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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. The network needs to get chromecast support asap
  2. There is a new UK WWE podcast from Talksport of all people. It's 2 episodes in and it's actually not too bad. In the two weeks it's had two cracking interviews with Stephanie Mcmahon and then Seth Rollins this week. I quite like the presenter of the show but the guest guy 'Rob Leigh' sounds like a tw*t and sounds like someone who is only watching wrestling as a job rather than as a fan. It's called 'The Gorilla Position'
  3. That third episode was epic!
  4. Someone from Swansea apparently ETA - maybe one of the young scottish lads on loan
  5. I reckon we could see Breeze in the rumble. He hasn't done much in NXT for a while and they could just be waiting for his right moment. It wouldn't surprise me to have him team up with Fandango in some way. They badly need to do something with Fandango and with Miz/Mizdow likely to split very soon they could use another heel team and if you are going to pair anyone with Fandango then Tyler Breeze probably would fit into the mould better than anyone else
  6. Piper was pinned 3 times from 1984 -2003 1984 vs Snuka in a strap match 1991 vs Flair in a house show 1992 vs Bret for IC title Thing is at least with Piper he was in main events, was great on mic, had a colourful gimmick with kilt and music etc
  7. Hacksaw Jim Duggan - I hate this guy. Been doing some reading and some stats on him today and I just don't get it. In his WWF run from 1987 - 1993 - He had 208 matches and only 13 defeats!!!!! - 4 of those defeats were by DQ or CO so was only actually pinned 8 times (1 submission) - His 8 times pinned were against Ted Dibiase, Andre, Savage (x2), IRS, Earthquake, Slaughter and Bam Bam - His 1 submission was against Valentine Why the hell was this guy so protected? It's not like he was even pushed or involved in any title pictures or major storylines. In fact he only had 3 title matches in his 6 year run with the WWF and he WON them all!! - He beat Rick Rude and Honkey Tonk in IC matches by DQ and CO - He beat Slaughter in a WWF Championship match by DQ I honestly can't work out why this guy was so over with the fans given that: - He was total sh*t in the ring - He was fat, ugly and out of shape (not even big guy fat - average guy fat if that make sense) - No mic skills - No costume apart from blue trunks - No music - No moves (his finisher was a clothesline) - The USA chant didn't start until 91 so he was already well into his WWF run - Can't imagine he shifted much merchandise - He didn't have good matches - I can't think of a single good Jim Duggan match or storyline Literally the only thing I can think of that made him over with the fans was his "Hoooooooo" chant. I have to give him credit I guess for having a successful career on paper but I just can't believe how he did it Is there any other wrestler that managed to carve such a successful winning career in WWF as Duggan despite being utter sh*t and not involved in any major storylines or titles?? Jim Duggan rant over
  8. Raw and Smackdown aren't available on the app until 30 days after airing. I suspect it's so that the TV channels that broadcast them have first dibs and for all the repeats etc
  9. Next NXT Special will be on Feb 11th. Three matches announced so far as well as a couple of spoilers from the live tapings! Sounds Amazing!!
  10. Superb to see Lando show up in the latest episode of Rebels. Last few episodes have been really good
  11. Of course the PPVs are live. That's the whole selling point of the network. Think they are also available on demand about an hour after it finishes airing
  12. Can you always barter and haggle at a car dealership or are prices usually set in stone? Can you only haggle price if you are paying full up front rather than on finance? Hoping to buy my first car next month and no idea of normal process
  13. Nice one. Well overdue. Easily the greatest of all time in my own wrestling lifespan. Hopefully Stephanie inducts him
  14. How's the boat coped with the bad weather sjc? Must be a nightmare to sleep in a boar that's rocking all over the place in the wind
  15. Booker is better than Lawler but not by a huge margin tbh. Would have preferred Renee Young
  16. I think it's great that they are giving Wyatt and Ambrose plenty air time and allowing them to have long and varied matches but for whatever reason it just isn't working for me. I feel like I should be invested in this feud but im almost sort of bored of it and the matches. I'm a big fan of both but something isn't clicking. I can't blame lack of mic/promo time or lack of match time so I'm not really sure what it is. They even main evented a ppv and a couple of raws so the wwe have given them a chance to shine but I feel it's not been taken. Anyone else the same?
  17. I actually quite enjoyed that Raw, thought it was the best one for a while. Lots of interesting stuff
  18. Can't imagine the Uso's mentioning JR would have gone well at all
  19. -5 where I am today in Northern England. It's when it's this sort of cold that I really feel for those that are living on the streets. Must be awful any time of year but the winter must be the worst. On a different note when looking at some weather records. Apparantly the coldest ever recorded in UK was in Braemar in 1995 at -27.2! Anyone here remember that one? There apparantly was a -22 back in 2010 but I can't remember even reading about that either
  20. Nah I reckon it could be retirement especially with Edge hosting and been through the same thing.
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