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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. I'm sure it used to have words in it. Was a groovy wee tune. Maybe my mind is playing tricks
  2. Did they change the 'party' song at the end of the film? It used to be class
  3. Who's the maddie that's flying with Lando? Looks off his face on drugs
  4. But is she not referring to her adoptive mom surely? Organas missus - can't remember her name
  5. Just watching ROTJ now as its on TV and that rancor is so fcuking slow. I'm sure even those pig things could outrun it
  6. Oh and whats with this 'Luke is the best pilot' nonsense, the boy clearly is a disaster: 1. In Episode 4 he gets R2 fried and is a split second away from being gunned down by Vader. Needed help. 2. Crashes in Empire Strikes Back on Hoth and gets his pal killed. 3. Crashes into a swamp 4. Crashes his speeder bike into a tree in ROJ
  7. Obi Wan was gagging to train Luke surely? The first time he meets him (as an adult) he tells him he must learn the ways of the force if he is to come with him to Alderran.
  8. In Empire Strikes Back - when Darth is at Cloud City and Solo, Leia and Chewie get tricked into captured there us something I have always wondered. Han fires off a few shots to no effect and then Darth says something along the lines off "captain solo, please join us etc" and then Solo makes a remark to Lando and wanders into the room. You can see the table is set for a meal and then Darth sits down. Are they actually planning on having a discussion and a bite to eat? How does Darth eat anyway?
  9. Man of Steel sequel confirmed to have Batman involved
  10. Both films look like Oscar nominee certs.
  11. Everyone's favourite actor Vin Diesel is set for a starring role in either Guardians of the Galaxy or Avengers 2 Any thoughts on who he could be?
  12. HBO's tribute to the fallen actors in the show so far - it's an 'In Memoriam' video and its pretty good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m4ZPULXJKw
  13. Season 4 trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dxg27QsaIEY
  14. Spot on. As a kid watching wrestling at that time was great and part of that was the Ultimate Warrior. Yes he couldn't wrestle for sh*t and was drugged up and completely bonkers in promos but the energy and colour he brought was unreal and he was the 'cool' good guy to Hogan at the time.
  15. Yip there was a Hutt Jedi as well - trained by Yoda and survived Order 66 but turned to the dark side before being killed in a lightsaber duel by that Hutt slaughtering b*tch Leia! Here he is
  16. Did you know there was ewok, jawa and wookie Jedi's - how cool is that!
  17. Some guy in carphone warehouse did something similar to me a few years back when I was looking for a new phone. These aren't the androids you're looking for
  18. How come Obi Wan doesn't remember R2 and C3P0. Any other Lando fans?
  19. Would you like this merged with the other couple of Star Wars threads (think they were focused on episodes 7,8 and 9 but then went off track as well) ?
  20. Did anyone know about this rule in WWE - I have only just discovered it existed and have never heard it mentioned. It may just be me though. In a tag team match - a partner is allowed to make one 'save' from a pinfall/submission but if the team does it more than once then its a DQ
  21. Both of these look fcuking awesome!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQt6lYJHIOA
  22. Lads - what is Joe Hamill like? Was a trialist today for Stirling, could he do a job in the third division?
  23. Really good Smackdown this week - Bryan vs Christian was excellent. The Divas 'contract signing' was a great segment, both AJ and Kaitlyn were brilliant....hell even Rollins vs Jey Uso was a pretty decent match. The Del Rio vs 'Sin Cara' was done quite well (without going into spoilers) and Orton vs Sheamus was better than I thought it would be. Worth a watch
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