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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Yeah but not just lightning on other planets, but lightning storms in the middle of space!?
  2. Thanks gents, so in essence - if the moon were to be wiped out, it wouldn't really effect earth for millions of years. Nice one, might try and nuke it I'll throw in one more question seeing as you lads are top notch at answering them Why is space always portrayed as dark/black? Surely as there is a big fcuk off sun in the solar system it should be bright as anything when you are out there? Also apparently you can get lightning in space? How is that even possible
  3. But if there was no debris (or it missed us/was controlled etc) could the earth survive without the moon or do we need it for some reason? Also, how come we couldn't nuke the moon?
  4. Thanks lads, I like those answers. Next question - also moon related. What would the effect be on earth if the moon was to be blown up by nukes?
  5. With the technology we have, would it be possible to populate and live on the moon and 'turn' it into a liveable place?
  6. I remember when Bryan came on scene, people were saying he had the ability but no personality or mic skills
  7. Yip, he has definitely helped train Rock, Taker and Brock over the last few months. I did see that apparantly they are building him as a Heyman guy just now with the idea of turning him face to get a huge reaction and pushing him to the moon as one of the top faces
  8. I suppose he could just want to simply bang Danaerys which is more than a good enough reason
  9. Yip another great episode. I'm not sure I trust that chap that has pledged his allegiance to Daenerys! He seemed to turn very quickly (
  10. Fast and Furious 6 1/10 Gets a point for a few funny lines from one character. The rest is painfully bad
  11. The first full trailer was released yesterday! It looks frigging awesome but.......be warned they show in the trailer what direction they are liekly to be headed in the final season so you might not want to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ckzE5vT0wc
  12. Hmmmm....I have about 7 of them but have never thought of myself as depressed. Is it possible to be depressed without knowing about it.
  13. I like Tyrion and Bronn but my loyalty is firmly with Daenerys.
  14. For the first time I feel the affect of having too many characters and giving them each 5 mins screen time. I think I would prefer longer for each group of people even if it means we don't see them for a few weeks. Apart from the Jaime/Briene storyline, I don't feel we have seen much movement in a few weeks. That's not to say I don't still love the scenes they do have, I love the individual scenes but part of me wants things to move on a bit . Theon has been tortured for about 7 episodes in a row now! I have also completely forgotten the relevance of the two kids hanging about with Bran? Whose side are they on and why they with him again? Poor Bronn is almost a nothing character now as well.
  15. Renewed for a 5th season!
  16. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    Impressive maths, I'll take your word for it. Rather than buy them out though, they could effectively vote them out of decisions like the merger couldn't they. Assuming the 5 of them each have 1 vote on board decisions, surely Pete, Cooper and Joan could just out vote Roger and Don on.anything
  17. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    No chance do the other partners know about the merger, this is all Don and Roger just doing whatever the fcuk they want! The other 3 may try and oust them I reckon
  18. I have seen the first few episodes and enjoying it so far, having not seen Red Dragon or read any of the books. In fact I think Silence of the Lambs is the only film I have seen based on the character. I think that harsh on Bryan Fuller regarding Heroes, I believe he wrote and directed the first season only (the good one) and then left the project
  19. Wow 2 posts on last nights raw, a new all time low surely
  20. I think you may have the proposed ending wrong domdom in regards to to Hogan/Justice It was my understanding that Shango completely missed his cue and was meant to break up the three count but because he wasn't out in time, justice had no option but to kick out. Then the manager got involved to kill some time before Shango eventually turned up
  21. Anyone watched the season finale that was on Sunday :thumsup2 Really good show, only 9 episodes in the first season - well worth checking out if you are on lookout for new show
  22. This may be a bit of a stupid question and I get that this is the whole point of the show/book but.... who is the rightful king? Do we know yet or meant to know who the rightful king/queen is meant to be?
  23. Not enough Khaleesi in this episode for my liking! Still a good one though. Great scenes with Jamie in the bath!
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