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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Can you not read or are you just fucking stupid? I would not have minded if they told us the standard stuff that their job requires them to tell us but they were trying to make us feel bad about the fact we were giving the wee boy formula and were very persistant towards Carol about breastfeeding. Read that a couple of times so you take my point in this time eh.
  2. Where have I taken liberties quoting what was said to me? It wasn't so much the phrases that were used it was the persistance and the way they seemed to take offence when told that we would be giving the child formula. I agree that they should educate people about health advantages and corresponding stuff like that but in no way should they get touchy about it if you tell them what they dont want to hear.
  3. It was terrible. I automatically go to worst case scenario so I was fraught. Isla will be 5 months on the 22nd. She's way above average for her length and all she does is smile at everyone. Lovely wee thing. Hope you're keeping well.
  4. Just do what you feel comfortable with Rowan and treat folk that try to tell you how to raise your own child with the contempt they deserve. We had Cole in our room until he was 8 months and he was under constant supervision mainly because he was in the neo natal ward for a week with a shadow on his lungs. That instilled a paranoia that still lives with me yet about his breathing even though he runs everywhere now and it's plain to see that the problems he had in his first week are long gone. We regularly put Isla in the room by herself for a wee sleep and some peace and she is a better sleeper than Cole was because of that.
  5. They didn't quite say it word for word like that but that was definitely what they were getting at. Dont get me wrong, everyone who dealt with Carol and then Coley were first class when they weren't giving us the spiel that our bairn would be fat and thick if he wasn't breast fed. They were very insistant but I suppose that their job requires them to push breast feeding.
  6. I'm not making it up. I used to tease Carol about bringing up a fat idiot when we decided he'd be on the bottle.
  7. Hope your Grandad is Ok Neilly. When my girl was pregnant with Coley the nurses and midwives were more or less guilt tripping her into breast feeding. I resented them a lot for that. We were also told that the kid could grow up obese and a bit slower if not breastfed. Cole has been bottlefed from week one, counts up to ten and strings coherent sentences together. He can also distinguish plurals, all at 2 years, 2 months. There may well be health benefits to breast feeding mothers but I'd love to see the evidence concerning bottle feeding making kids a bit slower.
  8. Aye, get out there and go crazy Michael. You might even end up pegging a woman that will one day phone you in the early hours of the morning with concerns about the geographical location of your cat.
  9. When I broke up with my ex of seven and a half years I had the time of my life. Went to parties after clubs and only went home to get washed and changed before doing it all again. You also dont have to knock back any girls that come your way and dont have anyone to answer to. It may feel shit just now but make the most of your single life and you'll soon be fine. My PTTGYN:- My wee girl has the cold. Poor wee thing still tries to smile all the time but she is really bunged up.
  10. He mentioned that on Soccer AM as well. The Americans really are glory hunting buggers though, a weakness of character in my opinion. Much like supporting the OF when you have a local team 2 minutes down the road.
  11. I thought about buying a new bike but my old bike from my teenage years is in my Mum and Dads shed still. It's a bright orange Townsend 'Z' frame and I wasn't quite sure if I'd look like a fanny pedalling around on a bright Orange number at 29 years old. Any thoughts from the cool young things of P&B?
  12. When I feel like I'm coming down with the cold I just try and convince myself that I'm getting carried away and that there is nothing wrong with me. Mind over matter if you like. I have perfect attendance at work now when before I'd have just given in and consequently have days off. Probably coincedence like but you never know.
  13. I think that Silver and Bronze medals should be cancelled too. Who wants to wear a constant reminder that someone is better than you around their neck?
  14. I must admit that I was all set to take the piss but you have issues man. Get yourself into a boxing club, it'll do you a lot of good on a lot of levels.
  15. I'll do that my big pal! It's Carols workmate that is getting married so I better take it easy anyway.
  16. Having read about your cider drinking exploits I am seriously considering sacking beer as my reality eradicator and going on the cider at the wedding I'm going to on Saturday.
  17. The wee one will be fine! We were at a Foo Fighters gig when Carol was pregnant with Cole and now the wee manny bops his head whenever they're on. Coincidence? Probably. Hilarious? Definitely!
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