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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. I’m in - I’d lose a bet on a one horse race such is my track record on sports betting Now need to work out how much money I’d happily donate for Ayr to stay up? We could all do it, and then if Inverness win, we could donate the money to the AU500 for next season!
  2. I'm going into this on Friday as drunk as a skunk - don't know about anyone else!
  3. The worst case scenario - we go a couple of goals down early - so this is what will happen
  4. Hilarious to think that players haven’t had interaction with fans for over a year, then when they come across a few, it’s square go’s all round - Scottish fitba, ye cannae beat it!
  5. A goal from us and the pars = season saved!!!
  6. Blah blah junkies blah blah great unwashed blah blah squirrel worriers blah blah go away - we have football to concentrate on here - we’ll have plenty of time to play soon, off you go
  7. C’mon Ayr, Hearts doing their bit (for next week), Dunfermline doing their bit, just need Alloa to kick in as well. C’mon!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Well, here we go - up or down after today - good luck guys and gals!!!
  9. This is the thing - we can say this is winnable and that is winnable - which they are - but just not from us - as we just look completely incapable of a win against anyone. Right now I’d put my money on the posts if the Moff had a penalty into an empty net!
  10. And apply this to our last 6 match threads (Arbroath apart - they knew they were going to win).
  11. So, we are relying on an own goal or a penalty. Snookers, in other words. Will bribery work? Who can we bribe?
  12. The Moff has such a brilliant delicate touch - but unfortunately, he has had it when striking on goal too. I’ve got everything crossed for some kind of miracle, but I’m thinking the miracle might need to be Morton not picking up another point for their last 3 games.
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