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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. If it is true then it's probably WWE themselves that leaked it
  2. Lionheart got a broken neck after some guy called Styles botched a finish. Poor lad
  3. Vince McMahon rumoured to be buying Newcastle United. Get the Yes chants going in the crowd!
  4. First human character revealed for Star Wars Rebels. http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/02/11/star-wars-rebels-freddie-prinze/ Really looking forward to this series starting this year.
  5. Christian/Sheamus vs The Real Americans was a great match. Cesaro is mega over with the fans. Wyatt's Sister Abigail to Mysterio was a thing of beauty. The guy is very impressive. Really hope Uso's take the belts at EC or Mania. For some reason, I can't see it happening though. The Wyatts vs The Shield standoff was great. I suspect Ambrose will lose the title at Mania in a triple threat with the other Shield members. I'll be amazed if that match doesn't happen. Batista is almost definitely a heel now They were pushing Big E to the moon a few weeks back, what happened to him? Was lobbed put of the rumble in about 90 seconds and hasn't really featured since. Curt Hawkins maw in the front row Unfortunately it looks like Kane will cost Bryan the match in EC, setting up a Mania match between them. Urgh
  6. He beat Christian on Smackdown and there is no way he will lose to Cesaro on this week's Smackdown
  7. I don't hate him, have grown to actually quite like him.
  8. Was Rick just out for the count then for a couple of days? I understand what they were trying to do in that episode and show how Carl and Michonne deal with being alone in different ways (and then ultimately the same way) and how the need for companionship trumps all etc. Carl has the mental toughness required but lacks any physical attributes (just ask that door) whilst Michonne is fine physically,demonstrated by her killing a whole troop without breaking sweat, but she struggles emotionally and mentally and has a need to protect/care for others. Rick saying 'it's for you' at the end summed it up nicely as together they should be alright. That said, it's not the Walking Dead at its best in these episodes. Didn't think it was bad just far from great.
  9. The new 15min trailer with interviews for season 4 has left me moist! http://tvandfilmreview.com/2014/02/10/movie-casting-news-plus-game-of-thrones-sneak-peek-silicon-valley-trailer/
  10. Saddo alert coming up: There were also Hutt Jedi (he was a decent dude and a good jedi and even survived Order 66 and the Jedi Purge but then his mind turned dark and became a bit of a dick so Leia killed him in a lightsaber duel) There is also an Ewok Jedi and a Jawa Jedi. Ooooteeni
  11. Ben Mckenzie (the lead guy from the OC) has been cast as commissioner Gordon in 'Gotham'
  12. The piped crowd/edits on smackdown this week is up with the worst I have heard In WWE. I'm assuming they are editing out Punk chants
  13. Big Cass deserved that beat down at the end. You can't disrespect the artiste Aiden English like that. Bang out of order - just listen to the guys talent
  14. Here is the Ziggler promo now on Youtube ^^^verge of tears
  15. Big Cass is rubbish! What's all that SAWFT patter about. Awful
  16. It does, im also hoping we get an appearance from Aiden English. I wanna hear him sing. People I don't want to see - CJ Parker. He is one of my most hated current wrestlers. Detest the gimmick and character and moveset. Anyone else keen on Mojo Rawley. Apparantly WWE see him as a potential face if the company. I don't see it personally
  17. Ooooft great backstage 'promo' from Dolph Ziggler. I'm surprised its on the website as it's almost a shoot?? Pure rips it http://www.wwe.com/videos/tom-phillips-interviews-dolph-ziggler-after-his-match-wwe-app-exclusive-jan-31-2-26179139
  18. Just read up on it and apparantly it will be live on the network and entitled 'Arrival' So far for the PPV is: Dallas vs Neville in a ladder match for the NXT title Sami Zayn vs Antonio Cesaro 2/3 falls (in a rematch from their classic last year) Paige vs Emma for the NXT Divas title Bret Hart/HBK also to be there (not sure in what capacity) I'm all over this PPV - sounds great already
  19. I'm not sure it will be. I know they are doing something live but assumed it was on the new Network?
  20. Indeed. Poor Kofi must be livid, cleanly beat the champion the other week and didn't even get a qualifying match
  21. Eisenberg as Luthor :lol: what dreadful casting
  22. Did Bret Hart ever have a run of matches with HHH?
  23. Apparently he made the decision to leave when he found out Batista was winning the rumble and main eventing Mania and that it should have been him or Bryan given the work they have put in over the last year and not an out of shape wrestler. Also wasn't happy with facing HHH at Mania and with whatever they have planned for Bryan.
  24. Oh yeah and what was muting the Bryan chants. There was a couple of points in main event where you could see the fans doing the YES but could hardly hear anything
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