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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Mortal Instruments: City of Bones - 5/10. Not really my genre but wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Took a massive lull in the middle of film but started and finished decent enough Kick Ass 2 - 7/10. Pretty decent and exactly what I wanted and expected from a Kick Ass film. Definitely up there with the best I have seen at cinema this year
  2. Came on to post this! Fantastic match and what an ending, rewinded it to watch it again! BTW Forehead, first showing of NXT each week is on a Thursday night
  3. Aye apparantly Del Rio was getting battered before Drew stepped in and saved him. Also, looks like Cena will be taking some time off for surgery for his elbow
  4. No need for spoilers as of tomorrow. As per normal the day after its aired in the UK (today) and its your own fault for being on here
  5. Anakin is now a youngster again as a force ghost at the end of ROJ
  6. To be fair, whilst most people have season two as the best season or up there anyway. I also found it the least enjoyable season. That said, it wasnt bad enough for me to stop watching.
  7. Looks like Ewan McGregor will be returning for episode 7 as a force ghost. With news last week that Ian McDiarmid will be returning as a sith ghost, I'm worried they might have some sort of ghost fight
  8. Indeed. No need for spoilers anymore
  9. Yeah they need to pull it out the bag in these last 5 episodes and start getting towards to the end game which presumably will see Dexter caught/jailed/dead etc. I couldn't give a fcuk if Quinn becomes seargent or not and frankly him and Batista have been terrible cops for about 5 seasons now so I can't see him meriting it. What a shit storyline to fill our screen time with. Same applies to Masuka and his daughter, we don't need a sub story with this crap or with Debs boss.
  10. Just watched episode 7 (last nights US episode) and whilst its been a decent enough season for Dexter standards, its been bitterly disappointing as a final season. There are like 3 episodes to go and its not building up or leading anywhere. I was sure the final season would be all about him getting caught etc
  11. Perhaps those who haven't seen the new episode should tread lightly
  12. That's what I read but it was from a TV blog I think rather than somewhere official. Hopefully some kind soul will stay up and let us know. I'm getting my kip and watching it in the morning
  13. AMC have produced a 20 page digital comic that recaps the story so far (as told by Walter) It's worth a read http://www.amctv.com/shows/breaking-bad/all-bad-things
  14. It will depend how good your TV is. I have a fairly new TV (about a year old) and always connect my laptop to it via HDMI when watching Netflix and its actually better quality than watching it on my laptop. Well it seems so anyway
  15. Apparently the episodes will be available on Netflix immediately after the credits roll on the US showing. I'm not sure what the time difference is but I assume it will be available around 1 or 2am?
  16. Yip agree just gets better! The last two episodes of season three are utterly fantastic
  17. Is it scripted stuff like the wwe? With promos and what not?
  18. Aye I'm with Forehead, both are already 'bully' sort of characters. We all know that both are pretty decent in the ring when they are in the right sort of match, they are just dull as dishwasher characters at the moment. Neither of them need totally repackaged, but pairing them up and embracing their bully boy/brawler characters as a team would work I think
  19. oh yeah I forgot about that, I think in the end most folk caved and looked at the spoiler
  20. Yeah he is a lost cause at the moment, I reckon they should pair him and Sheamus up (who is also going nowhere at the moment) and have them as sort of bully boy British/Irish hooligans in a sort of APA type way. Would probably work as faces or heels that sort of team. Plus it would add a credible face tag team to the current roster
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