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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. Need a goal from this pressure - c’mon Ayr!!!
  2. Goalies make the snowballs - outfield players throw them - the only way it can work
  3. Thought we’d be getting pumped by now - jam tarts look wee bit nervy
  4. The team hasn’t clicked all season. Kerr had a huge rebuild job, and we have lost the best team we had for a generation. It’s back to square one and we need to build from here. But what a starting point for a rebuild - not too bad - mid table championship as opposed to near bottom league 1. It’s a cyclical sport, as we all know, but we need to remember that and give him time. If not, we will stumble on and on and on like Man Utd, treading water and getting nowhere. What I do feel strongly is that he needs support from an old head - just like Frank Lampard does at Chelsea. You need to gain experience or tap into it - you can’t just make it up in your head
  5. I remember the whole “sanding of the pitch” incident to get a game on years ago, and remember my old man saying that it would ruin it for years to come - how right he was Who has the best artificial surface around? What do the players think? Anyone know?
  6. You can have a wee guy who has the ball stuck to his feet playing on a muddy pitch, like Henry Templeton - Dunfermline v Ayr Scottish Cup 1988 think it was - pitch not great, football not great but he glided around with the ball. I was never a fan of all weather pitches - and I have an ignorance of newer versions - but I think that it is where we should be aiming for. Are hybrid pitches still a thing and are they any good?
  7. Get all of your hard earned cash / furlough money / universal credit on both teams to score - free money
  8. I reckon if we get number 1 back and sides at half time, we’ll take this
  9. Do you have to have a number 1 back and sides to play for Raith?
  10. “Stevo hates the killie” Future manager when we go through our second ‘Mark Roberts’ phase in the future
  11. I’d have him back - seriously Contentious I know, but I would.
  12. Having made so many signings and basically putting a new team together, it was always going to be hit or miss for Kerr. Unfortunately, despite how the signings looked on paper, we haven’t exactly set the heather on fire, or replicated some of the sexy football we have become accustomed to over the past few years. Personally, I’ll be happy with a top half finish this season, as it is just not the same when not being able to attend matches. I’d like to see Kerr given the season to develop this squad into realistic challengers for next season. Think we’ll all need to take the pressure of not only him, but ourselves. We have had it so good lately that the bar has been set very high. We might not see that mix of players and play again for another generation.
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