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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. The Weather Channel app is predicting snow for Kirkcaldy next week. Temperatures are meant to drop below freezing by the end of this week. Better get the sledge oot.
  2. I still get a shiver up my spine when I see the photo of Thompson saving McStay's penalty. Great times.
  3. The WUMS on P&B hardly have an ounce of wit between them. It's embarrassing watching them stumble repetitively through the same old shit wind-ups all the while knowing that they are sitting at their Internet enabled device fair pleased with their mediocrity. Bring back Stuart Dickson!
  4. Not sure if we have many 200 Club members on P&B but just in case... There are a couple of 'completion' photos of the new 200 Club uploaded on to the 200 Club website's homepage. I've only added a couple at the moment as the official site has agreed to run a wee feature on the new club that I'm currently in the process of putting together... www.raithrovers200club.webs.com Remember folks, the club is open for members and non members after every home game for post match refreshments. Also, Decembeard participants are up to 5. Any additional participants would be extremely welcome.
  5. Falkingham nearly lost his courtesy of Dougie Hill. I'm sure lessons will be learned.
  6. Walker's tackle was a sending off every day of the week. Don't know how anyone who had a clear view of the tackle could dispute that. No defence, as you simply need to keep the head but I thought his tackle was borne out of frustration at the ridiculous inconsistency of the terrible referee.
  7. My thoughts exactly. The difference being that the Pars support would have a much bigger amount to raise if it came to the unlikely scenario that they were being held to ransom like we were. I hate the b*****dos on match days (often beyond ) but, having been faced with the possibility of not having the Rovers, I know how bad it is and I feel genuinely bad for them.
  8. The cracks have been there for a wee while now. I think it's settlement more than anything else. Don't think it's anything to worry about.
  9. Thanks. I sent them a wee message on FB about the Decembeard fundraiser that a few of us Rovers supporters do. Not sure if they're implementing it but it may raise a few bob for the club. Only 5 of us did it last year but we raised around 2k. Get a good few Pars on board and you might raise a decent amount. It's quick and easy to set up. I have forms saved in file I could send if you think it'd be a goer though goin on the PM, it might not make much of a difference.
  10. Anyone care to send me the PM? See the Pars Alive fundraising effort, is that affiliated directly with the club or is it a fan-lead venture?
  11. It's apparent that 'Brian' has the Pars at heart but his posting style screams of 'It's ma baw and I'm taking it hame!' Do the Pars support on here think that there is much they can do to help or do they think that any fund-raising would just be a raindrop in the ocean?
  12. Reading those, the Pars seem to be royally fucked. Bad news when your club has got itself into the scenario where the supporters are dreading looking out of the window to see a couple of inches of snow or some hard frost on the ground knowing that a postponement might kill their club.
  13. A game of two Allans yesterday. The captain version fucked us with a stupid tackle that was as clear a straight red as you'll see all season. The referee version needs to look up the definition of consistency and practise it when he's on the job. Total abomination yesterday. Not to worry. I'll let my mini breakdown manifest itself through cheap digs at the Pars, suck it up and hope we beat them on their own ground in the new year.
  14. Top man, will do. I'll have forms available from the 200 Club on Saturday. Hopefully tap in to the good feeling surrounding a 5-0 win.
  15. C&P'ed from Fantalk... Decembeard! It's that time of year again folks! I know of three participants already this year without having to use my not so masterful powers of persuasion. We've had a good laugh doing this the past two years and have raised a decent amount of money for RRFC, Victoria Hospice (1st year) and Maggies (2nd year) so hopefully folk will join up this year, grow a dangerous looking beard and become instantly more attractive to buxom, flexible Swedish supermodels (allegedly). Benefit the Rovers and a local charity by not shaving! Who's in this year?
  16. The 200 Club will be open for tomorrow's game to let non-members in to have a look around at the fantastic work done by 200 Club members and committee. Drop by for a wee refreshment in the warm environment pre or post match. Introduce yourself to me too if I don't know you. I'll be the big gormless looking chap helping out in the bar.
  17. Jesus! I always appreciated the fact that my wife didn't have much trouble with our two, 16 hour labour for my wee boy apart, but even more so after reading that.
  18. I've not laughed at anything as much for a long time. Tears and everything.
  19. Are you getting an error message on SS2 or is it picture quality that is giving you problems on the channel?
  20. Great, eh?! My wee man's first game was a 5-2 win over Queens Park at Hampden when he was a year and two months old. Probably didn't have a clue what was going on but I'll never forget him shouting at the players when they were coming back out at half time. His favourite ground is Somerset. Also due to the mascot shaking his hand and the freedom to run about the terracing.
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