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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. The whole stuff with Bran was weird as sh1t. Who was that wee girl that started shooting fireballs like super mario at weird dead skeletons? The old guy was creepy too. I won't miss the wee boy from Love Actually, a pretty meh character. I also get rage anytime someone attacks Hodor. Good to finally see Stannis get a 'win' of sorts. Not sure where that storyline will go next season. Perhaps white walkers will get in the mix - certainly what Mance was suggesting. Danerys gets shat on alot in this thread but I like her and enjoy her scenes and her character development. Interesting that one of her dragons has gone awol. No idea where it's gone! Is the Hound dead? I assume so but there will always be that bit of doubt in my mind as we never saw him actually die. Great to see him and Brienne go up against each other. I didn't see it coming at all even though I knew they were headed in same direction. What I don't understand though is why they never entered the Eeyrie? Surely when she announced herself outside as Arya Stark, one of them would have said "Your auntie is pan breed bit your sister/littlefinger is inside" ?? What's the deal with the Mountain? Why is Cersei so keen on keeping him alive and how will he be 'different'? We haven't seen enough of the mountain to make me care about him yet. Great stuff at King's landing with Tyrion. Glad he strangled that boot Shae. She had it coming. Also pleasantly surprised he killed his dad with Joffreys bow. Wonder where him and Varys are off to? Maybe Bravos too? How far away is Bravos to where Danerys is? Could be more good sh1t there if that's where a bunch of people are headed. Fcuk having to wait a year! Aaargh
  2. I love the fact on SD they set up for what looks like a Swagger vs Rusev feud. The Zeb vs Lana stuff should be excellent. It's a natural feud for these two, just a shame Swagger isn't a face
  3. I see the NXT tag team division is finally being looked at and from the recent tapings they have a few new teams. Spoilered in case anyone is really bothered but nothing major
  4. McIntyre and Mahal are a surprise. Jobbers but do a good job and plenty screen time
  5. What would happen if Tyrion revealed/confirmed Cersei/Jamies incest? Tommen dethroned? Tywin loses his power? Tyrion set free??
  6. Deleted both posts there as definite spoilers.
  7. So onto next week's episode, how do 100 men stop 100,000? Will Stannis show up and help? Will white walkers get involved? I'm sure it will be an epic battle regardless
  8. Chastain had ruled herself out. Last I heard the 3 leads were expected to be Christian Bale, Joaquin Phoenix and Josh Brolin
  9. I have read this thread and looked at the wiki article and still have zero idea what bitcoin is? Is it like shares or something that you can use to buy stuff? An utter idiots guide would be lovely
  10. Not sure on the timelines but I wouldn't think Stannis and his army could go from the Iron Bank to the wall in the space of one episode could they? Not sure what the distance is in map terms or how fast his boats can go though?
  11. My guess is that episode 9 will be at the wall and have the attack by the wildlings. Is Stannis not also heading to the wall with his army? Maybe some walkers will get in on the action too. Episode 9 hasn't disappointed in previous years so hopefully will be a cracker
  12. Naysmith says in his post match interview today that he has some targets lined up but they may not happen now they are relegated so Sawyers isn't a done deal yet by all accounts
  13. Willie Sawyers is signing on for next season for EF and was there today
  14. Who do we think will end up on the Iron Throne at the end of the full series? Probably best for just non book readers to comment.Or book readers can comment in spoilers. Even though they don't know the answer, I suspect they will have a different view based on book events. I think it may end up being one of the Young Stark boys. Rickon maybe
  15. Aany chance of a full run down on what a week of Eurovision is like when you are actually there?
  16. The latest episode was fantastic! Perhaps my favourite of the season so far
  17. What happens to your mail or when you want something delivered? Do boats have an address?
  18. Really hope Netherlands can pull this off
  19. Do the twins need consoled? Wee shame, hope they do well now
  20. Ant and Dec would be good but being non-bbc I doubt they would get the gig. Probably roll out Bruce Forsyth and that lass from the One show
  21. I have quite liked the presenters tonight
  22. There is 10 songs in total that I liked and will be getting added to my Spotify
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