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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Brilliant stuff, Dan! Excellent seeing these again. Didier Agathe was some player.
  2. I thought the bit at the beginning of tonight's show where the polis pulled over the driver to trick him into inhaling helium was hilarious. That was the highlight of the show though.
  3. Anyone else agree that this thread is at its best when horrific club photos from clubs in Scotland are being posted? Clubs that we might actually have visited with a chance of knowing some of the poor c***s in the photos?
  4. Some folk are just champing at the bit to revel in some failure. It'll be a hell of a lot worse when we suffer our first loss.
  5. Race Night tomorrow folks. We'd like to see as many folk there as possible to benefit the club as much as possible. Martin at Simply Pies has very kindly offered us free sausage rolls for the night so come along, have a few drinks, some of Martin's fantastic fare and hopefully win a few races for a cheap, entertaining night. The night is at Styx and first race is at 19:45. Hope to see you all there! _________________ RaithRovers200Club.webs.com
  6. Why do papers pay bampots like Provan for their ill informed bullshit? I'm confident that I could pick at least ten 'Internet Bolsheviks' from P&B alone who could write better balanced and more accurate views on football's current affairs.
  7. D'oh! Cheers Liam, all amended now! If you come down and bring 20 pals I'll buy you a drink for pointing out my mistake. The last race night we had was brilliant. Can you fire something on to your FB page when you get a moment? Thanks again!
  8. RRFC 200 Club. Information on the 200 Club Race Night and some info and pics of the refurbishment work that has been done on the new club so far.
  9. That's brilliant news. I hope they make an example out of McCoist for his despicable behaviour.
  10. I had a steak pie at the Hearts game and it was tremendous as usual. Not had a mince pie at the Rovers for ages.
  11. Crowd on Saturday was just shy of 3000. Grant Murray was saying last night that Spence is someone that he is interested in. Laurie Ellis spoke of Spence's good movement too. I get the impression that Spence will be at the club next season if terms can be agreed.
  12. Has Ally McCoist publicly apologised to RRFC for all of the trouble and loss of money he caused due to asking for the anonymous panel to be outed?
  13. Post 159... Turnbull Hutton Bang on the button Respect from us The molestors of mutton. Always loved my trips to Aberdeen, hope we have a wee cup run to be able to thank a lot of the teams who have been right behind the Rovers and Turnbull.
  14. £500 to walk about Stark's Park like a zombie?? I paid about a third of that last year to do the same in the Live the Dream game. I always thought that the actors were paid to appear in a film, not the other way about.
  15. Did we not end up getting Browne for free after a tribunal?I think Paul Harvey is still our most expensive purchase at a quarter of a million.
  16. Looked forward all night to readin reports from the game. Sounds encouraging. Can't wait for Laurie's testimonial on Saturday for a whole host of reasons.
  17. Turnbull Hutton has all of the qualities that Traynor lacks. Likability, integrity and most of all respect. Traynor is an egotistical ball bag who has to make up 'club insiders' to lend any sort of credibility to the drivel he comes out with. I know who I'd rather listen to.
  18. I think it's just a wee provisional message until the Raith Suite is done up. No doubt the website will run a bigger feature showing the new look and include the prices on that feature. I'm told that they are starting after the Jambos visit and hope to have it done very quickly thereafter.
  19. It'd be kinda similar to Chinese water torture if you made them do it every 10 seconds or so. I like your track of thought, Michael.
  20. Brian Reid? No thanks. I like my singing of, 'We are staying up, say we are staying up!' to have a positive outcome.
  21. I reckon there'll be a lot of interest in the post. I hope the club go down the 'up and coming' manager route rather than the 'failed dinosaur' route though.
  22. I'm already resigned to McGlynn leaving. I hope that the Murray/Ellis combo gets the job. It'd be great having Mickey back but that opens up the chance of his deserved legend status being dilluted if he isn't successful.
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