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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. She doesn't look happy at all, eh? Bet he's glad he's nae ears so he doesn't need to listen to her moaning pus.
  2. He reminds me of Darth Vader when Luke takes off his helmet at the end of Return of the Jedi.
  3. It's good of Eric to reply but there are a few things in his post that have been conveniently glossed over. The disregard for the 200 Club and it's ever loyal members being the one that perhaps unsurprisingly bothers me. I can also appreciate why the club are happy that the other matter regarding a well known volunteer remains private.
  4. My lasting memory of Phil Burn was making me feel shit on what should have been one of the best days of my young life. Rovers mascot for the first time and he made a cruel jibe about my long, skinny legs. So, aye...
  5. Glasgow Rangers tops all over the place today. **** just getting their wear out of them until they disappear next week again. 'We Are The People!!!' I'm a person too but I don't feel so inadequate that I need to go about reminding everyone that I am, indeed, human. Support your home town team ya bunch of c***s, they've probably more chance of the success that you all love to attach yourselves to than Ra People's club.
  6. I'm being followed by Janice Kauffman. She tweets sex tips etc and hasn't been picked up by Twitter as dodgy. Anyone else got her following or follow her? My Twitter is @andycam8 on the chance that anyone may want to follow me.
  7. I think it's only fair that you share your source of brand new, never been heard banter so the rest of us can appear as smart and witty as your bad self.
  8. Who was the walloper on here that used to get all mad when I told him that my wife didn't breast feed and that it didn't do my two kids any harm. I think he may have been clinically insane and could quite easily picture him standing outside maternity hospitals with placards urging new Mums to breast feed kids? His girl was on here too and he left the board in shame when he hung her out to dry one time...
  9. Best thing about it in my opinion is that you'll be able to play the Lotto on it soon which might bring in a few bob. I hope that they've not 200 Clubbed Jim Foy. Jim put a hoor of a work in to the old website.
  10. Ok then. Morton haven't beaten The Mighty Raith Rovers at all for over two years in that case. Morton - Raith Rovers' bitches. Unlucky.
  11. Jason Thomson plays at RB. Good move by McGlynn if true. Reece, for as much potential that I think he has, has looked a bit jaded recently.
  12. You've given up the ghost, you mean. Not all of us lose faith quite so easily. This is the worst we've been in years, aye, but we're still well in the hunt for survival.
  13. Dropping the prices is all fair and well but what if we drop the prices to £10 and the same 1700 or less turn up? The club loses money that it simply can't afford to lose. It's a gamble that the club simply can't afford to take at the moment. Don't know if it's true or not but I was told from as reliable a source as you could get at SP that McGlynn is working on a third of the budget that he had last season.
  14. I'm fairly literate so I'd like to advise you that you are a total fanny. Stop trying to be vikingTon.
  15. Sounds like something out of Tom & Jerry. Did the young lad run in to an ironing board shortly after?
  16. Yes, your 'privileged' upbringing has served you well what with being unemployed and still requiring toilet training. Never mind, you still have that acerbic wit about you...
  17. I had the fortune to be in the same class as a big, daft delight called Wullie Vanbeck. Highlights in Wullie's school career were... Bringing in a massive universal remote control to change the channel when he knew we were getting a video. This thing stuck out the top of his rucksack, needed two people to hold it and a professional boxer to punch the buttons in. Hilarity ensued when the teacher couldn't understand why the tele kept switching over. Throwing another of our classmates around a dog shit strewn field like an empty tracksuit after said classmate was mental enough to get on Wullie's bad side. Best of all though, bringing in his Mum's dildo that he must have found earlier that morning on a treasure hunt of his parent's bedroom cupboards. This thing was nearly as big as his universal remote control and had a wee smiley face painted on it. Hilarity once again ensued when he started waving it around his head when the teacher was looking the other way. Big Wullie VB = Legend.
  18. I'll support the Rovers vocally, financially and fundraising wise for as long as I, or they, are alive but I have to say that it's fucking soul destroying reading about this constant struggle to stay afloat. If my family was struggling as bad as this financially and we were on the verge of bankruptcy I'd cut everything down to the bare bones. Aye, fair enough, we'd get sick of playing Monopoly every night due to getting rid of the tv and I'd miss getting humped by super-fast fingered Chinese geniuses at Pro Evo online on the PS3 but at least we'd have a bit of money about us to provide an even footing for replenishing our luxuries through time. Raith Rovers need to go to the bare bones, part time throughout until we have a wee bit of money to be adventurous enough to push on a wee bit and bring in a few luxuries. If that means dropping down to the 3rd division and getting pumped off Montrose 4 times a season then so be it. At least we would still have the foundations in place to build on again. The way the club's finances are going at the moment, these foundations are in grave danger of crumbling beneath our feet and some serious action needs taken one way or the other before we find ourselves with nothing left to work with.
  19. I'd have more respect for you if you just admitted that you pished your pants. We've all been there, man! When we were toddlers. That isn't fake tan, that's creosote.
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