albeit a short one. Having watched a bit of them in NXT, Harper will be carrying the team as Rowan is pretty garbage to be honest. - Ziggler's face stuff on the mic was awful - I'm firmly on the Uso bandwaggon now
  13. Whilst it sounds positive I expect major seethe from some, especially Forehead
  14. So next weeks Raw has already taken place by the looks of it - just saw the results online. Some MASSIVE news from it. Don't click on the spoiler if you don't want to know - you have been warned!!
  15. You will get them this year, they now sense your weakness
  16. That's how I normally see them - always clustered on the pavement in between cracks etc. Makes me sick
  17. Flying Ant days over the next couple of weeks for most of the UK. Be prepared
  18. C3P0 tells us in ANH that R2 'claims to be property of an obi wan kenobi' which leads to the line 'I don't ever remember owning a droid' Which suggests C3P0 is lying out his arse or Leia told R2 that fib in order to ensure the message got delivered safely
  19. Because Leia had installed a message into him that was to be delivered to Obi Wan Kenobi
  20. D.Bryan vs Cesaro was a belter of a match?
  21. You would have thought that Yoda and the Jedi council would have some sort of census or database that lists all their Jedi. Then surely after order 66 they would have known that they actually had hundreds of Jedi scattered across the universe rather than pinning all their hopes on one boy that they decided to hide in one of the worst hiding spots in the galaxy (with his aunt and uncle in a sparse desert). To be fair their gamble paid off but it was risky....
  22. Was the senator being the Sith lord ever meant to be a surprise? Im assuming for most people it was clear as day the very first time you meet the senator in TPM. Or were we genuinally 'not meant to know'
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