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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. At least it explains where Kane appeared from at the rumble when we saw him really early on
  2. I think there is only three people on the current roster that could take realistically the title from Lesnar at Mania - Cena, Reigns or Bryan
  3. Posting on here to avoid potential spoilers in other thread. Anyone got a link to where I can watch this online for free without spoiling it for myself. There is a website I remember that has all ppvs in parts but im too scared to search for it as I'll inevitably ruin it for myself Edit - also on my phone so can't use network
  4. Also was killing myself laughing at: "DING! DING! You son of a bitch!" Was desperate for him to come out and end and join Cena
  5. I'm assuming Sheamus will make a surprise appearance on Sunday and end up turning heel on team Cena and costing them the match. Rowan seems a bizarre choice, although if Sheamus legit got injured then perhaps they threw Rowan in last minute. For survivor series, it's just a question of whether it's Sheamus or Ziggler that turns heel and costs the team
  6. Probably my least favourite episode of the season so far tonight.
  7. Mulgrew has probably been one of our worst players. Given the ball away numerous times
  8. Fletcher has had a decent game barring the miss in which he should have probably done better. The front players are linking really well together as they have done for a few games now. I'm struggling to see how others aren't seeing that
  9. Anya has been sub par for Watford by all accounts and has been for some time. The fans get really annoyed when they see him perform for Scotland as he doesn't do it at club level. Type in 'Anya Watford' on Twitter and go to all tweets and read the seethe
  10. The Great Khali and Brad Maddox released Best ever Khali match anyone?
  11. Is there a better Scotland goal than this one by Chris Burke against Bulgaria? Certainly not in my lifetime! Excuse the awful music but was the only highlights I could find of it on Youtube. Play it from about 1:22 - the build up play to the goal is some of the best stuff I have ever seen from Scotland and the finish was sensational
  12. Did we always know Abe and Rosita were an item? For some reason I hadn't picked up on it until this episode
  13. I actually used the word dece today for the first time ever when talking to my wife when describing a very good tv show. Before the election I had never been on this thread once, im now a frequent observer.
  14. Just finished episode two. Holy fcuk! Don't know where to start. When I opened that barn door and saw all the blood and the torture chamber, it confirmed my fears that this place was bad news especially with one of the brothers coming up with a feeble excuse that they use it for killing animals. Once I went to check on Mark at dinner and he wasn't in the bedroom, I almost didn't want to shove the secret bookcase away to see what they had done to him, poor guy with no legs unfortunately I didn't get downstairs quick enough to stop Clem from eating it. Then old Larry had a heart attack, I suspected he may have made it but I took the chance I had been waiting for and gave Kenny the go ahead to put him out of his misery although had no idea he was gonna crush his head with a huge cinder block I did feel a bit bad after that. Lilly understandably no longer like me and it would show later. Got into a tussle with one of the brothers and he was about to put my head through some barb wire fence and Lilly just stood back and shook her head at helping me. B*tch! That has been well noted. Luckily super babe Carley came to my rescue and we got everyone out of the farm in the nick of time as walkers descended on the place, although now two bodies down (Larry is no loss but Mark seemed to be a good chap). Finished the episode by taking all the food and supplies from a seemingly abandoned car. Tough choice but the group has to eat then watched the video camera which seemed to be Clems mum watching us (she got killed earlier this episode). That was exhausting but a great episode - Apparantly I'm in the minority and only 31% of people choose to kill Larry? - What happens if I had made the choice not to go to the dairy farm? Is it a separate storyline you follow? - Kenny doesn't half need assurance that I'm on his side despite backing him throughout Might start episode 3 tonight
  15. Yeah they just seem well dodgy. I haven't played anymore since the update above but wouldn't be surprised to see them shaft me (ooo,err)! Their maw seems nice enough though, apparantly cooking us all dinner which my group will appreciate. Maybe not Duck though as I gave him the daiylea dunkers earlier
  16. So episode 1 is done and out of the way and I reckon I must be about half way through episode 2 now. Bumped into a couple of dudes who have a dairy farm, don't really trust them but Im outta food so going along anyway and have the whole group there. Started getting shot at by some bandits and a new guy to my troop Mark took an arrow for the team but should be ok. Larry is doing my absolute tits in, grumpy old fcuker, hopefully Lee gets to hate bang his daughter Lilly. Although Im still holding out for Carley but Im not sure she is that interested to be honest. Really starting to like Kenny and I'm backing him in most stuff. At the end of the day he was my first buddy on the road so got some loyalty there. Just about to go and investigate the bandits camp but I just dont trust the two farm bozos that Im with. If I get a chance to take this farm then Im going for it
  17. I wonder if this will be like referendum where after SNP lost they saw a huge rise in membership, with lots of people now wanting to join club dece
  18. Apparantly crowd were chanting for Grado tonight
  19. Surprised Liam Palmer wasn't in with a shout at being called up. He was player of the season for Sheff Wed at right back last season. Started this season well but not been at his best for the last few weeks which may have affected his chances
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