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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Calvin Miller this week got voted the best player in the world for his age group (15yrs)
  2. If the match was no DQ, why did they bother tagging in and out?
  3. Feel sorry for the Uso's. What's the point in them being number one contenders if someone else has opportunities before them?
  4. More likely to turn against Heyman and feud with Ryback
  5. He got pinned by the epico and primo on Raw this week. Ole!!
  6. I have no idea whether I'm depressed (and never admitted it) or whether I'm generally just a moody unsocial type of guy. I have had a look at the symptoms and tick a lot of the boxes however I'm not sure if I am? I know if I go to the doctor he will ask the standard questions and my answers will determine whether he dictates if I'm medically depressed or not. Am I happy? Sometimes, normally when I'm doing my own thing on my own. But that surely just a preference of me spending time on my own.
  7. Poor Uso's will never get their title match on a PPV. Number one contenders yet the shield are facing someone else on Sunday
  8. In all seriousness Delighted with the ending, the finale and the whole series.
  9. Wait....so Walt is a lumberjack?!! WTF
  10. I'll be waking up at 5am and watching it before work
  11. Anyone who watched Smackdown this week will have witnessed the worst thing I have seen on WWE in a few years. I'm talking about the Santino vs Slater match. What in the name of fcuk was that!
  12. Agreed, think I gave it a 9 on the previous page. My favourite film of the year so far
  13. I had to double check Raw was defiantly on last night, is this the first time there has been no posts at all?
  14. The hat scene was magnificent
  15. Adore - 6/10 Naomi Watts spends most of her time in a bikini if you like that sort of thing. Drama about two childhood female friends in their early/mid 40s (Watts and Robin Wright) who both fall for each others teenage sons (who are also best friends) At almost two hrs its probably 30mins too long as started to drag but the storyline and dynamic between the 4 lead characters is interesting enough. The Kings of Summer - 9/10 Might be the best film I have seen this year. Really good coming of age film and anyone who loved Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stand By Me, Way Way Back etc will really enjoy this. Had a really limited release here back in August. The three child actors are great and supporting cast is superb as well with Nick Offerman being the standout and Alison Brie also doing well (although slightly underused). It's very funny, has a good cast and a good story and brings back those memories of being a kid again.
  16. Drinking Buddies was released on dvd in the US last month so is 'available' over here if you follow. The film itself is alright, some decent individual performances (particularly Olivia Wilde) and of course you get your fix of Anna Kendrick. 6/10
  17. Hogan vs Warrior - a classic mania match revisited
  18. The guys who all came down to the ring to help Bryan get their punishment/reward on SD this week
  19. Anna Kendrick is great! Watched her in an indie drama the other day called 'drinking buddies' with Jake Johnson from New Girl and Olivia Wilde and she was good again. I actually think there is a really good crop of actresses that have come to the fore over the last few years (mostly quite pretty as well)
  20. Average episode again. I just want it to be over now
  21. The 6 pointless were: Jim Duggan, Big John Studd, Yokuzuna, Lex Luger, Vince McMahon and Alberto Del Rio
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