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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hytJa9zzFVg
  2. Up to 33 now Midweek chart thingy is on radio 1 at 3.30, bound to get a mention and likely some air time
  3. How can you track fandangos progress through the charts? Is this just UK?
  4. Looks like there will be a breaking bad spinoff next year as 'better call Saul' goes solo. Not confirmed yet but apparantly being pushed through
  5. Is Raw repeated at all? I wanna watch that sh*t again!!
  6. For the first time, I really felt they made good use of the three hours, didn't drag at all. Also, is that the start of a Ryback heel turn or will he stay face against Cena? The WWE seemed to have successfully turned Cena heel without actually turning him if that makes sense. He is now more hated than he ever would have been if they officially turned him. And because he is officially a babyface he can still do all the make a wish and merchandise crap. Have to say hats off to them if they have meant it, having him this way allows them to keep all the stuff they were worried about losing whilst also having him a heel to the crowd and in matches. If they can pull this off, it will have been genius in my opinion. I suppose the real test will be next week with a 'normal' crowd
  7. That was one of the best Raws in years!!!
  8. Just started this - hoping its as good as everyone says!
  9. Couldn't agree more! Belting opening season I thought. Fast paced action, violence and nudity! Nothing too complex
  10. The two Dr Who topics have been merged
  11. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    Returns tonight in states and on Wed on Sky Atlantic. Buzzing
  12. Although it did show Rock vs Hogan from WM18 which is a classic! I assume they always planned a Hogan face turn at the end of the match? They surely couldn't haven anticpated for Rock to be the heel for the match though?
  13. Any chance of a wrestlemania 7 review Dom? That's one of my favourites from my childhood
  14. Can't believe your not a fan of The Bushwhackers vs Beverly Brothers!!!
  15. Best rumble match is 1992 in my opinion. It was great as a kid as I genuinely didn't think Flair would win and even watching it a few times as an adult, the match holds up great and the commentary is of course sublime throughout
  16. I enjoyed it and although not a patch on the season two finale, I still found it thoroughly satisfying. Although a few wee questions and thoughts (I don't want any comic spoiler answers)
  17. Just watching Smackdown and John Laurenitus is back!!!!
  18. Ouch! To be fair the fat fcuk had it coming
  19. I have resisted all spoilers and books. For season 3 I am hoping for: The White Walkers vs The Wall vs The Wildings in a big battle in the snow Joffreys head on a spike Danearys and her army to finally get in the mix, her story is always so distant from the rest. I wanna see some dragons vs the black fanny smoke thing
  20. New Star Trek Into Darkness trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47JHr-EjXFE&feature=youtube_gdata_player
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