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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Remember when we were on the verge of fighting to stay in the 2nd division? [sarcasm/]That was good, eh! I'd rather that than this established 1st division team carry on.[/sarcasm]
  2. Women's darts. "Betty, you require 32!" 39 darts later... "Betty, you require 28!" Bobby George's son is a complete fanny btw. Unsurprising considering he is Bobby George's son.
  3. I asked my doctor the exact same question once and she told me to check if it tastes like cold tea. Might be worth a try?
  4. Good effort. Hope it totals up to even more when you collect your pledges. Money the club didn't have my man!
  5. Decembeard is a blatant rip-off of Movember, Jimmy. Rovers supporters have been doing it for three years now and have raised a good amount which is split 50/50 with a local charity and the club itself.
  6. Gordie, how did you get on with Decembeard? Did any other Pars take part?
  7. Porno - Irvine Welsh Sequel to Trainspotting which focuses on Sick Boy's plan to become rich by becoming a porn director. Doesn't hit the heights (or depths if you want to look at it that way) that Trainspotting does but is still an excellent read. Has anyone read Ecstacy or Maribou Stork Nightmares? Recommended?
  8. Kevin Twaddle's Life on the Line was a good read, Neilly. I'm currently reading Porno by Irvine Welsh and I'm moving on to Dave Grohl's biography after that.
  9. Definitely was a 3pm kick off. I was playing at the Bevvy and headed around to the stadium straight after my game. Couldn't get in to the ground so ended up watching it on the tv trailer at the back of the ground with some Celtic supporters who also couldn't/didn't get in. One of them got stung on the lip by a wasp that flew in to the neck of his Buckfast bottle and I remember being weary about laughing in case he gave me a leathering.
  10. I pop in here every now and again to see what the developments are and the one constant that I pick up is the Pars supporters frustration at not being told directly exactly what the situation is with the club.
  11. I think that game was filmed to be he featured game on Sportscene/Scotsport but didn't actually go out live.
  12. Maybe a Flash or Java update required? Remember to remove the old versions first.
  13. I like how Bill went in to budgie mode half way through his third post.
  14. I also wish it would just go for it instead of delivering a shitey wee amount and then being all sunny and that. I want my winters to be wintry. I want to see about three hours of daylight and get my pus battered by driving, heavy snow that'll give me and my kids the option of sliding uncontrollably down a big hill on a bit of moulded plastic. Nice weather in the winter is rubbish.
  15. Do mascots get interviewed prior to the game like they do at Stark's Park?
  16. Pay at the gate on the day is an inevitability so I'm paying at the gate too.
  17. I've never wanted to see a mungo-power based rampage so much in my life.
  18. Had a wee look at his content and he had a picture of big Armand One with the hash tag #itsjohncoffey. Followed.
  19. That would probably lead to statuses as such... ''Should really learn to take my car key out the ignition before someone sets it alight haha'' ''Must admit, my car being on fire is awful haha'' ''Anybody care to spray water on my car ? Its covered in fire haha'' ''What's good to get fire off a car ?'' ''No wonder I've never got money on me, its all in my car which is on fire haha'' ''You know its going to be a long day when you walk out of the house and realise that your car is on fire haha"
  20. Cool. Thanks for the credit on the form although you didn't need to do that. I'm currently weighing up going for the Cast Away look or trying to shape it into a sophisticated looking effort that a man of great distinction would wear to try and fool people that I am a man of great distinction. Best of luck with it, my man!
  21. The Pars Trust should ask Simmons if he'll agree to sit on one of those dunk tanks before every home game. A fiver for three attempts at drowning him would see the Pars challenging for the SPL title in a season or two. Are you going ahead with Decembeard, Gordie? Super Laurie Ellis is fronting it for us this year.
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